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elizathemodellive sex stripping with hd cam


9 thoughts on “elizathemodellive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I mean not really, she didn't do anything wrong. The way you describe your relationship with her, sounds like a basic friendship. You could have told her that you had feelings for her but didn't. You waited to long to shoot your shot and the buzzer ran out.

  2. I would personally take it as a compliment. If the sex was bad, she wouldn't be trying to remember it, she's probably had lots of disappointments

  3. Usually the person issued the no-contact/restraining/protective order does not take it seriously. The person who does the leg work to get one actually has to do a lot. In my state it’s put before a judge, and they are the one who says yes or no.

    This whole situation is insanely messed up. I kinda wonder if OP actually did hurt her. Spitting is horrible, hitting your spouse is equally horrible.

  4. I've seen it, but is it normal in USA to share a room? Thought it was just some people.

    Would be really strange here!

  5. You do not owe him sex. You do not owe ANYONE sex. Ever. For any reason. What is happening is rape. Period. It is rape. You're being manipulated and you're being raped. I don't care if he does chores, makes a good income, brings you flowers and tells you whatever you need to hear in between raping you to keep you manipulated. He is not a good man. Good men don't rape. Rape is rape. Marriage doesn't negate rape. Nothing negates rape. If you don't actively want sex, it's rape. If you change your mind mid way through and they won't stop its rape. When you tell them it hurts and to stop and they won't it's rape. When they start having sex with an unconscious person who cannot consent it's always always rape. Please get your children away from this man so they don't end up brainwashed victims who think they owe men sex as well.

  6. Why is your way the only way? And why are you so adamant about it? My mom was a single parent since I was 7. She dated and lived with multiple men until getting married again. None of the men were required to become a parent as you say. None of them had rules dictating that they couldn't get weekends away when living with us, let alone before that. We weren't their kids. Me and my siblings grew up just fine. Hell even our mom had weekend brakes, not monthly but occasionally when relatives or friends took care of us. The guy she married was away a lot and it worked for them. Why are you trying to say that your way is the only way? I don't judge how you live your life but trying to say other people can't compromise or live life another way is just foolish.

    If the relationship is fine otherwise why brake it without any compromise? Hell I know people who let the other actual parent get brakes every month or every other month while the other takes care of the kids. Are they all wrong even if they are happy and have a loving relationship? Or people that travel for work?

  7. About 10 years(?) ago I was severely depressed and had been in denial about it for at least 2 years. My life was on a downward slide and I lost my job, I went into debt and because of that I didn’t pay my bills so I was about to be evicted from my apartment.

    So I asked my family to take me in long enough to get on my feet, which would have amounted to me living with them and helping out with some chores maybe and paying maybe a little towards rent.

    Well… Nobody took me in and I was told that I was a burden they didn’t want to take on, except for my mother. I didn’t take her up on her offer because that would have resulted in even worse depression and would have probably put me in a mental health facility.

    Anyways… Not getting the help I was asking for forced me to start taking the steps to better my situation. I got myself financial and mental help. It took a long time and I struggled but the tough love I got from my family did force me to help myself. And my family did support me in that process. In that time I hated them and felt utterly and totally abandoned by them and yes, I do still have some trust issues stemming from that time, but rationally I can see that it was the best thing they could have done for me in that moment. I wasn’t helping myself by asking to move in with them, I was running away from my problems and trying to get other people to take care of me. I needed help and support but also a reality check and a kick under my butt to start doing the work I wasn’t doing to get myself to a better place.

  8. Have you considered that you're the side guy? I mean, total blackout from her life, sneaking all the time, no labels, etc.

    If she wanted to date you she would. You're 23, go find someone that actually wants you.

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