DaliyaHabibi live webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 17, 2022

10 thoughts on “DaliyaHabibi live webcams for YOU!

  1. I am nearly 6 years clean from all opiates.

    So what I am gonna say is gonna be sobering but true. You have to get some real amounts of clean time under your belt. New Years feels like yesterday to me and you have broken her trust. It took me ages to get back trust with people and even now, I know with my family they don't take me as seriously anymore.

    I would recommend going to one session of AA and seeing if it is for you. I did NA for about 6 months when I was fresh but the constant talking about drugs in group just made me think about pills. So I stopped going and now. My fiance helps keep me accountable and honestly, I don't think much on it anymore.

    If AA isn't helpful, try looking for a therapist with experience in substance abuse. Unfortunately alcohol is such an important part of many social events it is harder to ignore than, say, vicodin.

    Good luck, my friend, and give her time.

  2. why should she have to discuss what she wants to do with her body with him??? what feelings could he possibly have ???

  3. People talk about compromise but that doesn't mean each person gets something their way in every situation. And the reality is that as a single parent there is a lot she cannot compromise on. I don't think she was necessarily wrong, neither are you. It just means you aren't compatible.

    To a single mum who gets no time off from kids she probably was recognising that you were going to wanted time out from her and the kids. What does she get? This isn't your fault per se but there are realities in life that some people don't want to accept. You decided what yours was. You did choose something that gave you more freedom by leaving and you aren't wrong. But I ould also point out that you likely should have considered things earlier than you did. And probably should not have made promises nor representations that you did if you weren't sincere or out I obligations.

  4. No this is not normal. And he's not ok.

    He likely targeted you knowing your history so he could get away with abusing you more easily.

  5. First lesson is to find out early what he’s looking for. Causal or long term.

    Your answer now is, “Well then our relationship is unfortunately ending because I am looking for something more serious.”

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