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Date: November 1, 2022
It’s not about going to school. It’s about being $100,000 in debt and not having an income for 2 years. You are not being realistic. Get a job and build up savings and then decide on training for another job. But she has to be realistic about not spending money. She can’t have it both ways.
Okay so you ask questions that aren’t really your business to begin with, then you get upset at the things you wanted to hear. You see how that doesn’t make sense? If that shit bothers you so much, then remain ignorant. And at your big age, it’s not remotely reasonable to expect to be anyone’s first. Whatever you have to do to make it happen, get over it
The real story is the femboy thing here not the watching of porn
So he has a pimp kink and you’re asking if it’s ok that you do this for him?
Ask him how much he wants you to charge and what percentage he will take. Do it properly.
Wtf do I do?
Have some self respect.
You’re acting like a person who believes they are garbage and deserves to be treated like garbage.
You’re telling this pathetic loser that it’s perfectly fine to treat you like garbage, and are now shocked that he’s treating you like garbage.
You’ve mentioned like 10 different things that most people who would consider absolute dealbreakers. And yet you’re just accepting this treatment as though it were normal.
If you listen to no other advice please listen to this: unprotected sex is not a “gift” you give to someone. It is a SERIOUS risk to your health. Stop doing this.
Thank you for taking the time to write these kind words! I appreciate ?
All the hints i'm getting are about the car.
Maybe…but why would he delete it for both of us and not just in his chat? Do you think he was flirting?
Pets are not “trial runs” to see if someone's behaviour improves. That poor dog will be having to endure constant verbal abuse from her if you don't remove him straight away.
Ps, I hope you're not considering children.
Bro you don't seem to understand you will be 100% liable for her under the law financially.
She cannot be a burden to the tax payers, by sponsoring her you will be responsible to take care of her financially for 10 years.
I repeat do not continue the application. Cancel it immediately
I'm not in denial I know my preference, but thank you for the advice
I’m having a hard time believing you’re 25 years old. How is jacking it to porn better than doing it to someone he actually liked? Someone he liked before you were even together? Someone who probably had a realistic body and a real personality? It shows he isn’t so far gone on porn he maybe wants a real connection.
You call the police and have them escort you to the shelter. Get out now before something really bad happens.
Why dont you understand why that would be an issue for him? He doesn’t want drug users around his kid. Period. Yes leave him, you cannot be so casual about this kind of thing with someone who has a kid, you’re incompatible.
Ooo yo mom a ho
Man dump the asshole why are you even questioning this? Why would you want to come back from this? You can’t magically undo what has been done and unless you’re willing to spend your life with a man who will happily fuck your mother, you need to start making some life choices that are good for you. Staying with him ain’t it
Also your mother is a hussy and shit parent, make sure she knows that
It’s abuse plain and simple. You have set boundaries and asked him not to do these things repeatedly.. He has no respect for you. Couples counseling or divorce. Those are the options.
Actually no, three dates is pretty standard. Over 50% are first night in my experience. Anyway this is why I am suggesting she not agree to go if she has firmly decided to not have sex. She should stick to public places until she's ready.
You are missing the point. OP feels betrayed because they hid this and then he didn’t feel enough comfort. The hurt is from the lies, not their lifestyle. Choosing to not want them in his life is not emotional blackmail. He simply cannot handle that interaction which is understandable.
Imagine if you woke up 16 years into a relationship and the other person suddenly dropped the fact they had been poly for year? Would you have trust for that person? This totally shattered the identity he had, his vision of his parents, and their family system. This is a reasonable response to finding this out in an unreasonable way. Had they been open and he found out in other ways it probably wouldn’t have had the same result.
Oh I'm sure she's a decent person, but I said a decent partner, who celebrates your wins, mourns your losses, loves you for who you are rather than who they want you to be.
A retreat sounds like an excellent idea, always! 🙂
You should stop drinking.
You're better off without her if she is swayed that easily.
You have been together six years there is no easy way to do this so be a grown-up and pull your big boy pants up and just break up with her.
Maybe she wasn’t into you?
you married her and had a kid with her knowing she comes from a racist family. you can't expect someone someone cut their family out of their lives for you and you shouldn't have married her expecting her to. hopefully you can resolve this. look into couples counseling.
Well… invoilve yourself with reigios zealots and … surprise! the unexpected zealotry always appears.
Advice? To be honest, get away from him. Zealotry ONLY gets worse with time. Besides he's a scumbag for judgying you while HE was getting and enjoying the bj ( drunk with pleasure my ass, what a mysoginist guy ).
Yes, given the circumstances of the break up it was reasonable of him to doubt the pregnancy. When he assumed she would abort she didn't exactly dissuade him of that notion and never tried to contact him again after giving birth. There are no innocents (other than the children) here. Best advice has already been given, talk to a lawyer.
These people should never be allowed to keep their children. That is closed to cruelty and abuse.
I’d recommend therapy.
Yea…third paragraph down….he has spent more than $8000 in specialists, allergist, dermatologist and under went different types of allergy tests
Congratulations on your engagement. Enjoy this time together.
My dad proposed to my mom on April 1st and 48 years later I married my husband on April 1st, too.
Just break up with him. He doesn’t respect you and doesn’t consider you his girlfriend at all.
I think you are just going to have to weigh what is more important to you, but I can say from someone who has had many one night stands it really isn't worth it. You're not missing out on anything at all really, one night stand sex is generally mediocre and having sex with someone who you like and who knows your body is much better.
That being said, maybe if you choose not to go down that path and to stay with your girlfriend you might end up thinking about what ifs and whether you were missing out. You might end up with some resentment because you feel like you'll never get another chance to do it.
If it's important enough to you to get this out of your system then I absolutely think you should do it because it might bother you in future, but like I said you are really not missing out on anything. Media portrays it to be much more fun and enjoyable than it is, when really it is just awkward and the sex is meh.
Hope this helps.