MarianaHotXX live webcams for YOU!


MarianaHotXX Public Chat Channel

Date: October 25, 2022

9 thoughts on “MarianaHotXX live webcams for YOU!

  1. You don’t know her life. You don’t know what she’s been through or her views on sex. If it bothers you to such an extent you can’t overlook it, just end things. If you want to get to know her better, discuss how you want to take it slow physically. It might open a conversation about sex, intimacy, and what you both require to feel comfortable taking your relationship to that level.

  2. Carry around a piece of paper that says

    I did not consent to being filmed and she refuses to be an adult and respect my right to refuse

    Hold it in front of your face every time she turns her phone toward you. It'll ruin her shots and force her to edit you out.

  3. True, but then I think back to high school and what my 18 year old nieces/nephews are like. They’re still idiots and many are not as mature as we might think/remember 18 year olds being (I get he was 19, but my point is that they’re still very young)

  4. Honestly I'd report it to her HR department, fuck home wreckers.

    If you can get screen shots of his advancements and her turning him down. Also if there's video like door bell video and stuff I'd get all of that and add it to your report to their HR

    tell them he's harassing your gf and making unwanted advancements towards her.

  5. Sex drive has nothing to do with someone's gender. Some men have low sex drives, some women have high sex drives and vice versa. From your post it's pretty obvious that you're asexual, OP. You don't have much, if any desire for sexual intimacy in a relationship. However, a lot of people do, both men and women. Your ex either had a normal or higher sex drive. So fundamentally, you two are completely incompatible because yes, sexual compatibility is a deal breaker in relationships.

    If you're not compatible in that area, no matter how well every single other area of a relationship is, it won't work. It just won't. So from here, you can learn from this experience OP, and be aware of these things next time you try for a relationship. Your best bet will be to find a guy who is also asexual like yourself. And honestly, your ex handled this in the absolute best way someone could handle it. He didn't cheat, he didn't pressure you into anything or worse. He was very rational and just came to the logical conclusion that you two won't work out long term. Honestly, it's something that hopefully you'll eventually be thankful for how he handled the situation. It could've gotten ugly if he was a bad person. Best of luck to you in your future relationships

  6. Oh god, get out now before she “accidentally” gets pregnant and you’re stuck financing her insane whims for the rest of your life.

    Expecting your boyfriend to buy you a horse is insane behavior. And then you’ll be on the hook for stable costs, equipment, vet bills… this is insane.

    She’s using you. Cut your losses and end it

  7. “He mentioned that if I trusted him fully this shouldn't be a problem.”

    Just read my post if you can. I trusted my bf and I just lost everything. My case might be dramatic or different than yours, but I really wish I didn’t leave my career to be with him and just “trust” him, because I’m now it’s a huge problem for me.

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