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Me_known19live sex stripping with hd cam


9 thoughts on “Me_known19live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Time. You need time to get to know the other person, so you can make informed decisions like being exclusive, moving in together, buying property together, or creating life together.

    These are not decisions to leave to chance or whim. You need to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that your partner will be a safe harbor not only for you, but any children you may have together.

    Dump him, get therapy. He showed you who he is. Move on to better things. You’re right, your future kids, and you above all, deserve so much better.

  2. He was in the room when I smelled it, so of course I asked him first… It’s not like my mom would know, she physically can’t get up to this floor, since she can’t use stairs, and my sons were in at home when I smelled this… So really, who else would I have asked at that moment?

  3. You can back and fourth if you like that’s cool m8 . You seek attention. Rather than piss off when understanding you no longer needed to be heard from. But you will comment again so this will continue I suppose

  4. This is the key, why is going to be different this time? What are both going to do to not fall in the same mistakes again?

    Also take into consideration that she is no longer the same person you once falled in love, if you want to do this, you need to go very slow and think this as a relationship with a new person, do not hang up into memories, start from zero.

  5. Head over to the subreddit on narcissists. You will recognize all the language of a budding narc. He is making the problem small, the dress or him, to distract you from the real choice: make him happy or else he leaves. He was there for you with your sister, but that was fine for him to do that because it made you dependent on him for relief. He is the same as he was in high school, he said so. He just didn’t say anything. But he now feels in more control. He wants control. His reasons are ridiculous. And now it comes out. Remember, FIRST relationship. Not last. The band-aid sucks, rip it anyway, for no other reason than you will see another side of him when he changes after relalizing you didn’t give in to him.

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