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Miyu-chanlive sex stripping with hd cam


8 thoughts on “Miyu-chanlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. In the very beginning before you’re a couple, there’s nothing wrong with going on dates with others as long as everyone knows. When I was young and single, I never expected a girl I asked on a couple of dates to stop seeing others. When it turned into a 3rd or 4th date, then the decision of where to go next would come up, but it was usually decided by then. If she could put up with me for 3 dates and still want to spend time together, I was hooked.

  2. I think you'd enjoy the fruits of your revenge more if you didn't end up in prison for felony blackmail lmao.

  3. Through this confrontation, I just want to remind him that what he is doing is wrong and I am strongly against it. I will give him a chance to end it all with that woman and come clean to my mom. I will remind him that the next few months are already going to be hard for her with me leaving and how he needs to be with her.

    If worst comes to worst and he tries to lie or refuse to talk about it, I will simply tell him that if you're not going to tell her i will.

    He is usually a very reasonable person and if its coming from me he will understand it. I just feel like my mother would appreciate it more if he told her about this himself.

    Although, the other side is if I tell my mom, my work is done. It is now up to them to talk about it and make the necessary decisions. But this step has its own shortcomings, as I don't have any real proof. Its really my word against his. (But it will still be really hard to deny if she tells him the name of the contact he has the woman saved as). Plus I am worried my mom will act on impulse and take some steps which would be beneficial for nobody.

    It is also important to note that I am not sure of the extent of this relationship. I know they talk to each other daily but its hard to say how far they've went.

  4. This is my take: He wants to have sex with her, and she wants to have sex with him. He is probably forbidden fruit to her, and he is immature, wants to bang left and right and definitely not ready to settle down. They will do something innocent like watching a movie together – after all, there is nothing wrong with two friends watching a movie. And then they will have a glass of wine, and suddenly the sexual tension is too much, they have sex, and afterwards they are SO shocked that it happened. Bl bla bla. The only reason we tempt fate like that, is because it's a convenient excuse. Circumstances just made it happen.

    If he found her very attracting, but didn't want to risk his relationship with you, he wouldn't do this. I don't have any female friends for the same reason – I am lying to myself when I'm saying “no no, we can totally be platonic friends”, when in reality I just can't stop thinking about having sex with female friends.

  5. Good for you for telling her the truth, even if you are a bit late. I’m adopted and I can’t remember a time in my life when I didn’t know I was adopted.

  6. its understandable that your concerned, communication is very important in any relationship.. some people can have a really hard time processing emotions and might even need more than a few hours to think on it. you might just need to give him some space for some hours or even a day and come back to address the issue.

    he might not know exactly the reason why he is sad or he might have a hard time processing it. just be patient, and be gentle. if he struggles bringing it up, you might have to ask questions to help him open up if you can. if he has experienced any kind of trauma or had emotionally abusive parents, that could also be a reason why he struggles.

    if he can afford it, therapy would probably be really good to help him work through these kinds of issues, especially talking and such. i know people always say therapy, but its a very helpful tool.

  7. So you make less than her, yet pays more than her. And she thinks she's “settling” if you don't start making more. Honey, open your eyes. She doesn't want YOU, she wants some guy that can spoil her financially.

    There's a term for people like that. They're called gold diggers.

    If it's love you want, this girl isn't the one for you.

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