QVEENPURP live webcams for YOU!


41 thoughts on “QVEENPURP live webcams for YOU!

  1. Also I just want to suggest this too.

    This can also be a sign he’s experiencing a depression of some sort, or something else might be bothering him. So when you do talk to him, be open to listening to him if he’s going through something.

  2. Lordy. The guy said he’s getting married. Pretty clear that’s what he’s going to do. 3 months is very short time in the scheme of things. It will take a while to get over so be kind to yourself.

  3. I have a feeling that even if she had a great t paying he would still want her to do most of the hosework. I guess she'll find out when she's working and miserable and cleaning his underwear.

  4. The fact that you even bother to try and provide some inputs is already enough. Thank you for taking the time to help

  5. Hello /u/gritbiddy90,

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  6. Your first point is definitely correct and a naive move on my end. I said I wouldn’t cover a 3rd month, so should I wait til the next rent cycle (Jan 31) to see what he does?

  7. You can’t have a ldr without trust. He’s already proven that he can no longer be trusted. No, I don’t think you should continue this relationship.

  8. It usually is the case that he speaks to friends about an issue and then gets clarity about seeing my pov. Why can’t he just value what I have to say to begin with?

  9. “Without the tongue” as if many people don't find tongue action absolutely disgusting and don't do it. Guess a bunch of people never kiss their partner sexually, according to you.

  10. I don’t think trusting him is going to work, not after the 474774th time. Call the police next time he threatens to look himself

  11. For real. She could have died. The “right thing” could’ve been scooping her up, putting her in the car, and taking her to urgent care/ER. Handcuffing someone to a bed is not a medical treatment for the flu/covid.

  12. Lmao I just checked this, your comment should be at the top, I hate this people that waste other people’s time… everyone giving him advice for the fake story …

  13. You won't like this, but here's the jist of it. If it's in your personality to criticize, he already knew that before he proposed. So you must be hot/beautiful which makes up for that in some way. My advice, stay hot for the marriage and keep giving bj's.

  14. Thanks for the reply.

    She needs to learn to communicate her feelings of neglect better and give you a fair chance to meet her needs before seeking elsewhere

    She has already admitted this, but that being said, she also says she’s not sure whether it’s too late to salvage regardless of both of our mistakes.

  15. I don't know what to even say when I read these anymore, like I try to wrap my head around the dynamics of it and I just come up blank

  16. He should be seeing a therapist, preferably a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, which is often helpful with anxiety. I know that you want to help and be supportive, but You are a girlfriend, not a therapist. There's only so much you can do. Get him into therapy.

  17. You're talking past tense. I'm suggesting ways to move forward. “Here's what we know now so how do we proceed” is what I am mentioning. Of course it's not OPs fault. It's their partners for not communicating. But now that the partner was forced to communicate, the main way to move forward is to address the reasons the person cheated (that is, if they are being truthful about the reasons they cheated).

  18. If there’s a post that’s already addressed something like this could you link it? I haven’t been able to find anything that fees applicable bc the others I’ve seen have specific triggers, but I really don’t know what changed with me

  19. Girls don’t have male friends they just have guys that haven’t explicitly tried to sleep with them

  20. Most of the time we have sex, we both finish satisfied. With that being said, sometimes I want to receive oral sex in between the times we have sex, but her belief is that it always has to be reciprocal. I don’t agree with that, so hence the dilemma. Thank you for your reply

  21. No amount of “but he's just jokiiiing, you're ruining the event for the familyyyy” would prevent me from hiring a bouncer to toss this jackass, and any jackass who opens their mouth to waste my time defending him.

  22. Take him out for a beer and let him know it’s not ok to wear the clown suit because he’s making his sister’s wedding about him. That you’ll have him removed if he does, and that it will be an issue between the two of you until he properly apologizes and makes amends after you have to have him removed.

    It’s not funny, and you don’t need to enable him.

  23. No idea about what $138 will get at a strip club but he lied, then tried trickle truth, until you got (maybe) some story about something that probably happened. Either would be reason to strongly consider the status of the relationship but to me the storytelling would be more troubling than the actual strip club trip because you know what happens at strips clubs. Who knows what else he’s lying about, not counting the nudie show. (FWIW, if $138 would cover 2 lap dances, I’d bet 100-1 that he got one.)

    Good luck!

    Please !UpdateMe about how you’re doing..

  24. You dumped him he doesn't owe you any conversation. I understand why you dumped him (obviously), but I'm not sure why you were so shocked that he decided to ignore you.

    Most likely when he reached out he was going to see if you guys could rekindle the relationship. You didn't respond and now he has someone, so that moment (in his mind) has passed.

  25. So talk to him and explain you don’t know what he means. It’s really not rocket science. Both of you need to be better communicators

  26. There is a reason why you're mum and friends don't like him. Whilst your mum is in the wrong by manipulating you, I kind of understand that she's trying to protect you. Your bf being sober for almost 2 months is not long, I would be very cautious. IMO I don't think you should be in this relationship, it could be dangerous.

  27. So let's say he feels you were overreacting? Have you seen the Birdcage? So Nathan Lane's character is a very dramatic queen. But his partner (Robin Williams)doesn't ridicule him for this. He will inwardly sighs and acknowledges his feelings.

    This isn't normal. I personally would be upset too. However, we cannot control how he feels about it. Even if he feels you are overreacting how he treats you like your feelings are invalid isn't ok. Just because someone is dramatic doesn't mean that suddenly their feelings are wrong. I don't believe letting you leave is where he failed. Honestly, he should have let you go because you would have felt awkward the whole time and he shouldn't have to leave something that has gone on since before you. The next morning he should have apologized and tell you that you will discuss it when you get home. Or at least came to the realization after he woke up sober.

    I hate when people feel like someone is dramatic so that means their feelings behind the drama are invalid. I have IBS also and hate when even my child (whose 5) barges in. These are grown ass adults.

  28. I said this above but my school had a what was I wearing for men and women who have Been assualted

    Sooooo many children’s clothes, so many casual, oversized clothing

    It doesn’t matter what you wear. No one rapes based on clothing, if someone wants to rape they’re going to

  29. We've had some extreme changes to our laws in the past few years. We used to be a pro choice country but some states are very much not.

  30. The thought of him just being interested in another girl crossed my mind a lot these past weeks and it’s heartbreaking tbh 🙁 But yeah, I started spending more time with friends, going to cool places with them and went to some classes and started going to the gym just to do things for myself.

    It still hurts though, I just wish things were different and I could be enough for him. I don’t know what I did wrong 🙁

  31. You know what’s really sad and pathetic graham, since you’ve started trolling this sub I’ve gotten married and have had 2 kids. It’s time to get a actual life graham.

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