KIEFGODDESS OF the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam



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KIEFGODDESS OF live sex chat

Date: December 9, 2022

9 thoughts on “KIEFGODDESS OF the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. As someone who was in abusive relationships until the one I'm in now. YES! YOUR PARTNER IS SUPPOSED TO BE YOUR BEST FRIEND!! I never understood why even though I tried so hard, my exes never “liked” me. Everything and all their other friends were more interesting, more fun, more cool. I was afraid to go on roadtrips with them because in silence they would begin to get so angry with me over nothing.

    My boyfriend and I now go on 14hour roadtrips and laugh the whole time. When I do something wrong he kisses me and tells me we'll be okay. He has not yelled at me, thrown things at me, degraded me, or done anything to make me afraid of him in almost 2 years. I had never had anyone go longer than a few months before him.

    I would really suggest therapy. Just because people are well liked (my abusers won homecoming king, had tons of friends, were presidents of clubs, etc.) does not mean they are not capable of cruelty. Please leave before he hurts you. The three posts you've made show that you know that something is wrong. Trust that gut feeling. Reach out to friends and family to build a support network, and remember how happy it feels to not live life on eggshells. If you ever need anything, please dm me. I believe in you ❤️

  2. What I also wonder is if he is keeping the age gap while he gets older. Like he is now 33 and wants to date 26 y/o so it's a 7 year gap at least. So when he is 45, the limit is 38? Or still 26? Because the older he gets the more weird and telling it becomes tbh…

  3. But you’re saying it right here. You make sacrifices to meet your partners needs. Eventually, if you were to have children, one of the sacrifices you would make is being there for your child.

    If you have to manage deep emotional connections with many different people, you are just going to have less time for your children. It’s why mono married couples tend to not hang out with their good friends as much after having children compared to before having children.

    Managing relationships takes time, and poly people have the same finite amount of time as mono people. The difference is that poly people dilute their time across multiple partners while mono people concentrate their time on one partner.

    Yes, sacrifices also need to be made in poly relationships. The problem is, some of those sacrifices will undoubtedly include your children.

  4. You need to dump boyfriend. He sounds like a jerk. Then again he told you a long time ago how he felt and you stayed with him. You need to let him go as you seem to need your pets for your well being.

  5. As a man i absolutely love BJs but i do think i could enjoy them if i knew my partner hated them

  6. So why are you attracted to men that are father figures? Because I can tell you a 22 year old dating a “man” that is 20 years her senior is not normal. Like at all.

  7. First, don't ask questions you may not want to know the answer to. I have to say it in case you haven't learned yet.

    Second, as for sexual pleasure and orgasms, this can change over time. When my husband and I were dating, I wouldn't have said he gave me the best sexual pleasure, but it was still really good. As we learned more about each other, became more comfortable, etc it was easily him that gave me the best sexual pleasure and orgasms. It took time though. It wasn't until after being married that he became “the best” for me. Basically, don't sweat this when you two are still newer in the relationship.

  8. $300 is a cheap way to realize that your GF is either too selfish or not mature enough to be in a LTR. It would have cost you a lot more money in the future.

    If she doesn't immediately try to pay you back or tell you about it there is obviously an issue.

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