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SweetCherry_Marylive sex stripping with hd cam


22 thoughts on “SweetCherry_Marylive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. What an idiotic, stupid plan. It had a billion ways of going wrong. Next time be direct, no stupid games, no dumb ass plans, no! Be direct, be clear, say what you mean, mean what your say. Your message will get across and be understood.

    What you should have done is taken that damn condom and thrown it in his face and demanded how many other ones he used on his trip.

    So yes, confront him about the condom.

  2. Leave him alone. You are only creating hope and he will never move on. His life has been destroyed already once, no need to continue.

  3. I'm generally against getting back with an ex. The same problems that caused you to end things are more than likely going to come back up.

    However, lay your cards on the table. Tell her things have been going well and you want to be exclusive again. Regardless of her response, you'll have the answer you need to move forward.

    Best of luck!

  4. My partner and I are both poor and 100% if their family invited me to something, they would not expect me to pay my way ? my MIL to be literally sent me an R2D2 pillow bc our nephew got one and I said I loved it and needed one.

  5. u/Binaccount1224, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  6. u/matchaboba10, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

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  7. She’s being a jerk to you for no reason. You should’ve just told her to go be with one if them then right then and there.

  8. Unfortunately, from my experience, recovery is often one step forward, two back. Talk to her when she’s sober and try to keep your emotions out of it. If you have any booze in the house, dump it now, just in case. Emphasise how far she’s come & ask if there’s anything you can do to help her get back on track. Remind her that this is part of the process not a failure, which it can often feel like & then lead back into drinking because that person’s already failed in their mind. If you’re happy to, offer whatever help she feels may be useful – finding local meetings, going with her, etc. Good luck to both of you xx

  9. I mean the fact that she calls him by his name to come see her naked and that she keeps specifically saying that her son is super hot kind of signifies that she’s not mistaking him for her husband.

  10. It's easy to fall in love. What's not easy is compatibility.

    Is this man's future compatible with yours? Not should it be, and not I want to believe that it is, is it actually compatible?

    How does he deal with his parents? Does he agree to things they dictate as his obligations, and fulfill their wishes, even if it costs him personally?

    If the answer is yes, your futures are likely incompatible. His history indicates that he will take over care of his brother, even if he doesn't want to, simply because they demanded it.

    If the answer is no, then you need to have a frank discussion with him about your future, yours alone, not the plural.

  11. The woman wants kids. Marriage. You break it off. But first! No protection birthday sex present!

    You said you're not religious, so stop using your culture and family as an excuse.

    Just say it aloud…. I'm an irresponsible coward. Then, get a paternity test. Then, never speak to anyone about it and live with your guilty conscience if it turns out to be yours.

  12. Weird thought, but maybe she and your husband are having an affair and she offered up her husband to assuage her guilt?

  13. Because she obviously wants to be with you and is struggling with this. She’s trying to follow her heart and be with you or at least that’s how it seems. Are you sure you aren’t just being insecure? Does she want this?

  14. This is mainly marriage. Without these three there is no marriage.

    But I want to add you put your partner above all else except children. Make them feel important, treat them how you want to be treated , show them love and affection ,

  15. I am not feeling sorry for myself, a bit sad maybe because my wife is in love with someone else but hopefully the separation helps with the sadness too.

  16. Therapists really do say, “our sessions aren’t really valuable anymore. You don’t need therapy for X issue anymore.

    100% agree that that doesn’t mean, “and you’ll never need therapy for anything else ever again!”

  17. Yep, this is what I do as my mum is like this. I tell someone else first, celebrate, then tell her only if needed.

    Same with bad news that I need support with.

  18. You honestly did have a valid reason even before his cheating. There is no reason why you should have to put up with a guy who was an unhygienic pig that didn’t pull his own wait in adulting.

    You can break up with someone if you aren’t attracted to them. No matter the reason. Have fun being single for a while and enjoy your peace.

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