Dirtyts4u live webcams for YOU!


Dirtyts4u Public Chat Channel

Date: October 5, 2022

16 thoughts on “Dirtyts4u live webcams for YOU!

  1. I understand your frustration. You probably want to do stuff with him and look forward to something and be excited about it. You maybe want a little safety, too that the things you want to do with him will actually happen.

    I don't know if that is the case with your boyfriend but I learned some people don't want to plan because they feel controlled and refuse to give clear answers to stay in control. Also some seem to feel a sense of power over you seeing you excited for something and then turning you down.

    It could also be your boyfriend did like to play with you and doesn't want to finish the game because it was so much fun and wants to preserve that. Still he could just tell you and not put the blame on you wanting to plan.

    Asking your boyfriend to play is not planning everything out.

    It is funny because I am in your situation. I want to play with my friend but he is always busy with other stuff. Often I wait for him to be ready and fail to plan my own things. I'm working on changing that and I thank you for telling about Detroit Becomes Human. It seems really interesting and I am going to try that later.

    I am pretty sure your boyfriend doesn't hate playing with you. Try to do more things by yourself and for yourself. Don't depend on him for having fun.

  2. She isn't entitled to sex. He can say no just like she can. If he isn't in the mood he isn't in the mood.

  3. I've literally seen a post where a girl called a guy a pedophile for hitting on her, even though she was 20, simply because she thought she looked younger than her age. The post was I believe on r/creepypms a long time ago but was largely supported. Kind of blew my mind.

  4. Yeah, I wouldn't be having sex with her without using condoms that have been in your possession / she has no opportunity to poke holes in.

    Or, you could date someone that you trust. You mention that you recently got divorced. I'm sure you're in no hurry to jump into a new marriage.

  5. I suppose there's google. But you use the term “haram” instead of “forbidden” when talking about Christianity; that's an interesting useable if you're not Muslim?

  6. OP, you've mistakingly hooked up with a psycho f*ckboy. It happens to the best of people so don't beat yourself up for it. Just block him everywhere and be more careful about who you're hanging out with in the future.

  7. Don't reach out to her. Conduct surveillance and research or enlist persons to gather information and data for you.

    Many will say she's exploring another relationship. Didn't have the balls to say and admit the truth to you. She doesn't want to deal with the issues, so she's ghosting you. In a couple months, when new potential boyfriend turns asshole she'll try to reconnect. Your choice.

  8. You are not compatible on several points just from what you’ve said in this post.

    I’m sure there are other red flags in this relationship.

    Break up and find someone more compatible.

  9. I really had never considered a prenup. I came from a middle class family, and I don’t make anything crazy, just enough to pay my bills, afford a little bit of extra fun, and save for the future.

  10. Avoiding conflict while he is behaving badly is not a healthy relationship. Conflict is healthy. It establishes boundaries. Establish yours.

  11. He said he stopped but then she kept asking about Marcie. Unfortunately, I think the wife was already upset by the time he stopped. It might have been the way he sounded when he talked about Marcie, or when wife made sleeping with secretary jokes he didn’t say something like “stop that! That’s gross I wouldn’t even go near that.” Something led to the wife feeling the way she does, I don’t think this just happened out of no where.

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