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Tatiana_Xlive sex stripping with hd cam


80 thoughts on “Tatiana_Xlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Do you mean it’s becoming more common for women to do this? I could see that being true – but keep in mind it’s very common for men to treat dating this way – and they even get praised for it by other men. I think it is a norm for young men and has been for some time.

    In my experience many men will continue to sleep around right up until you declare exclusivity. A few of my guy friends have explained it to me as “if I want something serious with a girl, but I don’t know if it’s going to work out, I don’t want to get rid of my other options.” My guy friends have even talked about their “rosters” and they maintain a “roster” even while pursuing someone they really like.

    To be clear, I see nothing wrong with this, whether it’s men or women doing it. If I go on a date with a guy I never assume that I’m the only girl he’s seeing. It’s just naive. Dating is for figuring out if you’re compatible, and it’s impossible to know that after one date.

    Personally I operate a bit like you, my energy for dating/hookups is very low and I only really have interest in keeping up with one person, if that. But I don’t see anything wrong with single people acting single, and I don’t understand the commenters here who are judgmental of that.

  2. Do you have a closet he can sound proof? That’s absolutely unreasonable to ask you to be dead quiet for hours after you get off work.

  3. OK….got it….. you got what you wanted and you are leaving shortly.

    Why try to make some major issue out of this?

    Unless you are craving a repeat use of her body when you come back.

    In that case you need to do quite a bit more misrepresentation to

    goad her into expecting something more and motivating her to wait

    for you only to the exclusion to other opportunities.

  4. He straight up a cheater and you’re allowing him to be. If you’re okay with it then just have an open relationship where you see other people but you’re still together or get a divorce. If I were you I’d get revenge and get a happy ending of my own let see how the hubby likes that. I’m all about revenge if I’m the one being wronged first. You gotta equal the playing field. Ofc it’s up to you. I know people who are still married even though they know their spouse is openly cheating on them. I personally can never handle that unless I’m doing my own thing as well. Good luck

  5. Yeah, treat this as water over the dam. Let it go. There's nothing there to worry about so don't make it into a big deal.

  6. He is the one that doesn’t sound ready. His anger and manipulative behaviour are pretty concerning and if I were him I would want to get that in check.

    While your insecurities are a big challenge, at least you acknowledge them and are working on them. Once you have explained this it is his job to decide if he wants to work with you to improve, which isn’t done by being angry and just silencing you so you bottle it up. Where is the love and compassion? Now, I also think it would be fair for him to step away from the relationship while you are dealing with the insecurities… but that’s not what he is doing, he is making it more difficult for you to work through things.

    Let me guess, all these fights you have are him having angry out bursts?


  7. If other peoples advice doesn’t help just start saying your exs trained you good too. Fire head? Wasn’t always like that. Good cook? Ex was a REALLY good teacher.

  8. Man I feel for you. I experienced this after twelve years of marriage. We were coincidentally also 20 and 24 when we got together. Painful at the time but I see now that it was out of my control.

  9. She’s being unfair and adding a baby in the mix this is going to be 10x worse. If you’re paying 70% of the bills then you shouldn’t really have to do any cleaning or housework right?

  10. “For any future relationships.” Thankfully not everyone is hyper insecure so hopefully he doesn’t have to learn any lesson from this besides the fact some people are just insecure and are stalkers.

  11. Even though some level of discomfort is normal the first time, as other have mention it would be a good idea to see a doctor, because you never know. Also maybe it's time to start getting to know yourself and what you like on your own ( if you know what i mean) and yhen telling your partner about your new findings. I don't know if there is something wrong with you or not, but if there is, please remember there are options

  12. What cheers me up is when my bf tries to make me laugh or does an activity with me he knows I like, something to show he cares. If that doesn’t work and she won’t respond to you then I would suggest giving her space and stop trying to pry it out of her. It seems that she likes the attention and is purposefully making it harder on you. Stonewalling is a very immature thing to do and her responses show she is punishing you, she knows what she’s saying hurts you. When she is calm/happy I would try having a conversation with her about how to make her happy in the future and then write that down in notes on your phone. But honestly if after trying to make her happy doesn’t work and she starts to ignore you then I would just do your own thing until she comes around.

