Maemiller live webcams for YOU!



Date: October 22, 2022

123 thoughts on “Maemiller live webcams for YOU!

  1. thank you, ive never met anyone like this before, ive had 3 ltr one was even an 8 year one but even when my ex broke up he continued to support me mentally for a little while to get back on my feet. This ex is very different.. How can you cut off someone just like that as if they didnt exist at all.. When nothing was wrong in a relationship and he continued to act till thr end.. One commenter said most probably he has been applying for jobs and having interviews for a while now, looking back.. He had 2 trips back in his hometown for the last month before he took me there, he kept on telling me its a worktrip but I realized its most probably interviews..

  2. Ohhh dang those words all in the face like this. Whoa ? well I hope with the right balance you remember what she threw in yer face like your years of dedication was a bad thing.

    I’d appreciate a man that could speak up and ask the questions you chose to ask in a stressed situation.

    And I don’t mean remember her sayings in a hurtful way… I mean she’s not good for you imo at this point and so in your future and a possible lonesome time remember she didn’t appreciate what she had and so be it.

    I can wish and hope a restoration of your heart from this experience for you. May your peace be still and may you repair. ?? hang in here!

  3. I feel the same way about my boyfriend from Vancouver. He usually goes for the clean cut blonde blue collar cop type gal, but I am a five two and a three court ores, red hair, green collar A.C.A..B. (he is a cop too). Anyways, I don't know how fond of me he is besides fondlin' me if you catch my drift. I always wonder if he's missing something by being with me. But that's alright I suppose, I think i will leave him so he doesn't leave me first.

  4. IUDs are not guaranteed to work. Sure it helps, but there's always still a chance you get pregnant. He's just being responsible and probably doesn't want to help pay for an abortion or a child if things come to that.

  5. It can, but I don’t understand why they would rather me drink as much as we do. I’ve seen how alcohol can ruin a person and it’s just strange is all. I don’t think I need to find anyone else, just wondering is there is another boundary I should set with her maybe? Thank you for your words

  6. My ex who would do this in our bed after drinking would also try to blame some weird genetic thing saying their dad did this. It’s not normal.

    Three years in, I had to leave them. They were great when sober, so sweet, funny and kind, but they were an alcoholic and weren’t interested in stopping drinking l, despite being unable to have a healthy relationship with alcohol.

    Fifteen years later, I’m happily married with kids to someone else and they are living with their mom still battling their addiction, even after getting caught drinking and driving.

    You can’t force him to change but you can decide what you want your life to look like. Especially if you want children in your future.

    As someone who was forced to deal with someone else’s piss and told over and over again it wouldn’t happen again, unless they are stopping drinking completely — not cutting down, not switching the type of alcohol, not changing where or how often they drink — stopping completely, this will not get better and you need to choose yourself over this life. I promise the hurt will be worth your sanity.

  7. Head on over to r/AlAnon and read all of the posts there that sound like yours.

    This person is only going to get worse unless he gets serious about not drinking.

  8. Simple. You start by understanding that not every relationship is meant to go from A to Z….. This one got to C. This one key understanding will make moving on much easier.

    Mean person? Nah. Just not into coddling the wall of text whining.

  9. Yes. If you were dating and the picture are nude or underwear… then sure he could ask you not to share them with other guys. But you're not dating, he is trying to control you and the age difference, while not big, is enough to suggest that at your age he is definitely trying to control and pressure you. To me it's a red flag.

  10. He’s not very social at all and yes quite possibly puts his wife first. He’s not abusive, but is fundamentally incompatible in part because of autism and untreated trauma, but largely by his choices. She wants to grow and has done. He wants everything to stay just as it is forever.

    I won’t have any involvement in the process other than emotional support for her. He will blame me anyway. But the issues predate my involvement with her. They have been poly their whole relationship. She has had a number of other partners before me.

  11. The amount of pseudo psychology going on in here & the preposterous conclusions folks come to with such a small snap shot of peoples relationships is nothing short of hilarious! Gotta love Reddit man lmao

  12. You guys have a pretty big age difference. In any relationship 2 years is long enough to get used to each other and things that each other thought were cute when they first met just don’t make them as excited anymore and can actually upset the other person. It’s possible that’s what’s happening to you two. Especially because of the age difference the two of you probably are used to doing things differently and things that he has grown out of you still do.

