Mia the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Mia, 26 y.o.


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Online Live Sex Chat rooms Mia

Mia live sex chat

Date: September 29, 2022

5 thoughts on “Mia the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I have pictures on Facebook of me with pretty much every guy I've ever dated, because they are my pictures and I want them. I'm not deleting them because of someone elses jealousy issues.

    If you can't get over your boyfriend having a past before you met him, you should not be dating.

  2. He told you to block your Facebook so you can’t get anymore info. He was wearing the same clothes as the video. You know what is going on .

  3. Does he have some kind of trauma?

    A year is a bit long to not be sure. Good that he is making plans though.

    If a guy is interested in you you wont have to chase him. He will chase you.

    If I was in your shoes I would start to distance myself. “We have been in a situationship for a year, I need more of a commitment and if you really wanted to be with me I would not have to chase you. I think we need to take some time apart.” Then move on, value yourself and your time.

  4. I don't really understand why people are against OP. Sure he may have been a little crass but I feel like if you were working hard for something, say you've been talking about doing something and have spent a whole year saving for it only for someone to “gift” you it. I'd be appreciative but it would also knock the wind out from under me and probably make me feel like everything I just did was for nothing. I struggled all this time for someone to just simply hand it to me instead. Sure I've still got the money there but that wasn't the point.

  5. Divorce her. Communication is important. You seem like you wanted to communicate. Instead she went on a date and likely was dating before that picture.

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