Kokethaa live webcams for YOU!


1 week without squirt#Save me,make me squirt#Lovense Lush is on in ass#Give me pleasure [1 tokens remaining]

Date: October 6, 2022

37 thoughts on “Kokethaa live webcams for YOU!

  1. First, it took a lot to take that step and you should be proud of yourself for the rest of your life for being able to take it. To answer your question, you will feel that way because he was a significant part of your life for a year, he was the main factor in your life and everything orbited around him. Every thought had him as something to consider, every action had to involve him, the hardest part of getting out of abusive relationships is because you feel, for lack of a better term, comfortable with your life and can't see your own worth is greater than being complacent in misery. A part of you is gone now, granted it is a part you are better not having, but you are in new territory now. Find something to replace it that isn't him or another abusive relationship, find a new hobby or go deeper into an interest you already have.

  2. Those new sheets must feel really really good! It washes. It’s not like he did it on purpose just to piss you off. Its a normal physiologic phenomenon. Chill.

  3. My moral code is strong, but she won't stop and pretty sure I won't get caught…weakening.

    so which is it, are you strong or weak? why cant you just cut her off? you are grown man. she will be a piece of shit but if you fuck her knowing what you know, you aren't really any better.

  4. People can’t have the best of both worlds. She’s literally dumped you but gets upset if you say you’d rather back off then – that’s stringing you along. Keeping you as a backup just in case.

    Be the man and make the stand, don’t ask but tell her that you’d like to stop the contact and that maybe the right time will come up some other time. But stick to that, don’t then fold to her messages to get you back into her pocket. She has dumped you and is now stringing you along just in case, it makes you look the doormat while she’s happily getting on knowing she’s got the best of both worlds.

  5. You need to work on building a support system outside of him. You’ll never feel ready but the best you could do is work on distancing yourself beforehand. Make yourself a comfortable place to cry and get yourself comfort foods. I’ll be honest, especially with how reliant to are on him emotionally it would be to easy to fall into a relationship again. If you can afford it/cover it with insurance I would go ahead and find a therapist. You will need someone to talk to that isn’t a romantic partner if you leaned on him so much. I would definitely block him at least for a while after so you aren’t tempted to try to take it back. It’s possible to both love someone and decide you want different things in life. It doesn’t mean the relationship failed or you failed.

  6. Hello /u/sskk12,

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  7. That seriously sucks, it must be pretty hard when you've given someone boundaries like that, and they still hide stuff from you. The very boundaries you made clear were important to you and a deal breaker.

    Solid advice for OP, I hope he reads it and that you found someone better who was honest with you.

  8. Oofff…that's bad. Maybe you can ask him what improvements he would like in the bedroom, to help him from visiting prostitutes?

  9. I was like you. We were together for over 9 years. He went away to college and it wasn’t good. We were both miserable. Cut your losses.

  10. When I read the title I was like “oof, I just had to teach my husband how to make mashed potatoes like I do two weeks ago” but no. Your guy didn't even “know how” to boil potatoes.

    Yikes. Like yeah maybe go on strike.

  11. You're in your mid thirties, you'll retire a little after 2050. That's 25 years. Anyway, my point is you might suggest going to a financial adviser. Many places will give you a free meeting. Anyway, there is only one way to know what he's thinking and that is to ask him or bring it up some other way. His dreams may be unrealistic, but at the same time, he may not think you are naïve. Those aren't mutually exclusive.

  12. My stbxw always overshared our marital issues. She had no filter whatsoever and would often fabricate things out of whole cloth and would tell quite literally anyone who would listen. This is all her work friends ever heard from her about me. So they decided that the solution to her problems with me was to have an affair. They actively encouraged her to do it and then ran cover for her after the fact.

    The other effect of this was that I became reluctant to open up to her once I wised up to the fact that she was reporting everything I said, or did, or didn’t do, to everyone, including mutual friends. I was even getting in trouble at work based on the rumours that ended up swirling around.

  13. The issue is not that he didn't want to spend money on her. The issue is he was thoughtless. He could have written her a poem, drawn her something, serenaded her, picked flowers for her if they live in a warm area. Her gift to him was a painting she made, which shows thought and care. Your cynical attitude here is pretty distasteful.

  14. Sounds like he wants to know at the start that you are on the same page that if you continue to get along well you will both hope to marry and start a family. That was actually not unusual in the dating lives of my friends in 1980s Australia.

    I guess I would say you want to marry and start a family some day(if you do) but you would want to decide after dating for many years.

  15. Is he just using you for intimacy or convenience? This guy knows how to treat family and friends but not how to treat a SO. That’s ridiculous. I don’t know why you’d put up with that for years. Please have some self worth. This isn’t normal to be treated like a side partner just cuz he lives at home.

  16. Yes it seems like you’re in two very different phases in life. She’s barely out of her teens. Let her have fun in college and be with someone closer to her own age.

  17. Our brains are crazy. I had a dream that Jeffery Rush (with the captain Barbosa hair) was dressed as the nun from the Conjuring universe and stalking me in a cafe. It means nothing and he is overreacting.

  18. Isn't Netflix & chill = hookups sex?

    he cheated. well done for dumping him.

    You are only 23 & you deserve better.