  13. I kinda understand you, but she doesnt even feel you worthy enough to tell you how she is feeling or whats happening. You should be more selfish in this case. This will drag you down

  14. You already cheated before and looking for someone to sext online based on your posts. Guess you two are meant for each other.

  15. How about you date people in your age hm? Why don’t you? Because they are too mature for you?

    That's not the reason. Normally younger women are more physically attractive, that's a no brainer.

  16. In the infidelity subs they have a saying: “adults don't spend time together to kiss, and hold hands.”

    She didn't just kiss him. She is having sex with him. She admitted to the most innocent thing because that's what cheaters always do. It's call “trickle truth”.

    She cheated and you stayed. She is still spending time with him, and you stayed. Do you see the pattern? She does whatever she wants, and you just take it. She's not going to change, she doesn't have to.

    You need to break up with her, and work on yourself. You need to develop some healthy self-esteem and sense of self-worth. Why do you accept such abusive and disrespectful behavior? Why do you believe this is what you deserve? Figure out the answer to those questions before you jump into another relationship.

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  20. A longterm friend of mine loves to cook and he is very good at it. Crazy idea… he married a woman who also loves to cook.

    They BOTH love making meals and inviting people over for incredible food and drinks. We get to try new things and they are excited when we love new dishes. They tend to make things tapas style so we can eat things like appies and try several dishes.

    Now…. imagine if you found a genuine and loving man like this… that cooks.

    You can find a life partner that lifts you up and builds you up.


    He knows he is hurting you when he says this mean bullshit. Think about that.

    Thank you for cooking for your grieving friend. That was very very thoughtful and kind.

  21. Hello /u/itzkieon,

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  22. Keep affirming and repeating. One way could be, “I need you to stop acting like our conversation never happened. I’m not comfortable spending time with you until you stop making decisions based on our future.”

  23. Hello /u/throwawaydontask24,

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  24. Honey, he doesn’t have tater tot’s money he doesn’t get to play those games.

    He is a common man so he gets common lifestyle.

    It’s been fun watching tater tot get a nice knock down, wondering what bigger fish he pissed off.

  25. wife wants to divorce me over weed smoking lying, being unsupportive during her miscarriage, having no concern over her and my child's health, and making smoking weed my first priority. fixed that for you

  26. Ya and I get that I would want to ask also. But like I said my biggest worry is just that people can't really help what they do some times. I would worry if I was getting involved with someone and found Out I as the exact opposite of a former spounce.

  27. Hello /u/No-Buy7539,

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  28. I was coming here for this- OP, you deserve to also enjoy your college experience! You’re young! Explore new people and don’t worry about it! I also know couples that tried it out, hated it, and got back together. It happens. But use this as a growth opportunity

  29. Yea his father setting a top notch example for him and his half brothers, cheating is ok as long as you yourself obtain happiness

  30. That behavior gives me strange&negative vibes so I distance myself from people like that. She seems off but You said you've been friends for a long time and you're keeping her so just ignore it. Delusional people are just that.. delusional. ❤️

  31. I can’t initiate. I’ll touch, grab, but he doesn’t get there. He used to have little things he liked, like me kissing his ears, it would they him started in seconds lol. Now he won’t even let me near them and gets angry at me.

    I’m so afraid to touch him in certain ways anymore. It just feels likes repulsed by me.

  32. I would ponder on this: how often do my own fantasies become realities?

    If you’re wondering what that looks like for a general population, like USA or EU countries, it’s extremely low, like 9/10 fantasies simply stay fantasies. It’s rare to even discuss these fantasies with others including our partners due to fears of shame, embarrassment, hurt partners feelings, etc. And ultimately, it’s even rarer to really act out these fantasies. There was a survey on “what was the riskiest/craziness sexual act you’ve done” and the overwhelmingly it was BJ/sex in a car, not even a moving car.

