MelanieBrown live webcams for YOU!


MelanieBrown Public Chat Channel

Date: January 13, 2023

6 thoughts on “MelanieBrown live webcams for YOU!

  1. You’re in a relationship without the title. Communicate your feelings, decide if you both want to be in a relationship and determine what will happen post-grad.

    This scenario is like 101 college queer FBW to dating.

    I will say, she needs and exit strategy if it doesn’t work out between you two in the new location. Will you still live together as friends? Will she move out? Does she have the money to do that or move back home? Etc.

  2. She quit her job, doesn't want intimacy and hangs out with her ex.

    So, you pay the bills, and she does what she wants.

    Time to evict and move on!

  3. You are not alone in this situation, may be you could find a group with people with the same issue and they could help you live with it. At the end of the day, you are not over your ex, and he is your ex for a reason. That issue alone is not fair on your boyfriend ( by the way, may be he had the std but didn't know about it). Break up for both your sake.

    It will be harder to find a new relationship, but better be alone and try to be happy than staying and being miserable. Please don't go back to your ex. You need to move forward not backward.

  4. Dump her f*cking ass!

    Who attacks an innocent dog just because she is angry?

    And yeah she is abusing you emotionally and you should protect your dog from this miserable excuse of a human being!

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