AylaAngel live webcams for YOU!


AylaAngel Public Chat Channel

Date: November 4, 2022

16 thoughts on “AylaAngel live webcams for YOU!

  1. Don't try and force him, allow him the space to figure out what he genuinely wants. You really don't want to end up with someone who doesn't truly want you but they felt forced. Try and find something to entertain your brain for a little while and enjoy yourself xx

  2. He isn't ignoring the pain, he won't touch me at all or let me touch him. He seems to think that just because one thing hurts we can't do anything. It didn't used to be like that and I don't know what changed exactly.

  3. I think it is pretty funny and relatively harmless but I can guarantee the comments here would be different if it was grandpa being the bearer of gifts.

  4. Comment from OP

    “I remember that I told her when we started living together with the words, literally, “I don't like kids and I don't know if one day I would want one”, but in that moment she was 25 and I was 22. She said that i would change my mind with the time.”

    So they did discuss it, and OP made it clear that he doesn't like kids and doesn't know if he would ever want one. Sure he should have ended it at that time when they discussed this, but the same can be said for her. If she knew that OP didnt like kids and likely would never want them, she should have at the time also ended things and not just stayed expecting his mind to change with time.

  5. He is not even TRYING to set boundaries with this friend while he and literally his whole friend group knows she wants him. That's extra embarrassing and humiliating for you as his GF honestly. I was in the same situation once and let's just say it ended up in me dumping him. Never ever tolerate this type of shit. My ex thought I'd never leave despite his very inappropriate friendship with his girl best friend.

    But I did and of course he started crying and begging for forgiveness. But he never cared about me expressing boundaries for almost a year prior. All while this chick openly told our mutual friends he was her first love and both of them talking about their flirting and sexting/sexcamming in the past in front of everyone and in front of me.

    A man who puts friends before their partner will always make you feel like a second choice and never a priority. You do not deserve that. Respect yourself.

  6. Even if he decided to get married now, would you be able to forget what he said? Your relationship is over. Don’t feel bad about the 6 years, he played you. Leave him and find someone who truly wants to be with you, type a, anxious, whatever

  7. You've been looking for help with your grandma believing in conspiracy theories but not for yourself? You are 100% certain on this but still won't give an age within a year, like someone could use that to track you down? You're telling reddit and not your boyfriend?

    Look, if this is a real plan (which you should articulate because I'm not sure how no one would know), you obviously should not do it. It sounds like therapy was beneficial once and probably would be again. If you aren't being serious, that's good, but it's a sick thing to do and you should still consider therapy.

  8. Okay love, you know you have to cut that shit out, don't you. You need to talk to someone about this before you potentially lose him for good.

  9. I was once told that “forgiveness isn’t for the one asking for it, it’s for the one giving it” so go ahead and forgive him for yourself and so you can heal and keep moving. Does he deserve it? No. Has he changed? No. But you have grown and thrived and he likely thinks you stole the life he was promised.

  10. It was only 2 months, you didn’t waste that much time. Get over it and move on, and just be glad that you dodged a bullet really quickly.

  11. This is what a delusional person would say. Look, the girl you fell in love with is not there anymore. This sunk cost fallacy you are experiencing ignores the fact that the woman you have now is not the same as the one you fell in love with. Move on.

  12. He's NOT good.

    “In the first 6 months of our relationship, I noticed over time he was getting on his phone more, dressing better, not telling me plans he made with his family till the day of or before, he would pick fights with me about the smallest things to the point of making me cry and walk out of the room…”

    Just my observation, but it does sound like he is a cheat and is actively trying to get you to walk out on him so that he can play the victim (and/or testing you to see how much abuse you'll take). “Waaaah, my crazy ex-girlfriend left me for no reason!”

    Run. Run FAST and HARD. Get the fuck away from him. He is abusive to you.

  13. It's not pathetic, it's perfectly understandable. When you're someplace unfamiliar and make your first friend there we all have a tendency to overlook some red flags with that person just so we can maintain the social connection.

    Is there any way to remain close to the other members of this friend group while distancing yourself from the den mother? She does NOT sound like a good friend to you, at all. Rather than have a confrontation with her about it (which would likely not get a satisfactory outcome for you, she seems like the type to never admit that she was wrong or insensitive) you could just interact with her much less while maintaining your same level of contact with the rest of the group, if that's something you want to do.

  14. Move on, she has the right to wait for sex and you have the right to be with someone who wants to be sexually active.

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