Eve-Kivis live webcams for YOU!


10 thoughts on “Eve-Kivis live webcams for YOU!

  1. I get it. I was her first a while when I was much younger. Have you said that you don’t feel like she engages anymore unless it’s to prepare what she’s going to say? About herself? I know that’s hard but it’s possible she’ll hear you. She’ll get defensive. But. She’ll also hear your voice every time she goes on the mememeee bender. My best friend pointed it out to me and it made an enormous difference. Not just with her but for the rest of my life. I still cringe just saying that I was her.

  2. Two things:

    Never ask a question you may not be able to handle the answer too.

    Work on your insecurities, lot of really pretty women out there

  3. “my gf did sexual things with her ex that she won't do with me and it's making me insecure”

    And he could have said that (which he literally did, in exactly the same sentence) instead of saying other guy “got a lot out of her”. It's not that hard to not to be a jerk. Words matter, choose them carefully.

  4. No, do not go to couples therapy with an abuser! Things will only get worse! They will manipulate the therapist and use anything you say in therapy against you! This is so far beyond needing therapy. You need an escape plan.

  5. I can't work out if you are both living together or not?

    Do you think some time away from her might help give you some perspective? Sometimes when you're in the midst of 'conflict' your choices can seem very confusing.

    Do you think you're trying to decide whether to end this relationship or how to get her to like you more physically/sexually?

  6. Rest up mate,bullet dodged.

    That’s rough mate but it will get better. You will happiness, keep your head up king

  7. Agreed, I’m not explaining it right but it isn’t incredibly important. Just an added detail.

    I’m okay with them not 100% supporting, I’d just like them to be open but i’ve accepted that that might not be the case.

    We’ve actually talked about that because we’ve been very upfront about our goals and what we want in the future and would raise our kids with religious values. He has no problem with religion, he attends mass with me he just wasn’t raised heavily religious at all.

    Other than what i’ve mentioned that’s all they’ve brought up to me. Recently they have seemed more supportive and talkative when he’s around which does make me happy. I just graduated college and am between moving but our relationship started over the summer

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