    On a last note: fantasies does mean it’s a sexual act we would enjoy. Studies done on what inspires fantasies have showed that our day to day activities, routines, etc are the single biggest factor behind our fantasies. This, to a great deal, explains why categories like step-sibling, step-parents, etc are usually the most popular on porn sites.

  33. Hi curly, Im not saying I am right for going through his phone. We both knew each other’s passcodes because of past incidents that he had done. I know snooping isn’t okay, but I was worried that he may have a reason for not wanting me there and he didn’t really have a good reason to exclude me. Ive caught him flirting with girls when we were supposed to be exclusive so i wanted transparency to feel comfortable in the relationship.

  34. The mf is 22 years older then you and speaks in riddles because he sucks at communication.

    You’re 27, you’re too young to be putting up with a shitty mf who’s old enough to be your dad.

  35. GO TO NURSING SCHOOL !. You will be able to work anywhere in the country and abroad. It will set you up with independence for life with a good career. Do not move anywhere.

  36. Recognizing is the first part. You can go to therapy.

    Another way is to sit down and just think.. how do you want to act next time in that situation for example cheering your boyfriend up. Go brainstorm as you know him best.

    Next time it happens you have to ACTIVELY RECALL how to. Be purposeful with your words and action. It will take time but eventually you will get used to it

  37. You might find insane stories of women either dumping or changing how they see their male partners for seeing the man cry once, even if it's in a seriously justified situation.

    You don't want to be in this relationship in the first place.

    If you do and ignore point 1, then you can't do anything other than just not cry ever.

    If you're with a sane and kind person, then you can cry talking to her normally because you had a bad day, or because you're sad about a dog dying in a movie. You don't and shouldn't do anything about it.

    But you still show you're a reliable partner by getting work done when needed even if you have a bad day. And that part will be hard but will make you more attractive.

  38. Not really. It's a pretty safe assumption the dad uses cannibas or edibles at least, or else why have them? But him having and using them doesn't automatically mean he had to be the one who gave them and other drugs to the kid.

    That said, she took him to get tested. It will be reported to CPS, who will hopefully now investigate it. But I'm afraid they'll take the kid away from both, since they can't reasonably prove who did it.

  39. The good news, W girlfriend for the open honesty.

    The bad news, trash friend. For sure cut him out of your life, that’s unstable and toxic behavior. If you know his GF probably a good idea to tell her

  40. Someone with that big of an age Gap can be trained to put up with b******* that somebody his own age would not listen to your mother you will thank her and give her hugs and kisses when you tell this man you do not want to date him

  41. You’re on Reddit of all places asking strangers for advice/discussion just fine. But somehow having a conversation with your wife is harder?

    Yeah, people will probably make snap judgment.

  42. Yes, like you say, it doesn't get better. It's rly tough because I don't want to hurt her. But I think I need to put myself at the first place atm

  43. I had my 14mo three weeks before my 40th birthday. I didn’t do IVF and barely tried. Didn’t keep track of my cycle. We just stopped using physical contraceptives snd I’ve never used pills or etc. I became pregnant in about 8 months. For info, we’re both very healthy and active. Generally eat fairly healthy and we both cook most of the time.

    I’m sorry but your bf is 42. At this point he needs to be on board or it’s a no. The guy’s age matters as well though there haven’t been as many studies into it. If you take 8 months to get pregnant then another 9 months he will be 43-44 when you guys have your kid. It’s not terrible but he will be 50 when the child is 6. If he wants to have a kid in 5 years that’s doable but that kind of answer really is a no but he doesn’t want to say it.

  44. It sounds like you don’t like her. If she ditched her friend again, I think you still wouldn’t like her. You guys may simply not be compatible.

    And please don’t call people pathetic for having an addiction.

  45. I think that’s fair,

    Depression is a particularly cruel illness because it also sucks the life out of everyone around them too and it’s rare they ever really recover.

    I remember reading that 90% of partners of people with depression end up becoming depressed themselves because they take on they entire mental load of the couple and get burned out.

    It’s great your gf is doing better but it shouldn’t be at your expense, and at 8 months into a relationship, it’s not nearly long enough to take this on .