  13. Not to be too blunt, but she’s laughing at you over this because you have stayed. Now she sees your 3x your out as a bit of a joke. She thinks she can do what she wants with no consequences. Now that you made it clear you wont tolerate being abused, you need to stick to it. Otherwise you are giving her permission (in her mind) to continue. She isn’t taking it seriously, because you haven’t. Abuse is not ok.

    Sorry this is happening, but you need to stand your ground and leave.

  14. Her cheating is one thing. But doing it when u just got assaulted and when ur in the hospital is so much worse. If she just cheated on you there is a small possibility that u guys could reconcile or smth but her fuking the dude after hearing that u got assaulted. This is beyond repair. Even if she was drunk u being injured should’ve stopped her. And she also said in her own words she didn’t care abt the fact that u were in the hospital. Is this the kind of person u want to spend the rest of ur life with. Just think abt it. And also u don’t love her right now. U love the memories u had with her. Pls think logically and I hope u make the right decision. Keep in mind she didn’t just cheat she literally did not give a fu*k abt u getting assaulted and used it to plan her time with the dude.

  15. The way you talk about being unable to let him go is something you should discuss in therapy. I’ve been that way and have a lot of trauma and found out I have bpd. You sound a LOT like me and if that’s not a warning sign idk how to convince you. I get that no internet stranger will talk you into leaving but the expression of your attachment is definitely one of the signs.

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  18. Dude this is actually kinda genius-if OP we’re to start bringing up a bunch of stuff from childhood that the girlfriend would react nostalgically to it could really piss off her dad.

  19. Hello /u/rulerofeverything180,

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  20. He's basically told you straight up that he knows his behavior is garbage and that he has absolutely no intention on changing. You cant help someone who is content with the way things are. He doesnt want help. He also likely doesnt have the internal resources to manage this relationship anymore.

  21. I don't get the sense he values hard work. He seems more bothered he has to work and she doesn't. I bet if she offered to take care of him he'd happily sit at home all day with her.

  22. At some point in life, well past being 29, you have to let go of your childhood. You may concentrate on being a better parent yourself. It's healthier.

  23. He IS intentionality making them uncomfortable and probably hurting them. Cats meow and hiss for a reason. You know he's wrong and he's trying to convince you otherwise. So you used a “tone” with him after repeatedly telling him to not squeeze the cats. Honestly keep him on the couch and throw the couch away.

  24. Why don’t you just the wife why she asked you that? You’ve been friends for a while, see what she says. She asked. You declined. I don’t see why this has to be a friendship ending situation.

  25. yeah even if you don't have the ovaries removed, they can still act up from the surgery. I'm 11 weeks out from mine and it's like I'm going through puberty again, it's been awful. I was THRILLED that I had mine taken out, but the shops been closed for 12 years almost, so I didn't lose the ability to have more children. At my hospital, they had therapists on call to talk to the women who might be struggling with that aspect. I know some women feel less than because they don't have that uterus anymore. There's SO much going on there, reading OPs comments about his wife “holding him back” made me feel sick to my stomach and want to cry. I'm thankful my husband and kids have been super supportive. It's meant I've been able to bounce back, because I was able to spend the past 11 weeks fully on my recovery.

  26. Just bringing this up, as everyone else has give you the relationship advice: are you saying that you cried so hard that you threw up? Cuz that's definitely worrying, like on an emotional control level.

  27. Seriously. Also sounds like he has no clue how to get a woman to climax. It’s often not from penetrative sex. It’s more from clitoral stimulation. You ignore it and not get her there then you are just making her a depository for him. A place to put his d and get him off.

