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Stormy_Classlive sex stripping with hd cam


72 thoughts on “Stormy_Classlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. You did so well!!! I'm so happy for you!

    You handled this so mature, wise, and strong!

    I hope you're forever as proud of yourself as we are of you now! You deserve SO much better. He sounds like an emotionally abusive ticking time bomb

  2. I wish people would stop making someone their “girlfriend” or “boyfriend” before they actually know some very basic things about a person. Knowing if a person believes you should be married to have sex would help you a lot in deciding whether or not that's the relationship you should be in. Knowing how they work their timelines, as in how well do they feel like they need to know a person before they go there will help people a lot in determining whether that's going to work for you or not.

    Now the immaturity of freaking out and ignoring someone just because they brought up sex – that sounds cultural. Is it? In some cultures a vast majority of girls actually believe that the only reason a guy wants to have sex with you before he marries you is because he has no plans to commit to you.

    Either way – do try and have a conversation by making it clear you only brought it up because of the comments she made. Also have an honest conversation about what her expectations are. Is she looking for a long term commitment? Will she need an engagement proposal ? Does she believe you'll have to marry her first? Does she believe that it's going to take however long it's going to take?

    all of this is good for you to know so you can decide whether to wait it out.

  3. Do you love him? Can you envision your life together? Empathy and clear communication are key. I’ve been there, and left partners whose goals didn’t align with mine, or who actively tried to sabotage my life ambitions. If this person is worth it, talk to each other. This person may have some medical issues that need attention. I had one partner who didn’t get their medical/psychological issues addressed until well after we split. Sometimes I wonder if we had made it, if they had gotten help while we were together. I miss them daily. I met someone else and we got married, but I wonder what could have been.

  4. Did she tell you she was on birth control and wasn’t to get pregnant? If so can you forgive her and move on? Seems like she was at a place in her life to tell you and hope for forgiveness out of love. I hope the best for you both

  5. When ppl have an issue with large age gap relationships, this is at least partly why. This man has you, after only a few months:

    1) doubting your own thoughts and who you are 2) doing sexual things you don't want to do, and getting mad if you don't 3) unable to leave because he yells at you 4) feeling obligated to be a mother to his child

    And because of your age and inexperience, you can't see that this is an abusive, toxic relationship.

    Gather your support system and leave.

  6. Says who?

    I've never seen a shorter person and thought “Wow, what a loser”

    I think you're putting things in your own way that are much less significant than they actually are

  7. Honestly what's the point of bringing up in the past where he was flirting with other woman or whatever… if you guys are trying to fix things and live together and you're going to have to learn how to compromise It doesn't matter what he did in the past anymore.

  8. Omg people I know find my hair EVERYWHERE. Some people just shed a lot. OP probably picked it up at work or something. Maybe even the toddler from daycare.

  9. I don't know anymore. I've always just treated them fair and equitable. They always say I make them feel comfortable and safe and this one started saying she wants kids with me because I would make a great dad.

    So I may be conflating the two right now.

  10. I’m not sure why you’re being downvoted. A major part of many relationships (not all of course) is exclusive access to the each others naked bodies. Medical reasons and normal stuff besides of course, but you know. Its really not that weird, most people feel this way.

  11. I do. I love the idea of as a couple going to the gym and exercising togheter. I think that is really cool actually.

    To be fair I also take her to concerts and other things like that. We got a show coming up this month.

  12. It takes action and energy to do what you’ve done, and you decided to serve your ego rather than your relationship. You’ve planted the seed of doubt in her and good luck trying to rid that- you’re supposed to be her safe space and it doesn’t matter how perfect she may be. You’ve shown her that even when she’s the most perfect, you’ll still fuck her over. Either get therapy or do her a favor and leave once you start noticing a pattern, having her when you don’t deserve her can release sides of you both that will only keep affect the relationship in a negative light.

  13. Usually when there is a trauma in someone’s life they can be stunted emotionally at that age. Her mom likely doesn’t know better hence not thinking how dangerous this situation is. Generational trauma is a real thing.