  19. Re your guilt. Of course you will be trying to remember things you should have picked up on and you know you couldn't save him. Perhaps you could reframe your guilt as a form of love tinged with regrets. You are only human and his life partner, you were not his psychiatrist. And it's not like any health professionals were able to save him either.

    My mother died of pneumonia. She also had Parkinsons which meant my Dad had to nurse her a lot. His whole life revolved around taking care of her, taking her out when she could manage it, staying in or just popping out for groceries if she couldn't. The one source of fun he had was going to play carpet bowls with a club for retirees. He would play, and she would sit with friends to watch.

    He was devastated that she died of pneumonia. We looked up the symptoms and he couldn't get over the fact that he'd not noticed anything was wrong. I suspected that my mother had kept quiet, because she was terrified of being sent off to die in hospital.

    Then I mentioned it to my doctor, who said people with Parkinsons often got things like that, and were often asymptomatic. They call it “silent pneumonia”. So she didn't have any symptoms, so it was normal that Dad didn't notice anything. He cried with relief when I told him, because at last he didn't feel guilty.

    So for your ex, like my mother, I reckon he was quiet about it,because he probably didn't want to get carted off to hospital. He probably hid his symptoms from you because he didn't want to upset you unduly. Maybe if you'd persuaded him to go to hospital they'd have managed to cure him, but psychiatric problems are a heap more complex than pneumonia! If you'd managed to get him to hospital he might have found another way to kill himself there. He might have felt like you betrayed him, and you wouldn't have wanted to read that in a suicide note.

    You did what you could with the energy and knowledge that was available to you. You did those wellness checks, well done. I suggest you do some kind of ceremony to give yourself closure on this. Something like going to a place you know he liked, and leaving a bouquet of flowers there. Or make a quilt out of squares cut out of his clothes (my friend does these, she calls them remembrance quilts). Whatever can bring you comfort. Rituals that you repeat whenever you get to thinking about him.

    You didn't save him but you were a like a ray of sunshine to him. You were exceptional. Cherish that.

    Wishing you all the best.

  20. You gave him way more respect than he deserves. Just let it go. I would not worry about his reaction.

  21. Please don't meddle in the genetic diagnosis. OP likely met with a genetic counsellor and issues such as penetrance and variability of the disease were discussed with him.

  22. Is this the same overnight stay you posted 47 days ago? You have a right to voice your concerns and how you feel. Telling him not to crash at her ex’s house if there’s other option is reasonable. Boundaries should be set with exes. Even if he wants to stay friends, certain rules have to be followed as a show of respect for his current relationship.

    If this is the second time he stayed overnight at his ex’s, have you not wondered why he missed the train or he intentionally missed the last train?

  23. Sounds like he's just quite shy? I agree though this exact trait is extremely off-putting in guys. I think you'll get frustrated with it over time or maybe he will get more confident as he becomes more comfortable with you.

  24. Thanks for the “intense” response? You do realize age plays a role in life?

    Additionally we were never married. I did walk away because of me, but you cannot act like it does not take two people to build and maintain a relationship.

    Again, thank you for your input and I do understand that having space alone lets you discover a lot about yourself. You have to understand that the majority of my relationship was alone time. We had very few common interests or things we actively did together that were not chores or eating or sex etc. It was a very bad match from the start and I spent years trying to put effort into something that I sure as hell should of walked from but I was too weak to hurt her. Finally a year after my mothers passing I realized life is way too short to continue forcing a square peg in a round hole. Over all of these years she had supported me as more of a family member than an actual lover. Our initial crush and infatuation died off probably by year 3 and I kept trying to make things work for no reason but to frustrate myself.

    I am sorry If I seem combative or something, but I am seriously not.

  25. She is cheating and lying to you. Count yourself lucky she revealed who she really is before marriage and move on

  26. Same. If there is one thing I don’t led slide is a woman that made me get off leaving without getting off.

    I mean, is there anything more rewarding than that satisfied smile and a big fat strong hug after you made your partner cum? Makes my brain go brrrr.

  27. I can guarantee it's not because of any of that. He's the problem, not you. You didn't do anything wrong

  28. So we thought she had a minor immuno compromising disease. So that's the excuse we used during covid. When her parents got hurt in the car accident she basically went full time nurse for them and we pretty much lived with them while they got surgery after surgery. She got her tonsils removed last year and her immune symptoms went away.(mind you it was minor, she just got stuff like the common cold more often then most.) She tried to go to college before all of this and gave up first semester. She just gets overwhelmed easily and tried to take on way more than she could handle in my opinion. The only real job she's had was at Walmart a few months ago, she got hired and quit after one week. I don't blame her because they did abunch of stuff wrong with her schedule and they had her putting groceries in people's car alone late in the afternoon when it's getting dark. She got uncomfortable and didn't like that.

    Besides that stuff. Nothing.

  29. Correct answer is that you split bills based on income percentage for rent and bills like power and groceries. You're wrong on this one. If the assets are earning her money to spend day to day then they are included in the calculation.

  30. I don't think this is NOT NORMAL.

    BUT it's also not the usual scenario.

    And regardless, without her enthusiastic consent. AND her involvement from the start in picking someone, not her husband clearing it with SOMEONE ELSE first, is not ok.

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