Ki the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Ki, 22 y.o.


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Ki live sex chat

Date: October 11, 2022

33 thoughts on “Ki the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Do you think that just because you are pregnant you can do no wrong? Lots of men partners leave their pregnant girlfriends/wife for a lot less. Why are you so insulted?

  2. Yes she cheated. Doesn't matter if she's decided she's bisexual or not, it doesn't give her a free pass to play around with other women. Hope you're ok OP.

  3. You've been voted down because it's not just men that no sex is a deal-breaker a lot of women too are HL myself included

  4. I will definitely google that and try to explain to him. I know it comes from a lack of skills as we both are autistic and autism makes communication and connection harder. I am a bit different on that because I studied psychology and I try to close the gap between me and people. He do not have interest in psychology though so he doesn't understand the importance of emotional support. He does care about me but he doesn't understand my needs. I hope to be able to explain things well enough to him. Maybe if we work together we'll be able to overcome this.

    But you are right, change can be difficult for adult… So I'm a bit worried.

  5. So she quit her job, ran up debt sitting around not working, and her solution is to find a man to pay it for her.

  6. I'm usually a pretty placid guy, especially now I'm older but this would make my blood boil in his shoes

    What happens if you get it, you moving out for a few days? What if both of you get it like most people on the planet, you both going to a hotel?

    If I came home I'll and found my wife and family (living in my home) had conspired to have me stay elsewhere

    I'd spend those days thinking about making it permanent which is probably what he is doing

    As is min when I came back the inlaws would need to go, so I could then concentrate on if my wife actually respected and cared for me above her family

    I dont know your husband but if he feels like I would, anything less than you doing 100% damage control would seriously harm the marriage

  7. As a psych major, your roommate is cringey and annoying as fuck.

    She is doing a masters in psychology and always tells me that “she knows everyone's secrets and problems”

    What an absolute idiot.

    What should I do?

    Stop playing along with her delusions. Shut it down on the spot.

  8. Figure out how she spends her time when she is not with you. Is she “doing” physical things? Cooking, cleaning, exercising, shopping, drawing, decorating? Is she doing thinking things like word games? Is she socializing? Talking to friends, family, going to parties, meeting people, helping people, playing card games? Is she sleeping? Working? Playing video games? Watching TikTok? Posting on social media?

  9. Honestly, I am glad he allowed them to “manipulate” him. Because it caused him to break up with her, and she’s now able to find partner she deserves. He sounds just as shitty as they do. Wanting to coerce her into doing psychedelics because he wants her to do it. She has justified reasons as to why she doesn’t want to do them, he needs to leave her alone.

  10. nope, not true. I was a social worker. I've seen the consequences of verbal, psychological and emotional abuse. Not true AT ALL.

  11. First of all, who pays the mortgage? If it's you, you need to insist on being added to the deed or it's a straight up D-I-V-O-R-C-E. She is controlling as hell and you're getting next to no benefits from this marriage.

  12. Here's how to approach this in a general manner: 1) ask to talk 2) apologize for what you said, sincerely. Don't say things like “I'm sorry your feelings got hurt”. Do say things like “I'm sorry I said those things to you, I understand why it hurt you” 3) let her know that you appreciate the thoughtfulness and intention of the gift from her 4) explain the feelings/emotions/reasons behind why you wanted to buy it for yourself 5) profit

  13. Well you can try to claim yourself as a dependent on his next tax return since you’re clearly a child who feels entitled to his money lmao

  14. Its interesting there are a lot of women who read rape fantasy stories that, wouldn't want any part of it in real life, Pirates ,vampires, the billionaire's?

    look at fifty shades , sex submission, at least a borderline rape fantasy probably read by 99% women.

  15. Do you consider a blowjob cheating? If so, then he cheated. Who gave him the blowjob doesn't matter. He cheated. Do NOT make this out as your fault!!!! This has nothing to do with your body parts. HE decided to put his wiener somewhere else. It is all him. NOT YOU, HIM ALL HIM! This is all his fault. HE did this. HE cheated. HE went out, while you were caring for others and HE decided to put his dick where it shouldn't be. HIM. HIM. Not you.

  16. Funny how it makes me sad what you are saying – because I think you are exactly right: he might have been looking for something easy, fitting into his time schedule. The dates were just so sweet and intimate and relationship-y that I didn't really consider that he is just in for something casual

  17. I know why, I felt broken and alone. I felt unwanted and like a second to everything else in her life. And I me EVERYTHING else felt like a higher priority than our relationship

  18. You don’t need to be friendly, you only need to be professional.

    Next time he makes a weird comment or asks you out say “when you make comments about my appearance, it makes me uncomfortable. I don’t enjoy it. I don’t want to hang out outside of work, I want to keep this as a strictly professional relationship. Please respect my boundaries.”

    Also go to HR so they’re aware of this. It’s not a big fuss. HE is being inappropriate. Not you.

  19. Time to end it. If he gets this worked up over a toilet roll do you really want to find out what happens if you do something worse then this?

  20. Hi. I’m so sorry this is happening to you.

    1) The property of the “cat”. As the animal’s “primary caregiver” you are it’s Owner. The friend needs to give back the cat as your ex-husband (*see #2) had no rights to the Ownership as a secondary caregiver.

    2) The Husband. Okay, I’m going to take a breath. Your cat has a job. It is your emotional support animal. That job is crucial for the ongoing mental health struggles you have been through regarding the loss of your Dad and other things that may happen and require a coping mechanism much like your Father’s Death. Your Husband doesn’t have to understand your coping mechanisms; they aren’t for him. They are for you. If he wants to debate your mental health as well as the healthy support of a Support Animal he can argue these two things in front of a judge, during your divorce.

    I have a lot of experience with Mental Health, Animal Supports for Mental Health as well as Death and Grieving Supports. Along with PTSD, Anxiety, Depression, Cancer and NDEs as well as Death. With regards to your Dad and the cat. I don’t need to validate what you know. You already know it. I’ve seen too much to say you’re wrong, and seen more that leads me to believe in HOW you feel.

    Your Husband needs to understand what he did was not in keeping with the vows of a Husband to Protect and Love. None of this was done with love. So if it wasn’t then what was it done with. Malice? He sounds like a Bully.

    Legally and Ethically he’s in the wrong, at least in the place and laws where I live.

    Platonic Love and Kindness Internet Stranger

  21. Girl yea he felt remorse after he basically was about to get some nudes. Maybe next time, he will feel remorse after meeting another girl in person. Then the next time it will be after a make-out session, then after that after having sex but he won't tell you. That's why he hasn't said anything about this.

  22. Based strictly on what you have said, I doesnt seem like she cheated or wants to necessarily cheat, but it is highly suspicious and disrespectful. If its feasible, can you both go on a nice little vacation just to get away from the daily grind?

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