  14. Well, the photos weren’t entirely unsolicited because your bf did ask her about them, but I agree that their friendship is inappropriate and your bf refuses to acknowledge it. And if she can speak English they absolutely should not be having a conversation in another language right in front of you. She is stroking his ego and he is loving it.

    Op, your bf is being deliberately obtuse.

  15. That article is just Molly coddling women's emotions. It's useful, but if she the sort who looks for criticisms, nothing will change

  16. Yeah i dont think thats got ofc its nice to make gifts but if she expect to get you as her personal atm thats fcking toxic. Maybe openly voice your concerns to her.

  17. But she's not you.

    You're making the classic mistake of thinking “put yourself in their shoes” means asking “what would I do in this situation”, vs it really means think in their mindset.

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  23. Honestly this is a really common response to all forms of sexual assault or victims of voyeurism. Our bodies either do fight, flight or freeze. It’s often freeze. This occurred with me when I was 15 at a party. I was fairly intoxicated and fell asleep and woke to a guy on me. I don’t know if it was the alcohol or my freeze response but I couldn’t move. It was 100% him in the wrong.

    I’m sorry you went through this, and I know it may seem a bit extreme but I highly encourage you to seek counselling to work through these feelings. They aren’t easy to overcome, even after many years, without help.

    I’d absolutely tell everyone what this guy did. Be prepared to have him deny it and lash out but speak your truth. Chances are this isn’t the first or last time he will do this. Warn everyone you know.

  24. Him thinking other people are attractive doesn't in itself mean he's going to cheat.

    If he's a cheater you can't stop it from happening and it'll be entirely his fault if he does. I personally think he isn't one though, he's uncomfortable lying and part of this issue is him maybe being a bit too honest with you.

  25. I was leaning towards being on your partners side for the first half. I would want to be there for my family too even if it was my wedding day. But reading further on, it's pretty clear that his brother is mentally ill and needs help with that, not scans or operations. This is clearly going to be a recurring thing and he needs to sort it out or at least stop dragging your partner so deep into his problems

  26. Physical affection is something most people can do even in ONS settings, it doesn't always denote that they want something more. She's not that into you. It sucks, I'm sorry, but you should move on.

  27. First off, talk to him. You have to tell him how you feel and why you're hesitating. If he thinks he will lose you because of sex, maybe he will be more open trying. Or try counseling and see if there is a root reason for his lack of sex/desire. And go read the r/deadbedrooms. It's full of people who are married to others that stopped wanting sex so much or just never really wanted it. Yes, sex isn't the whole part of the relationship but it's still a part and for it to be non existent does not sound like something you should settle on. Then adding kids to the mix could make it that much worse. I would start with a conversation with him and then depending on that, ve preparedness walk away. You want someone all encompassing! This is coming drop someone who was married for 12 years in a sexless marriage. My ex cheating on me was the best thing that could ever happen to me. I'm so much happier and my sex life is amazing!

  28. They are AH and biphobic. You did well breaking up.

    Your gf probably felt like she would always be a fetish because, unfortunately, it does happen fairly often.

    I am now thinking twice about dating another trans person if i'm just going to be labelled a chaser for being interested in them.

    You are thinking of doing what they did to you. Take an awful situation and generalize it to everyone. Her friend could have been cheated on by a bi guy and your gf was probably used because of some fetish. Don't do that. Just because they are AH doesn't mean everyone else is.

  29. I can understand the social anxiety, it can definitely get in the way of things, but her blatantly ignoring your messages after saying she will have a look and reply is way too weird too. Obviously you can't keep chasing her forever and at some point she needs to make at lesome move if she wants to meet with you

  30. Honey in the future in Smith starts doing that that’s just some of your dating leave them alone. Just break up with them and move on. Clearly had no problem with breaking up with you. It does something to your self-esteem and some is cruel to you and you don’t even leave them and they have to leave you to get out from under it. You’re only the problem because you needed to leave sooner.

  31. That's not true at all.

    Some are like that alot are pretty good restaurants, I've had 2 Michelin star restaurant food delivered to my house.

