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6 thoughts on “Exotic69dreamz live webcams for YOU!

  1. Are you kidding me? Why are you even posting this on reddit? You do understand that what he did is ASSAULT, right? Your hair is a part of your body. Would you just let him keep hanging around if he cut off one of your fingers??

    Call the cops. Have a friend take photos and press charges!! Jeez. This guy is a nut!

  2. thank you!

    I already asked if he want space, if he is still interested in this relationship, but he freaks out everytime saying that I'm being too harsh, that I'm stressing him and making him sad with these talks, he says that I need to understand the he's feeling sick but he didn't changed his feelings for me. seems like he's terrified of me leaving him… ): I'm feeling even guilty sometimes! I'm so lost ):

  3. Her attitude is unacceptable but way less concerning than your boyfriend’s response to it.

    If she treats you poorly, that’s one thing; you’re dating him, not her, so she can get over it or stay away. But your boyfriend not caring about how his mother is treating you is a huge red flag. He should absolutely be telling her to knock it off.

  4. I'm sorry this is all happening to you. When it rains it pours. Do you happen to have any family that could give you assistance? Any help to take things off your plate seems pretty useful right now.

  5. ….do you really not know what happened here? This entire story is example after example of you nit picking her and calling her out for things. You had only been dating for a few weeks and you seem to have so many times called her out for things, convinced her she was wrong, and expressed distaste for her actions. That is an absolutely horrible start to a relationship. It makes perfect sense why she ended it. She lost her feelings due to this constant stream of conflicts and probably also due to feeling like she couldn’t do anything right in your eyes.

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