Sophie live webcams for YOU!


Fuck my pussy so hard with my dildo! [126 tokens remaining]

Date: October 12, 2022

58 thoughts on “Sophie live webcams for YOU!

  1. Okay, for me it sounds like you have nothing to say in your relationship. She tells you what to drink and who to meet and when to go home?

    So how does the sending home works? She ask you to come in another room only you two and then tells you to go home and you do it? And then she gies back alone to her family and tells them you went home early?

    Sorry to ask, but in the post it is not mentioned. How old are you?

  2. I think the first thing as realizing they are not your friend. Once you realize that you can say whatever you want because there’s no friendship there.

  3. Lmao read the title thought defo the guys in the wrong here, read the text and it’s her. No doubt about it? It’s only natural to assume when someone says their horny that they want to have sex so of course it’ll become the topic of conversation, don’t want to talk about it fine then don’t bring it up. So I don’t understand why she took such offence, when she brought it up. Like fair enough if you brought it up yeah, it could be seen as waiting for her to put out and now you’re fed up of waiting. But in your defence also, 2 months is quite long to not have sex with a partner so kudos for not pushing things.?

  4. That was one of his points “if it was so important to you than maybe you should've said something”. That being said, I felt like it didn't need to be said. If he was doing the same thing, it wouldn't even cross my mind to miss seeing him. Jesus I'll sit for hours watching him play a stupid video game I care nothing about, and he didn't even create it, just to show him I'm interested in what he's into, and be involved in his world. I just thought he'd want to show up and watch his partner perform these works that he knew were very personal to me. I could've been better about communicating my needs, I agree. This has just been an ongoing problem since moving to this new state, and I think a part of me wanted to see who he'd choose. I guess if you play stupid games you get stupid prizes

  5. “I'm very uncomfortable with this and I'm changing it”


    Putting your phone bill in your own name is a responsible and normal thing to do. I don't actually see why any explanation is even needed

    Your wife not supporting you in this, even if she doesn't get why, is the bigger deal here. Hugely disrespectful.

    Btw, not an ad but I pay 25 bucks a month on Mint Mobile, 10 gb data, unlimited calls and text. Chances are you can swing that if money is an issue.

    Good luck, bud.

  6. Ok so they are just trying to bring you down to make themselves feel better.

    Simple statements are often most effective against this kind of thing. Eg

    I don't accept that. I feel great. ?

    I'm happy with how I look and feel, and that's all that matters ?

    Sorry you feel that way, but I'd like you to stop making negative comments thanks ?

    Then change the subject. This is a “them” problem not a “you” problem and you need to refuse to take their baggage on board.

    Remind yourself that you are happy and successful in your health, and remember that the things they say are a reflection of them not you.

    Even the ones that are not overweight themselves are motivated by a desire to think of you as this fixed unchanging role. Thats their issue.

  7. Yeah, maybe make a move like you’re going to lick his balls and act like you’re kind of into it, and then chomp down as hard as you can on one of those fucking things. Sink your teeth right into it like a hard boiled egg.

  8. Your husband made a dumb comment. Pure and simple. He was being insensitive. You are obviously shell shocked from the death of the woman who died giving birth. Hopefully he can see what happened. Maybe sitting him and explaining your feelings well get across to him how disturbed you were with his comment. Who will take care of your daughters? That’s his responsibility if something were to happen to you.

    I would be incredulous too. He lacked full awareness of what he is saying.

  9. He yells and swears, the swearing isn't directed at me (it's more like “oh for fucks sake!” type of thing), his body language can be very aggressive. It doesn't happen often but I really don't like it. It's mainly directed at me or his family, he doesn't tend to show anger “publicly”.

  10. May i ask the breed of your jumper? So curious! I have a pittie mix, so we already do the extra durable toys and adaptations for mood/personality quirks. ?

  11. There’s a lot that I haven’t spoke about in regards to him, and why I don’t want it to happen, but the courts will more than likely side with me.

  12. Hello /u/nmsantinho,

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  13. I think he just means sex outside of marriage. It does not sound like either of them is married to anyone.

  14. Yeah I had to reread that section a few times to try to figure out what exactly the new information was supposed to be.

  15. I agree with your mum.

    He is 41 and should be dating in his own age group…at 25 so should you. Up to a 10 year difference I think is ok, more than that, very questionable!

    What do you have in common? How will this play out… he will be ready to retire when you are his age.

