Squirtyourface live webcams for YOU!


I am extra horny today… i wanna give you a squirt. my fav levels are 122/123/222 #squirt #hairy [15 tokens remaining]

Date: October 11, 2022

14 thoughts on “Squirtyourface live webcams for YOU!

  1. You’re intellectualizing your relationship. I feel like you aren’t actually expressing your emotions or are hiding them. Your avoiding confrontation?

    Does she not care about your needs? You need to get mad. It is absolutely okay to make demands of your partner and draw boundaries. “You need to get a job”. “I need physical intimacy”. Those are complete sentences.

  2. Looks like a snowball effect. I’m not saying break up with her, but there’s way too many stories of shit like this happening and the other one always cheats (if they haven’t already). The fact she’s said something is good yeah, but just because they told you, doesn’t mean the problem is solved. And then the whole “oh I didn’t remember that part” is kind of lame. That’s not exactly lying but it’s definitely not telling the whole truth. She could’ve let you know when the guy her up at THAT moment, honestly if she’s just allowing this person (that clearly has feelings for her) to keep acting upon his feelings, admitting to her his love, and she’s just letting it happen? Then she’s clearly not willing to respect your boundaries. BOUNDARIES ARE NOT INSECURITIES!!! ESPECIALLY for situations like this! She should be telling this guy no, and to stop. She’s in a relationship, AND he knows. So they’re both finding ways to work around that to keep talking. She might not seem like the one initiating it but if she’s doing nothing to stop it?? Then that’s just as bad. If I was you, I would leave her asap. I know that’s a pretty extreme solution, but it ALSO being a long distance relationship causes ALOT of issues. And in college? C’mon. If you’re not wanting to go that path, then be straight up with her, tell her how that shit makes you feel, how it looks, what she can do for you and the relationship, and if she starts arguing or getting defensive? Then she clearly values the option to speak with this person over your relationship security.

    None the less, I wish you the best

  3. Break up, go to therapy.

    He had sex before you. Fact of life. Nothing to be hurt about. If you didn’t want that you should have waited for a fellow virgin. You didn’t do that. Time to accept your decisions.

  4. Her low libido has this complexity, which is very normal. Even tho she doesn't want to have sex with another person, she still enjoys masturbating. I have high libido too so I know your pain. You and I see sex as the peak of intimacy, the goal, everything else is a warmup to sex, love=sex, and we feel unloved if there's no sex. For her sex is a chore, full of expectations, her body just isn't turned on for it, love doesn't equal sex. She might even make promises to have sex later because tomorrow never comes and she might wish she had higher libido but she doesn't. Masturbation is emotionally safe, easy, natural, personal, and she's been doing it long before you came along. Libido can't be forced. Libido might change over time and is unpredictable (hers might get even lower, or higher idk), but overall it doesn't change much. This is incompatibility and a perfectly reasonable reason to break up. The love between you will always feel a bit out of touch. You'll always be having to suppress your urges, expecting her to reject you every time. She'll always be holding up boundaries, expecting you to want sex at every intimate reaction. You are stressed out trying to plan for sex because it never happens spontaneously anymore. Your love is met with “sorry, I just don't feel like it, maybe tomorrow or the next day. I might masturbate tho. ” She's stressed out because she never feels good enough for you. Her love is always met with “okay, can we have sex now? Intimacy really makes me want to have sex.”

    Neither of you are wrong in your reasoning, but you are wrong for each other. Breakups aren't always because somebody did something wrong, sometimes it's just that needs aren't met and it takes too much compromise.

  5. At least men can get off via penetration the majority of the time.

    Not this one lmao!

    I'm just learning to raise my standards.

  6. Almost every one of those “naive” people I’ve met, it’s been a front for what they actually know they’re doing

  7. Boundaries aren’t ultimatums. They aren’t rules we create as we go. Did he know this man was a friend before they became exclusive? What’s really at issue here?!!

  8. I know. It sucks.

    You are still very young. Maybe this relationship is not meant to last if you guys can't agree on this. If you plan on being a therapy dog user for a long time/forever this is an issue that will keep coming up.

    Something to consider is will your bf reinforce unwanted behaviors with your puppy the way he has with his own? I

    I would at least keep your dog away from his until she is full grown mentally/physically.

    Also just as an aside, please read about “fear periods” in young dogs/puppies. It's something a lot of people don't know about and it might be useful info for you!

    I wish you all the luck!

  9. Yes he is being honest and it would be outrage if he hid it from her.

    They haven’t talked about being exclusive and maybe this chick was out of town or busy for the last month and he wants to satiate his curiosity about her. Better to do it now rather than later. I don’t find it weird to want to find the person best suited for you. If you haven’t had the talk then I think it’s fair game no matter how much time you spend together

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