Vanne-Lopeez live webcams for YOU!


My big boobs are burning and your cum can calm this fire [25 tokens remaining]

Date: November 24, 2022

10 thoughts on “Vanne-Lopeez live webcams for YOU!

  1. Listen, I wouldn’t be okay with my wife hanging out with a bunch of men either but there is no excuse to not speak with your kid for 3 years!

    For all intents and purposes, you did abandon him for 3 years. Doesn’t matter if a lawyer told you to.

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  3. Exactly. The more I think about the more red flags I’m seeing. I do want some actual answers so I’ve decided to go ahead as planned with dinner. Her flirting with people online doesn’t bother me and it’s not something I’d be suspicious of in any other circumstance. We’re both fine if we flirt outside the relationship. We just have boundaries beyond that. It’s not something that I’d even give a second thought to and the messages were pretty cut and clear. Nothing that would indicate any kind of emotional attachments. But we’ve always been open and honest about everything. So the fact that she would even need to hide what’s going on with her coworker is weird.

  4. He also told me that there were many smaller things that annoy him but he never talked to me about it so I could change something.

    This is why you didn’t have many fights. It’s because he’s probably a people pleaser or he’s conflict avoidant (easy to google). People like this seem like great partners until they’re frustrations build up to the point that it starts showing up in passive aggressive comments or jokes. And then when they do talk there’s so many issues they bring up or it’s hard to trust them afterwards as they had all these issues but never said anything. And this type of approach to conflict is pretty entrenched by his age, so with out therapy he’ll probably keep doing this. So has poor conflict resolution skills, along with him maybe wanting kids, and him wanting his freedom to be wild, I’d say give him his freedom and move on. But don’t wait for him. Even if he gets his wildness out of his system and decides he doesn’t want kids, his poor conflict resolution skills will make it hard to trust him moving forward. Better to not waste more time and instead start looking for someone more compatible.

  5. Do you really think your mostly vanilla BF with be okay with an open relationship? Have you thought about what you are going to do if you are met with a no from him? Your needs issue with be a continuing issue going forward and build resentment towards your situation. Maybe leave and find someone that can meet your needs.

  6. As a monogamous guy that tried poly/enm for a year when she decided she couldn't be monogamous anymore (I was her first monogamous relationship really, and she was able to do it for 3 years), I second this. You have fundamentally different views, and that's OK, but neither of you are going to be happy.

  7. Sounds like he did his portion of the paperwork and she didn’t do hers. Yea she fucked up his life in a major way. Immigration is extremely expensive and a very very very long process that can take decades.

  8. You need to stop that kind of talk. No 4-yr-old should be saying stuff like that.

    Next time she does, wait until she calms down, and tell her that the word HATE is not allowed in your family. Tell her it's okay to be angry with you. You can be angry with people you love, or even not like them sometimes, but no matter how angry we get, we still love each other

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