TrinityBlair live webcams for YOU!



Date: November 5, 2022

14 thoughts on “TrinityBlair live webcams for YOU!

  1. Do what makes you happy. You could also talk to her about why you have reservations, I don't see any point in avoiding doing something that could benefit you out of fear of offending somebody.

  2. Make a progress chart. Grab a piece of butcher paper, tape it to the wall, form boxes to make a calendar. Only do an X on days where he has appropriately dealt with trash/litter/his things on the floor. Show him the streak.

    If there's no measurable streak, well. There you go.

    If that doesn't work, do a separation. Move out, but still date, until he can prove he can maintain a household by himself?

    Idk, there are very limited options when someone categorically refuses to change.

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  4. I work in HR. It’s inappropriate what she’s doing.

    What I recommend doing before talking to HR, if he decide to do so:

    Make sure his HR team is safe and not hell bent on making sure any member of management keeps their job regardless of violating company policies or even laws

    Potentially he could tell his boss that he won’t be as available via text on his off time as he is spending more time with his wife and kids. Then he just stops replying to her and keeps the interactions at work

    He could ask his coworkers if she does to anyone else. If he’s the only one, red flag.

    He needs to make sure she won’t retaliate against him. HR can’t prevent retaliation regardless of what they say unless they are working with management on performance reviews and terminations. I’ve prevented someone from being fired in retaliation before, but that because I was the only HR leader working on employee relations at that company, so I knew what the manager was trying to pull. He may need to switch managers or teams.

  5. Are you nuts? Get that woman out of your house if you have to carry her home, and never speak to her again. Blaming this shit on your wife's insecurities.. I can't even.

  6. I wouldn't jump to straight dumping like everyone on this sub likes to advice.

    Have a sit down and a chat with her like a real adult. Maybe figure out why (I'm personally into that stuff so don't class it as cheating if she wasn't involved), also set down some boundaries and let her know how you feel.

  7. Most of Reddit doesn’t leave the basement. There’s no way they’d know.

    Mortgage alone can be 4k.

  8. Time to do a deep dive into all her messaging. Get passwords to all social media and review before she deletes everything (if she hasn't already).

    The thing is, if she is into someone else, you'll find out eventually – now that you know this is a real possibility.

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