    If he thinks sex is a transactional then no oral for him either. Although, I’d probably not deal with him at all.

  28. First time experiences can come with a lot of guilt and disgust for some people. I felt absolutely disgusting the first time I had sex and it gave me anxiety seeing the person, it brought up the “gross” feeling I felt. Personally I felt pressured and although I didn’t blame the other person you do get some resentment that they couldn’t tell how uncomfortable you were when you yourself felt like it was so obvious. She absolutely is not overreacting in those terms. Murder, the sabotage …eh that’s a little extreme.

  29. The only acceptable response to your bf doing something so unhinged would be to say : “I’m sorry. It will never happen again. I will replace the tv and will understand if you never want to see me again.”

    His continued justification of his actions reveal him to be abusive. You need to break up for your own safety. Be careful..,he is dangerous.

  30. You are probably right. I feel like it could potentially breed resentment on her part of she feels forced to give up her family but you are not wrong it would be best for them to present a United front. Hopefully therapy is in the future for them and they can get to a good place.

  31. maybe i should have clarified. i do not look, nor have i ever intended to look through my boyfriends phone. this happens when i borrow it to look something up, for homework, or text my mom something if my phone dies. i have absolutely nothing to hide, i have no problem when people use my phone, yet he seems extremely uncomfortable.

  32. And yes, he was still deeply connected to his ex at the time. He decided that we should divorce and guess what? I didn’t stop it. One of the best decisions of my life.

    Due to my religious beliefs, I could and would never agree to participate in this great badness.

  33. It’s because I believe you can love more than one person and each person you love doesn’t detract from the love you have for the other person. I don’t support her actions in any way and personally I would avoid situations that would allow me to develop that kind of a feeling for someone else unless it was agreed and accepted beforehand. Does that make sense?

  34. Sounds honest, I mean you can play it back and be honest with all the guys that flirt with you. Being open in that is key to a good relationship.

  35. It's fine and dandy that you got engaged and want to move in together, but it sounds like it's all still very theoretical and that you guys need to talk a lot more about what you each expect from your shared future.

    What I'm reading here is that you're basically in a three-person relationship with your fiancé as well as his mother. Your fiancé won't make any decisions with you until his mother starts making decisions for herself, and apparently she just doesn't. In other words, she dictates the future of your relationship just as much as he does because that's what he allows.

  36. This is really going to put your relationship to the test. Ask to sit in on the therapy, or go to couples therapy. When she asks why, tell her you've noticed her depression hasn't gotten better and that you're worried about her, and that it makes you feel helpless when you see her like this. She may very well agree right away, and if she does, I'd say you have a great girl. If she balks, you'll need to decide if she's worth fighting for i.e. “babe, no, it hurts to see you get so anxious when thinking about the future, so I feel we should try this (couples therapy or sitting in on hers)”. If she's anything like I think she is, she will say no to hell and back and that's when you decide to walk or keep fighting. Good luck.

  37. Hard to say. If she won the lottery and wanted me to take a lie detector test to prove I've been faithful before she shared the money with me? I'd probably understand. I know that's not how things work, but there isn't a male equivalent to getting pregnant to use as a comparison.

  38. No one on Reddit knows your relationship well enough to give you a good answer.

    It really does seem like you seem to know the answer and just want confirmation.

  39. If anything, I found my wife more attractive when she was pregnant because of what it meant. The love you ought to feel for the woman carrying your child is beyond anything except the love you hold for your own child.

  40. Well, here's the thing, I don’t want to get to know him all that much, not because I don't like talking to her boyfriends, but because I don't know how to talk to him; 1. I'm socially awkward and due to the fact that I'm living far away from where they are we can only communicate through video calls effectively. 2. They are in a polyamorus relationship, which, is totally cool, but my friend has made the mistake of telling me only the tmi parts and none of the other parts that are actually important. Essentially, I don’t want to say the wrong thing and offend anyone.