  46. What if he doesn't change a thing and uses his “addiction” to consume porn and basically cheat on you carefreely? I guess your boyfriend would call it cheating if you send someone else nudes. So why would him receiving nudes he even asked for not considered as cheating? Addiction or not he went to far.

  47. You're still a barely an adult. Can't expect to much really, you'd both be kinda rubbish. Do your best that's all anyone can ask. Try not being the bottom every time though

  48. I know that in life with anything there are three options: accept the situation, walk away from the situation or change the situation. But i never asked her to learn how to twerk, or stripdance, or deepthroat, or try anal, in short, i never asked her to change who she is. But if she knows that once the sex gets going she gets turned on. Is it too much to ask to unzip my pants and pull it out and be the one that initiates? If she never gets turned on, never likes sex, then ok, what im asking from her is unjust. But she and i both know we enjoy sex. Even if its out of her character to seduce and initiate. Im not asking her to striptease and massage me. Just grab it. I will do the rest. I dont think im being unfair or unjust to feel this way

  49. I mean she told you her deal breaker and you then just stomped all over it. It doesn’t matter if it’s cheating or not you new where her hard line was and that to her it would mean the relationship was over. Then weeks after having twins your there doing jt.

  50. Be prepared for him to promise to change once you tell him you’re done. He’ll probably say all the right things and will even do them for a short time, but it’ll go right back to how it is now.

    Be strong OP, you sound like an awesome person and you deserve so much more!

  51. 100% agree, it was HER choice to have a baby and it's YOUR choice to not want to have a baby as a roommate while in Uni

  52. Chef's kiss to everything you said, once again. He needs to fix or figure out HIS problems and not drag her back into it, or someone else into it. He needs to confront reality that any partner may gain or lose weight and not use people as attraction litmus tests. I say this liking a bunch of men's body types; I've been attracted to skinny, fit, muscular, chunky, and fat. I'm not “blessed,” I was also peddled the same societal archetypes for perfect bodies

  53. Dude I think you need to break up.

    Clearly you are a lot more into her than she is into you.

    She lied about shagging other guys while with you. Big no no. And please don’t hit me with that ‘not exclusive’ BS because, when you find that person, that one person who you truly fall for, then you won’t be banging other people on the side, because you have fallen for that person and the thought of being with someone who is not them will just be icky.

    You went down her phone. Big betrayal of trust.

    Also it 3 months in. Maybe after a few years they’d be something to salvage but you are both 22. Part ways as friends and go find people you’re both better matched with.

  54. Yeah unfortunately emotions aren’t black and white and it’s weird that people on a relationship sub think that way.

    I’m not going to meet up with him, I don’t want any stress or drama.

  55. I literally did my DNA test just because when they finally get around to the rape kit backlog my brother will be found, tried and imprisoned.

    I have no shame. I hope it brings his victims closure.

  56. Do you not just consider if you’d like something if it was the other way around by default? You really had to be directly asked to consider if roles were reversed? You need to think like this more often.

  57. Ugh there’s no double standards here tho!!! They do whatever they want but I can’t.

    Ik I need to reevaluate and let it be I know. But I’m scared he’s just using her to get to me after I set boundaries

  58. Once she saw the other guy AFTER you went all that way, the relationship was dead. Oh, still twitching, but dead. Block and find someone who doesn't want 2 guys.

  59. I don’t care what he does with his money, but this situation itself is something that we’ve both been forgetful of. but I wanted him to get it done eventually, since $100 is worth calling in for a refund.

  60. You can't think of a response because you feel deeply offended and disrespected and it is perfectly normal. It will hurt but walking away from it is the best option because you will keep your dignity in check. You gain nothing if you give her a chance coz what kind of girl will respect you once she knows she can get away making out with a random person while you shared a passionate kiss the very same day a few hours prior?

    If she can't even control her inhibition at your presence there is no way you will trust her in your absense.

    Now the sad truth is, this happens all the time and it's completely okay to bite the dust. Just never lower your standards to accommodate anyone.

  61. You know the answer to this. You posted it yourself when your husband repeated what he heard George tell Mike: that you were “still acting like the little bitch I always was.”