  32. Just because I said one thing doesn't mean you get to twist it and make him look rude. She can find another sugar daddy if she doesn't like this one.

  33. It wasn’t sure what kind of flu it was, I got it from a friend. I know wanting to go was bad. I know that and I feel bad for it

  34. I don’t know, I want to say before we were together but I didn’t ask, I was just trying to be the typical non judgemental spouse at the time and trying to console her crying and clearly ashamed self. But it wouldn’t shock me if she did it while we were still dating, she had a mini-fling with a female coworker while we were married

  35. It sounds like she has insecure attachment. It's possible she has abandonment issues. Maybe there's trauma in her childhood. I don't know. It would be healthy for her to maybe go to therapy for that so she could develop a sense of independence from you and develop some more security in the relationship.

  36. You fucked up here. Like you say, you weren't dating at that point so she's done nothing wrong here. The fact that you're checking her phone is a horrendous invasion of her privacy and you should feel bad about it, because you've objectively done a bad thing. You've overstepped a boundary here and you need to come clean about it. She would be well within her rights to break up with you over this. I certainly would.

  37. I'm glad he understood. Unfortunately most men will think they're doing something wrong. I wish I never lied to my bf and simply say to him “I only cum touching myself but it doesn't stop me from enjoying sex” it's too late to confess that now and I'm gonna feel like an a hole

  38. Girl. You keep excusing him by saying he’s insecure. Incorrect. Either you’re ok with him being a bigot and using that to manipulate and abuse you, or you draw a boundary and do what’s good for you. Either way, the ball is in your court. You give it back to him, don’t expect him to play nice.

    It’s not ok. It was never on. It doesn’t matter if he used to be not abusive. He is now. You have to decide if you want that in your life or not. There’s only one right answer, it’s just not fun nor easy, but then again, neither is being stuck with an abuser. No one can help you until you want the help.

  39. Honestly the relationship is probably over either way

    So the decision really is, will you be happier if you have a child alone, knowing this is probably your only chance with your difficulties with conception. Being a single mom is a hard path but also rewarding


    Will you be more content happy having the abortion and having a clean canvas for your new single life, not having to co parent or have connections with someone that doesn’t want anything to do with you and your potential child

    There isn’t a wrong decision but make it for you, he’s kinda out of the picture

  40. Your question of “is there any way I can fix this so he doesn't do this anymore” is just heartbreaking.

    Because the answer should be “ask him not to do it anymore” but you've already done that multiple times.

    Which means he's assaulting you.

    He's obviously not going to prioritise you or your safety, so it's time for you to.

  41. I want to believe his reasoning But at the same time feels like something’s still off. Id investigate deeper but If you believe him then I’d let it go.

  42. The advice on Reddit is truly awful about this particular topic so often. The fact that there are consistently memes about “throwing a hot dog down a hallway” still in 2023 is embarrassing for men.

    And if you read the men's subs, there are still all sorts of weird things that grown men are saying to younger men about how tight women are or how our labia are completely reshaped if we have sex, that any woman who has larger labia is not a virgin, etc.

  43. Press charges on him for sodomy. Nobody should be doing anything to your body without your ongoing and expressed consent. Your boyfriend is abusive. There is nothing wrong with your body at all.

    He is either just using the “you're not tight enough” bullshit as an excuse to abuse you OR He has a micropenis and you two together should see a professional about working together for a solution that works for both of you.

    Imo your boyfriend sounds like a misogynistic piece of shit that deserves to be single.

  44. I’m really sorry that this is happening to you.

    He doesn’t respect you or your needs. It seems like he considers you more of a sex you than a person. I would have suggested some communication strategies to get you both on the same page about frequency but it’s clear he isn’t going to compromise or even consider your perspective.

    The fact that you feel bullied into performing sexual acts for him is beyond depressing. He’s taking advantage of you. You deserve so much better. Please leave him.

    Also does he even go down on you ever?? Sounds like this is one sided.