  41. Difficulty regulating emotions and getting easily overwhelmed are symptoms of being on the spectrum even for those of us considered high functioning.

    Does he get the same way when something you do bothers him or does he only get tongue tied when he feels like he's upset you?

  42. For everyone unaware, this was a shitpost going around a couple years ago. OP is just tryna ruffle some feathers

  43. Forget killing. Throwing acid is a common hate crime that targets women in Islamic south Asia like Afghanistan and Pakistan. If he grew up in a place that normalises cruelty like that, she has all the right to fear him. Even if she manages to get away from him, if he can find where she is, he'd only need less than 10 seconds of contact time with her to hurt her permanently.

  44. Vatican Roulette is not a birth control method. She will become pregnant eventually. Are you ready to be a dad? If not time to find a new GF.

  45. Look man. Hold your nuts for a hot minute and chill on the marriage talk. A lot of comments are saying “you’re too young,” and though that may be true, y’all are kind of a hot mess right now. If someone posted that exact same post with 30/31 as the ages, I’d still tell them to chill tf out. You both sound like you have a lot of stuff to figure out before you even get anywhere near the “life-long commitment” conversations.

  46. Hm, personally I would tell her that she diesn't seem to treat your relationship seriously.

    Now that depends, if her mothers are toxic that is a fine reason to stay away from them.

    However if she has normal healthy relations with them you should make it ckear you will not wait forever. Choose a term limit you find reasonablr, and after that you can start dustancing yourself from, openly saying you don't think this relationship has future with her attitude and essentially leave it yo her whether she will let your relationship die or introduce you to her family.

  47. I read all the other comments and all I can add is that maybe you ask him in a moment that is not intimate when he will be comfortable not asking for consent. What in the relationship needs to change for him to feel safe not asking?

  48. You earn trust by your actions. You also lose trust with your actions. Not telling your partner you are meeting up with an ex is the fastest way to lose trust. And splitting with an ex being amicable or not is irrelevant. Out of respect for your new partner, everything should be above board and really, toned down.

  49. She's probably trying to say thank you for all you do to make her life easier! Maybe without your life assistance, she would never have performed so well at work to get that raise in the first place. And she wants to acknowledge that/you.

  50. Hmm okay. That’s the general answer I’ve been getting. Some of the comments get deleted but I see the notifications. But, I probably don’t compliment her enough. She’s awesome. I never feel unloved around her even though we aren’t having sex. I don’t know why it wasn’t so obvious and other ppl had to say it. But, I’ll definitely try to be more mindful of how I treated her before and now. Maybe I’m just too comfortable

  51. Yeah, that’s why I was understandable about the whole situation. It’s just feels iffy like something that appears in the back of mind sometimes and makes me sad. I just want to know if it was like alright? Idk man.

  52. My husband and I joke a lot. I love dark humor. If he ever said this to me, I would never look at him the same way. I would be repulsed. Rape is never something to joke about. Stop trying to be quirky.

  53. The dynamic of your job sounds very different from the flexibility of his job so he may not consider days off as important because he regularly gets them.

  54. You can find that with anyone. A marriage shouldn't be some good stuff and some really bad stuff. Sure, every marriage has its problems but this is… Idk. He yells at you, demeans you, storms off. But hey, least you laugh like BFFs?

    You're 19. Can you honestly see yourself with this jackass for the next 80ish years?

  55. Yes. Definitely. Check his phone, screenshot any dirty texts and then go to a lawyer and divorce him

  56. Because the whole point is to relax and be left in peace, not deal with a grown man sighing that “this is stupid” every five minutes and having to figure out activities to entertain his toddler.

  57. Leave her, the two of you aren’t compatible. You’re each going to be happier with someone else.

  58. There would be absolutely no way possible my husband would ever agree or even do that. That man is obsessed with my body and he loves kissing every inch of it. Was I insecure about. Absolutely, but once I seen how much he loved my body it just made me comfortable. She definitely need to see a sex counselor and a marriage counselor.

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