MollyOMay live webcams for YOU!


11 thoughts on “MollyOMay live webcams for YOU!

  1. You aren't here for advice OP. You know what to do, trust those who are older and not losers.

    You're here for a lonely chat maybe but you aren't going to leave

  2. You are right, thank you for sharing this

    This is my fear I do not want to be controlling, or make him feel bad.

  3. I had a close friend (he was going to be in my wedding) go NC with me once and it still hurts. I can understand why he did it (another story for another time), but I still would have wanted him to be open with me about it, and given the opportunity to hear it from him today, I'd take it. That said, your situ

  4. She's not, i mean, she refuse to do everything you like, but does it with her partners, the unique boundarie you set (no affection in front of you)she refuses to do it, and have double standards regarding you with other womans, this woman is not even close to be a good partner, and if your friends agree with that you should cut then.

  5. It's called gaslighting. There was a play in the early 1900's where this guy was having an affair, but convinced his wife she was the crazy one for being suspicious of his behavior while he was having an affair.

    If you want to break up- it's as simple as “I don't feel we're a good match, so we are broken up. I wish you the best, but I don't want to keep in touch. Take care.”

    You don't have to say why, a breakup isn't a discussion, it's not a negotiation- it's like a magic phrase of “we are broken up” that officially ends all obligation once coherently uttered. The best part is- you never have to talk or see this person again so who cares what she thinks. You can even block her and unfriend her on all forms of social media- which is highly recommended. You don't even have to address your birthday/hers, or any of whatever else is going on. It's over!

    There's never a good time to break up with someone- except right away when you know it's the right thing for yourself. I would even recommend doing it before her birthday so she can make other plans. You can return those party decorations and save yourself a lot of grief/heartache/stress. People might say you're a jerk for breaking up with her before her birthday, but it's a good time because she's already got plans to see a number of her friends/family members, so she won't be alone.

  6. I’ve just googled it and it is legal in the UK so they would have no reason to contact me about thag

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