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NatalyColinslive sex stripping with hd cam


9 thoughts on “NatalyColinslive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I'm looking out for OP's social interests here, and also taking her motivation into account.

    Her ex and this girl aren't in a monogamous relationship yet, so chances are good that if OP interferes by bringing this up to the other girl without being asked, they will still get together, and OP will be painted as the bitter ex who tried to derail their relationship. It isn't fair, but it is the most likely outcome, especially if d-bag says she's lying and she doesn't have proof.

    The reason for this is actually the same as my main reason for telling her it isn't her place— OP's motivation is suspect. She is clearly very emotionally entangled with this guy, and it would be understandable if she had territorial or jealous feelings over this, or if she were to feel hurt or used after this incident and want revenge. And it's good policy in general to take a step back from things you've been advised not to do and examine your motivation. If personal gain or revenge is one of your main reasons for wanting to interfere in someone else's relationship, that should always give you pause.

    Since this situation is dicey, OP's best move is to be honest, but not to bring this up out of context or reach out to this person she doesn't know who is likely to disbelieve or dismiss her anyway, possibly kicking up some drama in the process. People rarely thank the messenger for volunteering bad news, especially if the messenger is that clingy ex girlfriend you've heard about but never met.

    But if she asks, or if somebody else asks OP in front of her, etc., then OP should be honest and report the facts.

  2. If your kids were teens and wanted to view dad's latest nuptials, you'd probably drop them off and pick them up after.

    But a 6 year old and a toddler that's not in the wedding party? They don't care the least about it.

  3. honestly sounds like he could be seeing someone else in private, have you looked into this? it’s a possibility to consider as the evidence provided is too damning.

  4. Try to live in the moment, live day by day. Don't think of G as someone you have to be “ready” for. Just enjoy time together and don't make the mistake of planning a future, but rather just get along today.

    Obviously, you don't stay that way forever, but it can be helpful to keep ourselves from overthinking things.

  5. Ive taken a look at some of your other posts and figured id put a sort of combo response here. As someone married to a person with anxiety/adhd/ocd issues for the last 10 years, I feel a bit more connection to your BF than you in this situation but maybe this different perspective will help you.

    First off, based on your descriptions of things he tends to do from other posts, I wouldn't classify any of the stuff he is doing necessarily as abuse. Yelling, in general, is not abuse, being mad at you isn't abuse, angrily flinging a blanket off himself is not abuse. (However I recognize that there may be other unstated details to these events that might indicate abuse)

    With that out of the way, now a bit about my situation. My wife has always had issues with anxiety/adhd/ocd and very frequently this manifests itself as her being in a bad mood or being upset. I can typically recognize it because she becomes very quiet and closed off, and as a loving partner, I want to try to make her feel happy/better. However, most of the time when this happens, she is unable to, or unwilling to, explain why she is upset or what upset her, which makes my job waaay harder. So hard sometimes that it makes me unreasonably frustrated only because I feel like I'm failing my wife. I have yelled at her, gotten mad, all that stuff, but never because I was trying to be hurtful (usually my thought is that it will snap her out of it when nothing else works)

    Maybe your situation is different but when I tried to read between the lines of your post, this definitely reminded me of our stuff.

    Over the years we have BOTH gotten better at dealing with these situations (since it isn't just 1 person's problem). I, for one, learned that sometimes I need to be ok with not fixing it and just being there for comfort. She has learned to process her feelings better, where now, more often than not, she knows why she is upset and how to fix it (e.g., i need cuddles, i just need to forget about it, etc.). She has also improved her ability to let things go, which was a big hurdle for her, so that she has fewer episodes.

    The most important part of our learning, however, is that we BOTH learned that when we can effectively COMMUNICATE how we feel, especially when we feel upset, most of the time these occurances can be resolved without dramatics

    (Also, if you are not on any medications for your MH issues, please consult a specialist. My wife was untreated for the first few years of our relationship and things definitely got much better after they balanced her medications and she grew accustomed to them. If you are on medications, please make sure you stick to your regimen as even slight deviations can cause their effectiveness to drop. I think this happened for my wife during the transition period and she almost stopped all together)

  6. So … show her the picture, ask her to comment on it?

    How she reacts and/or what she does/doesn't have to say might possibly tell you all you need to know.

    I'm rather skeptical of someone who's going out of their way to provide you evidence of her (allegedly) “cheating”, but who won't identify themselves to you? I'd be quite skeptical of their motives … and the accuracy of their “information”/claims/”evidence”. Just seems rather to quite suspect.

  7. I have an idea – change GF! I have/had a perfume that I loved! Wore it for years – it was my scent. My husband would have sneezing fits all the time. Once he even threw his back out because of it. Guess what I got a new perfume. I don’t love it as much as the old one but I love my husband more. Your GF doesn’t care about you or she would get new shampoo.

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