    I would be worried he is using you for money if he doesn't have his own steady work.

    And also dating young as women his own age won't put up with his shit.

  16. Idk, letting porn creep into your personal and professional life and disrespecting your partners boundaries over it repeatedly seems like huge red flags for me

  17. Oh wow, he was NOT “just playing around”. His interest here is absolutely inappropriate and I have to wonder what other weird behaviors he's exhibiting. Sometimes I ask myself how guys who act this way trick any women into marrying them.

  18. Don't get matching tattoos. No matter what age you are. It's incredibly bad luck to get matching tattoos/names of SO tattooed. It's basically signing your relationship away.

  19. What are you even talking about? I'm from Europe and not a proponent of marriage. It's for some people, not for others. The issue here is that he TOLD her the marriage is in the future after she openly asked about it. Whether a couple gets wedded or not is a matter of communication and both parties have to agree. He is not communicating his true feelings, he is kicking the rock down the road while he knows she wants marriage. That is the issue, not him not wanting to get married. He should TELL HER THAT.

  20. I did a little sleuthing and learned that I actually had it backwards. I found tax docs online that showed that her brother owned the land and my wife owned the trailer, but both were gifted to SMF, in care of her brother. My wife no longer owns the trailer as of 2013.

    My guess is her brother didn't want to pay the entire tax bill by himself even though his name is on the tax docs and he guilt tripped my wife into paying half of the taxes. That only happened the one time and it's not happened since.

  21. Girl the red flags are flying!! Moving too fast and lovebombing are signs of an abuser. Run and never look back!

  22. I mean, if the child never meets him, they won't miss him.

    “You can't miss what you never had” doesn't really apply to children and parents. That child will one day know they have a biological father, and wonder why he isn't in their life. I had a terrible father, and I had friends who never met theirs. They struggled with “why didn't he want me?” throughout their lives. One told me they were jealous of my abusive father because “at least you have a father, I've never met mine.”

    I'm not disagreeing that it may be best if the father doesn't have custody, but I do disagree that the child will never miss an absent parent.

  23. Most funny “proof” of womanhood ever??

    Elementary teachers in my country teach all subjects due to shortage. I teach math, English, German, my mothertounge, Nature and Health, Art, Music, P. E., Crafts etc. 🙂 Except religion, I do not teach in a religious school.

  24. What's the plan here? Say they break up and her cat disappears, you don't think she will suspect the guy who told her she was abusing it has something to do with it? Animal shelters will be the first place she will look if he can prove that he doesn't have it.

    And chips aren't the only way to prove ownership, they just make it easier. She has probably a hundred pictures of the cat, vet and food bills that have either her name on it or were paid with her card. And what does he have? At best a few pictures on his phone.

    Stealing the cat only works if she doesn't give a shit that it is gone, because then she won't call the police. In every other scenario OP would be legally in the wrong, the cat goes back to her and he is in trouble.

  25. What is it with all the older guys trying to date teenagers. It’s getting creepy the amount of times I read it on here.

  26. She’s right, if you can’t talk to her you should not get married to her. Even if you are “introverted” you should be able to communicate with your partner. Also have you proposed to her?? Wouldn’t she be your fiancé? It’s not just “my gf wanted to do a wedding” it’s about being permanently (I know divorce is an option but it’s meant to be a permanent union) legally bound together.

    Think long and hard about if you will be able to make her happy, if not, don’t do this to her.

  27. This is one of those differences in opinion that can't really be compromised. Essentially, if it were relevant to you, he'd see you as a murderer. It's really simple, y'all just might have to reconsider things. I wouldn't say it has to end, like, immediately tho. But i get the sense that he isn't open to changing his mind.

    I know its a little petty, but if he doesn't think abortion is an option then you shouldnt let pregnancy be an option. “Well I know you wouldn't want me getting an abortion so I won't take the risk of getting pregnant.” and like, not have sex. i dunno, for as much as guys complain about withholding sex as a punishment it must at least be effective lol.

  28. Bro you are amazing and deserving of someone who will love and cherish you Don't ever settle for less Is that what you want your future kids to do to settle for a cheater.

  29. The kiss isn't a deal breaker. However, if she's texting this guy (it'll be obvious) or following each other on social media, distance yourself further.

    At your age you should never be isolated and totally emotionally dependent on one girl. Why? to protect yourself. btw: I'm not suggesting you cheat.

  30. Just let her go dude. Y’all aren’t a couple, and it sounds like she’s done. Taking plan b three times in a month is very hard on the body btw.

