Diara Lawless live webcams for YOU!


diaralawless chat

Date: October 17, 2022

14 thoughts on “Diara Lawless live webcams for YOU!

  1. I am also in Vancouver, and faced a similar somewhat experience. If you need any help emptying his storage unit into one of your own or anything else. Send me a DM.

  2. I respect your sexual preferences and it’s completely okay not to be into certain things that your partner should respect. However, doing butt stuff isn’t “gay”. Even straight man like butt stuff and it doesn’t make them “gay”. It’s making you sound like an ignorant homophobe.

  3. It's a circling conversation becuase you're not having a conversation with her about it, you're trying to talk your way around her views and morals to convince her you should go without it negatively affecting you.

    You're a selfish pos tbh.

  4. “That's what women do, though”. Well you must be a massive hit with the ladies you misogynistic judgemental piece of crap.

  5. I agree. Too many kids haven't experienced any of this type of relationship messiness in their lives.

  6. Dude it's over. What she said is a classic cheaters script (Its not what it looks like; I can explain;)

    Still, don't think of it negatively. You should be thanking your fiance's best friend for exposing her and saving you both money and future heartbreak.

    Dump your cheating s*** of a fiance and move on. You can have your own family with a REAL GOOD GIRL and not with a child like her.

    Keep your head up OP and lean on your bros who are in reality your actual family.

  7. Invent time travel… Travel back 3 years… Slap yourself the first time you heard it and just let it slide.

    Or, you know, just call him on it now and send him off with the farewell insight that, of all the girls he's commenting on, you're sure at least one of them might 1- know he exists and 2- be willing to deal with his dogshit personality.

  8. It obviously sucks that people assume you're a predator for something that's entirely out of your control. However, the reason your wife tells you to ignore it and just power through it, that it will change if you give it time, is because she's looked young her entire adult life. Getting infantilized, talked down to, and not believed is the only life she's likely known. And for her it has gotten better after time, once people get to know her and realize that she is older than she looks.

    You're in this together. This sucks for her too. It's not you vs her youthful appearance, it's the two of you vs the people who make assumptions. Your situations are different, but neither of you can control how others treat you. It's not her fault. Sure, she was the one who wanted to move, but she didn't know this would happen. She didn't expose you to this on purpose. She hasn't paused her aging to spite you, it's just genetics.

    I think part of the reason why this is so hard on you, is because enough people have given you a hard time and you don't know how to handle it, so now you think everyone is judging you when they're probably not. Talking to a therapist will help you cope better, and might be able to save your marriage from your misplaced resentment.

    When people confront you about this, try not to get angry or upset. That translates as suspicious and defensive. It's better to go “oh, no, my wife is three years older than me actually – I'm starting to suspect she's keeping the fountain of youth hidden away from me” or the like. Try to approach it as “I'm happy that these people are reaching out to my wife to make sure she is ok. I am happy that people are looking out for the well-being of my child.” It absolutely sucks to be thought of as poorly as this, but isn't it better to live in a community that tries to protect those they think are vulnerable than one that assumes something bad is going on and chooses to look the other way?

  9. If I had to text someone and check in before I was going away from my phone, I would go crazy.

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