MelissaRey1 live webcams for YOU!


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Date: January 2, 2023

9 thoughts on “MelissaRey1 live webcams for YOU!

  1. I managed to read that comment, but I can't find it anywhere anymore.

    Dang, if OP is actually trying to trickle truth Reddit, I can't imagine what he pulled against his ex-gf (hopefully ex-gf).

  2. Yes, I agree with this. Our finances are not mixed yet, and won’t be for a long time until we’re done with school. And also yeah, he’s grown, so am I and we can focus on our own separate finances until the time for the join finance discussion arises. Thank you

  3. There is no excuse for cheating. An personally I couldn't be friends with someone who did. I would have to agree with your wife.

  4. You need to stop playing the blame game about who is “worse” and take some responsibility. This relationship is incredibly unhealthy when clearly you both want different things from each other – also you sound very controlling; you can’t just mould a person into the one you want them to be.

    You will both do well to end the relationship for good this time and work on yourselves before you even consider dating.

  5. Big oof — I wish that worked.

    My wife also doesn't clean. I've been doing 99% of the housework for the past 5 years, and I'm at my breaking point. Every time I've asked for help with the house, I've been ignored. At best they “help” for a few days, then revert to making me do everything.

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