  31. This chick seems to have blown her metaphorical wad and wants someone safe to settle down with. Don’t be that guy for her. The sex will not get better with marriage. Find someone that is crazy for you now and keep that fire burning.

  32. Talk to your fiancee and set some boundaries: “I am NOT OKAY with your brother showing up to our wedding in a clown suit. If this happens I WILL have security set to refuse him (along with anyone else not appropriately dressed) entrance. If he causes a scene he will be escorted off premises. If he resists the police will be called. This is non-negotiable. I do not care what kind of backlash this might cause with your family, I'm just not willing to allow this level of blatant disrespect. It's up to you whether or not you give him one last warning on the consequences.”

    If she's not willing to back you up on this, you need to discuss cancelling the wedding.

  33. You are really fucking up by allowing the abuse to continue. Get the dog, your daughter, and yourself out of there.

  34. When he's gone from the house, pack up your shit and take the dog and yourself OUT. Call your parents, friends, aunts, uncles, cousins, SOMEBODY to help you. There are even women's shelters and they can advise what to do with the dog.

  35. This is well said! He made his move. That's OK. But time to define the relationship.

    I believe this story is true.

  36. Someone commented on this stating “I didn’t explain why he heard moaning” umm because I fucking wasn’t. That’s the thing. He didn’t hear shit. Delusion.

  37. I’m running anything from a 5k to a half marathon, and will be training for my first marathon (chicago!). I don’t really need support for short races, but for these long ones that I train for months for, it would be nice to have him there at the finish line. But part of that makes me feel guilty because it’s not his hobby it’s mine, and I don’t want to force him to be supportive, but I wish he was.

    I’ve lost around 35 pounds since we first got together. I think I’m the same person, just a little smaller

  38. If she's attractive I would turn this into a purely physical relationship until things inevitiably break off.

  39. Yep. Hands on face and eye contact are amazing. Honestly it doesn’t matter much what he says at that point; my husband doing that makes me feel so cherished.

  40. Why are you calling OP a statutory rapist? OP was 17 and their partner was 18 when they had the first child (22 (OP’s age)- 5 (their eldest child’s age = 17)

    If anything it’s their partner who is guilty of it, OP was a minor (depending on where they live, as it is different for everyone) and their partner was an adult

  41. This is really sad. It sounds as if your partner is stuck in some type of depression, and can’t seem to get out. Made worse by lack of support. And yes, taking the animals away would be harmful. Especially if she has no one.

    No one can tell you what to do, only you can decide that. However, if you’re going to leave, then leave now. Tell her why. But also explain that nothing will make you stay. And get out as fast as possible.

    I wish you both luck.

  42. Me i would throw it right back at her and talk to someone on video chat for.hours and see how they like it… thats the cynical side of me…. but this behavior is complete bullshit and anyone defending this shit needs an awakening… either put your foor down and says this is BS and you stop this or just ghost her. Dont be mat, as in doormat.

  43. On the contrary.

    If only douches get the girls, because their douches, and the goal is in fact, “to get the girl,” not only does it make this “ok,” it makes it the required MO. Don't be mad that men are misogynistic asses, when women in general choose both, them over the nice guys and to cheat on their actually nice SOs (and then cry about there not being any nice guys, lol).

  44. If you would like to take a deeper dive into the concepts that I'm talking about, read “Thinking, Fast and Slow” by psychologist Daniel Kahneman.

    Personally, I view my emotions a little bit like having a puppy. The puppy doesn't understand everything. It's up to me as the system two person who can reason to either soothe the puppy or release the hounds on other people. Whether those hounds are going to bite or cry does not matter.

    I'm not perfect at it. Puppies can slip the leash. Sometimes they make a mess in the house. Sometimes they get out and go wandering around the neighborhood. But the puppy is my responsibility.

  45. Agreed – its an extremely red flag that this man almost immediately took issue with something that OP does to preserve her mental health.

  46. No, his behavior is not normal and is showing here because he can't control or know exactly what you are doing. If you continue with this relationship it will just get worse. Don't make these adjustments because this behavior of his is the problem, not that you go camping once a month. Whether its some sort of insecurity or he just wants a full time babysitter for himself and his daughter, you don't have to sit there and take it or fake compromise because he certainly isn't.

  47. Find a lawyer,prepare everything and leave! Stop waiting do everything before being trapped on a pregnancy and stuck with her.

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