Emmawhite-1 live webcams for YOU!


wlc guys about the goal play tips [93 tokens remaining]

Date: December 6, 2022

14 thoughts on “Emmawhite-1 live webcams for YOU!

  1. Never forget how greedy people are. You can bet your ass that when this guy goes to sell in the future he’ll try and screw over the next buyer.

  2. Just break up with this guy. Whatever's going on with him, he isn't interested in fixing it, and this “relationship” isn't worth your time and energy. There isn't even real evidence that he's actually sick, and if he's depressed or mentally ill, that isn't something you can fix for him.

    Cut your losses, and find yourself a boyfriend who's actually interested in you and also physically and emotionally available to be in a relationship.

    If your next boyfriend follows this same pattern, find yourself a good therapist to figure out why you're continually attracted to unavailable men.

  3. Do her a favor and break up with her, you’re clearly a misogynist. Why are you judging her about something she did in the past? Why is her value as a human and partner directly tied to how many people she’s slept with? Get over yourself, you sound very insecure.

  4. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    I just got a new finance job, I’m going to be doing a lot of taxes and stuff. I told my girlfriend I was going to buy myself this watch after my first tax season. It’s like $350. I basically wanted to buy this for myself to commemorate this new step in my life, I grew up without a lot of money so to be able to do something like that on my own means a lot to me. She bought it for me for our one year anniversary without me knowing but then told me the other day that the website refunded her and told her they are out of stock so she can’t get it. I reacted by saying something like ‘thank god, I wanted to get that for myself, that would have sucked.’ I know not a cool thing to say but anyways, days pass and now she texts me saying they withdrew the money from her account and got it back in stock and are sending it to her but she doesn’t want to give it to me because I won’t like it and I don’t appreciate her and stuff. I told her I just wanted to be able to buy it myself as like a goal for myself. I told her I would love anything she got me and it’s more personal anyways for her to pick something out herself. She says a gift is a gift and I should be grateful. I feel really bad but I don’t know what to do.

  5. Ding ding ding. Dudes like this always have enough time to put it in, but the rest of it? Forget about it.

    I hope OP’s girlfriend leaves him. She’d be better off.

  6. Hurtful? I’m the one not defending a woman telling her bf to die as a means of helping him to calm down or whatever. Would you defend a man trying to help his wife calm down in a similarly empathetic manner?

  7. It would be better if she goes to her mothers to get some work done rather than forced to stay in Texas. What is the point of being in a relationship if it is going to hold her back and she is getting mental health issues because she can't move to the place where she can pay off her debt and work?

  8. Living the next 50 with a lying cheater is not a smart move. You will get over her. Get a lawyer a gym membership and some balls.

  9. Sex is a big part of life – if you & your partner don’t have matching Sex drives relationship can be very tuff

  10. It sounds like you have an emotional investment in two separate ideas, one of which is your wife deciding she wants a kid, and the other is making a baby spontaneously. To an extent, I can understand why you held onto the hope that your wife would change her mind on kids since it sounds like it was never a firm “no,” but if we’re being realistic (not pessimistic, just neutrally honest), if your wife has always been 10-20% yes, that means 80-90% no. Your odds have never been good and you were, respectfully, foolish to expect otherwise. Optimism is great until it genuinely skews your perception of reality.

    The second idea, about making a baby spontaneously, is not worth holding onto. I’m sorry, but having a kid should be a decision that is made after careful consideration and planning by both parties, not something you decide in the spur of the moment. At your wife’s age, any pregnancy is inherently high risk. She should talk to her doctor before deciding to get pregnant. Life is not TV. And removing an IUD is not in any way a true barrier to pregnancy IF your wife wants to get pregnant. So give yourself space to mourn this specific dream, sure, but do not make it your wife’s responsibility to leave this option open for you.

    You need to decide if you can truly be happy without kids and act accordingly. It honestly sounds like you’re not fully on board with the idea of 100% no, and you’re kind of focusing on the wrong thing (IUD removal) instead of the bigger picture (kids v. no kids). You need to figure out what you actually want (no 70-80%, hopeless optimism stuff – be honest) and your wife needs to figure out what she wants, and you need to hash out whether you can get onto the same page. Counseling might help.

    Best of luck.

  11. Man do it all the time. Their wives having heath issues (like a pregnancy or so) and gain weight and the man leave them for it. Your man seems to have depression, so you leave him. Nothing new in this cold world. No one should trust anyone to be there when getting sick.

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