SaraEnolalive sex stripping with hd cam


4 thoughts on “SaraEnolalive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Tbh I would be tempted to try and see what the fuck they got going on in there. Clearly the rest of us have been doing it wrong.

  2. No way.

    She has a very warped and insecure view of women in general and the purpose of therapy.

    Don’t give up with your therapist if you are confident in them. Feeling like you aren’t making progress is something to talk about in therapy. There’s no emotional betrayal here. You’re not talking to another woman, you’re talking to a professional equipped to counsel you. If she’s talking about self-harm in relation to you getting medical treatment (wtf), confide in your therapist for strategies, and call 911 for her own sake.

    She is not a healthy person to be around and isn’t supportive of your well-being. I’m sure that’s hard to hear, but to be better yourself, you probably have to do it without her.

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