  45. Sorry, I didn't give proper context. My boyfriend knows that yes, I like makeup, but I'm not that into it and that there are days when I don't feel like putting any makeup on at all.

    He asked me to promise that I would only do countouring and makeup if I feel like it, not to please anyone nor to hide anything.

  46. I seen a headline in a local newspaper they put a call out as the whole service industry is short staffed. I know from watching the news it's not just local but global.

    OP needs to do what you said.

  47. I agree with this. The question is mostly about whether or not your kids feel safe around him and if he's behaved inappropriately with them, and as long as they report no problems I would not worry about it.

    I personally do enjoy watching stuff on porn that I would never do in real life. For one thing, I'm not a girl so lesbian porn would be pretty much impossible for me~

  48. The violence is what worries me most. Do you have family or friends you can turn to for help? A man who chokes you can kill you. Leaving him could be dangerous but staying is worse. A violent man who is draining your finances. Run now while it’s still early, 7 months is a short time and you will recover.

  49. His ex is apart of that group? There’s your answer! He’s cheating on you and your “friends” are behind it!!! Wake up ma’am

  50. No, it's 100% cheating even if she's trying to convince you it's not. Go get tested and also find yourself a better girlfriend.

  51. Doesn’t sound like you’re compatible, if this is her reaction to arguments, and this is how it makes you feel.

  52. What you're doing wrong is your not communicating with her. She may not want it and you've never bothered to ask.

  53. You need to leave. For your physical and mental health. Despite how much you might love him, you have to love yourself more. If he loved or respected you at all you wouldn't be in this position, he didn't respect your relationship enough to keep the most basic agreement. You can't reward his disloyalty by staying and in the same action punish yourself. You will recover, you'll be ok, you'll move on, but choose yourself

  54. People like that do. My dad’s second wife turned out to be a gold digger and when I got my first job I robbed it in her face. I was part of the workforce, contributing to society, actually being useful instead of leeching money from everyone else for a decade etc etc. I was 17, that’s my excuse lol. The look on her face was priceless. Months later Dad, sister, brother from their marriage and I were going on holiday and she came to drop the wee man off at the airport. While there she made a point of hissing at me that she now HAD a job, by the way, and thought I should know. I laughed in her face.

  55. He didn't make a “mistake” or didn't “properly” break up. He didn't want you anymore but it was just easier to ask you to come back than chase others. I'd never go back to a guy who dumped me. You are too young to not celebrate life and find someone who'll treat you better!

  56. Yes. Justin is in a relationship with a girl in the group as well. I’ve known Justin and his girlfriend for years so I believe theres no I’ll intentions from him.

  57. Thank you so much for your response. I’m so sorry you went through that and I’m so glad you had the help from your neighbour.

    This is my fear and I will be moving out soon anyway. We’re moving to a different house in the same complex so I’m not sure how much of a distance it creates but I’m hoping he will stop this behaviour. I never felt uneasy with him until this week. I will be firm and not polite, this cannot escalate. Thank you so much for your perspective

  58. You're going to have a hard time changing set habits after 18 years.

    I'd go back to basics – make a list of chores, talk to her, avoid an argument by politely leaving the conversation on hold if it moves towards argument or tit-for-tat territory. Split the list of chores up evenly and fairly.

    Don't use absolutes like “You never”, try using “I'd like…” or “If I do this, could you do that?”

    Is she working and does she have a source of income? Renegotiate the bills. “I know that I've generally paid for the holidays in the past, but I'd like to split things more evenly now.”

    Divide the closets into her space, and your space. Get her some big hampers for the bottom of her closet. Same for the laundry room.

  59. Yeah it’s so fucked up, like genuinely wasn’t even looking for a relationship, didn’t even really like him first but we moved in together really fast and like yeah we were drinking a lot in the beginning of our relationship and when we first moved in here back in July, but we had really grown a lot I was starting to feel good about this relationship we were building trust together, and a Iife here in our cozy apartment, talking about getting married and then like bam I find out about all that stuff and everything is just different now but like I really also don’t want to lose him, I’m just mad like all the time

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