    Delete his email.

  62. Have you considered letting him make an ass of himself? He can be judged for showing up looking like an ass and you can choose to not take photos with him. I would actually prefer to buy a cheap suit in his size to bring as backup, he can change into it or leave. Then he’s embarrassed times three, once as a clown, second in a cheap ill fitting suit, and third as Unwelcomed.

    Your fiancé really needs to work on her boundaries better otherwise you’re looking at a short marriage or NC with her family SOON.

  63. That makes it even worse. Way too much back and forth bs for two weeks and she admitted she doesn’t want a relationship with you.

  64. Unfortunately, people like this don't really get better. I think it would probably be best to end the friendship, if you try to taper it off then she's going to notice. Either way, she's probably going to flip because she's also obsessed with you. Kinda weird because she probably knows next to nothing of substance about you at this point because she can't shut up about herself. She's like a little vampire or a black hole, more interested in capturing people and possessing them/draining them than coexisting with them. It's actually pretty offensive imo.

    Again, she's behaved this way over 2 months with a guy. She will most likely try to contact you nonstop or spread rumors or more since you were “best friends” if you want out, but there is no taking space from this person that doesn't also result in the same behavior.

    Tbh people like this make me feel like I have a layer of filth on me after dealing with them at this point. It doesn't sound like you're quite there, but if you're dreading interactions with her, you're not a friend. You're a hostage. And she is unwanted. She needs to keep finding that out or she has no chance of changing, it's all from behavior she could work on if she actually wanted to. Don't say “you're unwanted” but feel free to tell her that she's way too much.

  65. Get a lawyer to sort this out. Also check your tenant laws or squatters rights in your area.

    Make sure all your valuables are in a safe place ahe can't reach in case she go haywire.

    All communication with her should be recorded as well as putting up cameras in your house and property is a must.

  66. From what you have said you were not together with each other when he went to visit her and he slept with her so in that case he didn’t cheat on her with you.

    That doesn’t mean though that your feelings are not valid because they are valid and you have various different reasons for feeling worried and concerned that he might actually cheat on you in the future based on the other things you said in your post.

    Me personally I would advise you to just end the relationship for good, because clearly you don’t trust him at all in any way and he also hasn’t done anything to make you feel like you can trust him that ultimately your relationship doomed to fail now regardless of anything that he does to try and make it better and to try and make you feel more trusting of him. Once that trust is broken and gone to this extent you can never ever get it back to anywhere near that previous level. You will always continue to feel like that and worst still if he promises to change things and for example he promises you that he will delete the apps from his phone and he promises you that he will also do this and that so you will feel better what always happens is that you will then think that something must be up and that he is cheating but now he is being more clever about doing it so you can’t really win either way. He has destroyed your trust and that is the be all and end all of it and you will always feel that you can’t trust him

  67. I’m scared he’ll get really angry if I just block him out of the blue but I think that’s the only way I can escape his manipulation at this point. If I text him he’ll call me and try to convince me out of it. Last time he said that I was being selfish and that I didn’t care about his feelings. I was stupid enough to listen to him and stay. I’m also really scared to tell my parents but I think they need to know, especially because they already know something is wrong because I don’t leave my room these days. Thank you for the kindness.

  68. My partner and I are very truthful with each other, I can guarantee she won't leave me for telling her how I feel about her friend, I'm mostly worried about tainting their relationship

  69. She used something straight out of the narcissist’s playbook called DARVO — Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender. She turned it around and made you the bad guy, even going to an outrageous degree by saying she was afraid of you, when in fact she was in the process of cheating on you. Take it from an old guy, that’s definitely breakup-worthy.

  70. Everyone knows that when someone keeps trying to talk to someone about something for months and they finally stop after they’ve been stonewalled for months, it must mean it finally clicked!


  71. “Friends don't ghost friends after offering to help during hard times. I needed you and you weren't there, despite saying you would be. Whatever you are, the word “friend” is not the right word to describe it.”

  72. Bob is stirring up more drama and trying to manipulate the situation. All you asked is that he leave you alone – that’s completely reasonable. I don’t think you need to do anything further here, it’s firmly a “Bob problem”. Focus on giving Alice a wonderful wedding and don’t give Bob another thought!

