Hi! , ? im Amy follow me on My.Club @Amy_Pretty, y.o.
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Online Live Sex Chat rooms Hi! , ? im Amy follow me on My.Club @Amy_Pretty
Date: December 17, 2022
Yeah, it's a super weird location anyways, no?
could be how you feel about it, or it could be him paying her back for all the pet sitting. Maybe just keep an eye on the situation to see if he's more friendly than normal after this.
Home life was pretty good, but my parents were divorced very early on in my life. And I heard things as a child about my mother from my father that no child should have to hear. My siblings and I basically acted as a pawn for my father. It took me MANY years to realize (only until after I had escaped my abuse) that he had actually been abusive to her, and that was a major reason for their divorce. He weaponized the children by turning us against her little by little…I won’t go into detail about what he said about her, but basically he told us what he believed would make us not want to be around her. My dad also returned home to his native country for personal reasons when I was in my late teens, and I stayed with my mom because I didn’t want to leave my own country behind. I know all of this is connected to the major struggle I had in recovering after my first abusive relationship. I think it still leaves a deep scar on me because of the fact that I didn’t really ever have the relationship with my father that I wanted to. I was a self-proclaimed “Daddy’s Girl,” and my father would be inclined to agree. But when you’re growing up with a parent who never learned to be present with his children, you grow up seeking it all your life. I have gone to therapy and have talked through a lot of the traumas and pain I’ve experienced from the past, but I do think this abusive relationship from so many years ago has been difficult because of all the crashing and burning and highs and lows…none of which are actually signs of a healthy relationship. It’s like being manic and depressed, terrified but unable to move. I know very logically the man who abused me didn’t and does not deserve me. But it’s strange, the scar he left. I am so much happier, safer, and healthier now in my current relationship. I don’t fear for my life anymore. The man I am with now doesn’t hurt me, physically or emotionally. I am safe, and we love each other. We talk often of the future…it’s just hard to have random thoughts of someone who so horribly hurt me in the past. I know I may never completely stop thinking, but it has gotten much easier over time.
He has outdated views on gender roles when it comes to household work. He fights with you about it, and doesn't take your views into account. He settles on “you need to try harder”. He SCOLDS you?!?
I mean, you've done the talking strategy and he's only dug in harder. Personally, I'd tell him it's 50/50 going forward or I'm out. And make a chore sheet to make the division of labor cleawr. This is guy who doesn't learn by talking, but by consequences. You're going to have this fight 10,000 more times in your life if you don't nip it in the bud now.
If a 54 years old is in better shape than a 26 years old then you must live the most sedentary life style ever