  73. Abortion should be available for whenever someone wants one. Her body her choice what happens with it. If she doesn’t want a fetus in there then it’s her right to remove it.

  74. It feels like he is either weirdly fixated on race or trying to find the most complicated way of having children to avoid having children.

    If he honestly felt so strongly about it, he would have mentioned it before.

  75. I agree it was a choice to redownload the dating apps…I think I chose the word “mistake” to convey the regret I had for doing it.

    I remember a discussion I had with her once about the topic of cheating within relationships generally, and she was of the opinion that if it happens, it shouldn't come to light so that the cheater has to live with the guilt of their choice rather than chance forgiveness. I had never considered a good thing to live in ignorance, so I was taken aback.

    I mention this because I remember trying to understand (and maybe justify) my decision to download them and chance hurting someone whom I loved. I think I'll be working those reasons out in my next therapy session.

  76. So why do you want to even continue this relationship? You're both acting hella insecure. So you obviously don't trust each other. And you're stressed out and unhappy every day when someone outside your relationship who you don't think even knows your gf scrolls and likes her posts. I don't see what positivity you guys are getting out of this relationship. Seems like it's time to take a bit of time to address the issues you brought into or developed in this relationship or those before. Then find someone more compatible.

  77. Then both of you are wildly dysfunctional, immature, and not compatible. You're just going to send each other into tailspins of drama that you'll think is normal in a relationship.

  78. There are PLENTY of cultural differences you have not yet realized, and there won't be any compromising from him because that isn't his culture's way. As a man, he doesn't compromise to his female partner, you have to compromise to him, on all things. This is just the beginning.

  79. You are doing nothing wrong. No one should treat you rudely or bad because of a difference of opinion. I suspect she wants to 'lock you down' so she can have a baby and perhaps financial security on her timeline. You learned about how she handles conflict OP. And it's not in a mature, respectful manner.

  80. “I wouldn't want to join a club that will accept me as a member.” – Groucho Marx. Sounds like you have self-esteem issues.

  81. It seems your just looking for validation to end your relationship. Honestly I think he’s upset that you never want to do this with him or plan it and make it happen for him so he can see for himself exactly what happens. Right now all he has to rely on is your accounts and if he’s been through cheating before then this will always bother him. It’s nice to enjoy time to yourself but if your in a committed relationship checking out and disappearing for 3 days a month is a red flag for anyone who was looking for a commitment partner. Him asking for you to include him once in a while is a reasonable request. He’s looking for reassurance and not getting it. The fact that you won’t include him at all in this leaves a huge doubt in his mind on what exactly is happening because he only has your word to rely on.

    Honestly compromise is needed in a relationship. When you first started dating he was willing to accept it and compromise that it was occurring. After 2 years of you not compromising and including him once or twice means this is just a one way compromise relationship where he does it and you don’t.

    Just imagine how you would feel if he disappeared for 3 days every month and didn’t want to contact you. You would be ok with it for a while but after years you would start having doubts. Everyone would and if you say you would t you have never been in that situation.

    Also asking for relationship advice from this sub isn’t good. Everyone will just agree with you and say to leave him. It seems like that’s what you really want is validation to do it so just do it.

  82. “You are perfect for me” can very easily come across as “I’m trying to be nice so you’ll shut up” (even though that’s not your intention)

    Say something like “it’s plenty big enough” or something like that. (Source:someone who has the exact opposite issue that your partner has)

  83. You are so bitter tho.

    If you want freedom dont be in a relationship. The behaviour she has is not wifey material. So why is she dating at all if she hangs out ar pubs after work “alone”.

    She can either break up and do f+ or someshit or she can start and act like someone wanting a long lasting relationship. Also alcohol ia bad for you, and i lol at people drinking almost daily and not calling themselves alcoholic.

  84. Actually despite the gory details you gave us, I could relate to her. I have the perfect set up and I’ve always wondered why both my FWB and I were losing interest in one another. It really run its own course and this being my first casual relationship, I learned that it is really that way

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