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Room for online video chats cutiesmiles

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Room for online sex video chat cutiesmiles

Model from: fr

Languages: en,de,fr

Birth Date: 2004-04-24

Body Type: bodyTypeThin

Ethnicity: ethnicityWhite

Hair color: hairColorBlonde

Eyes color: eyeColorBrown

Subculture: subcultureGamers

Date: January 7, 2023

70 thoughts on “cutiesmileslive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Hello! Before I get to your questions, I just wanted to mention that even if you were friends before, it's still difficult to be friends after you were involved with someone. Usually, you have to let time pass to heal and not have things be awkward. I've never seen a couple go from being in a long-term relationship to just friends overnight; or rather, I've never seen it actually work.

    It could be too soon. He could have agreed to stuff, but once it's all said and done, it could feel weird or uncomfortable to try and be friends.

    He might, though I feel it's more so that he might not feel all too comfortable talking right now.

    I wouldn't say struggling. I think he's just adjusting to how things are and are going to be.

    There's not much you can do but keep going. If or when he comes around, if you still want to talk, go for it. If he doesn't come around, it's just one of those things with breakups. It sounds crappy, but once you are broken up, even if you agreed to stuff, you no longer have any tie or obligation to that person.

    I know this breakup has been tough for you, and I'm sorry. Breakups are tough, but the pain doesn't last forever. Some people aren't meant to stick around forever.

  2. Do people not shower when you play hockey? It’s pretty common someone is nude but no one is prancing around showing off. Usually just to get changed.

  3. This could be normal- if he didn’t get mad when you have your screen share off or don’t have the camera pointed at you etc. Itd be fine if he simply wanted to watch funny videos with you or something however this is something entirely different. Have a serious talk with him about boundaries and tell him you’re not comfortable with doing this and to be in a relationship, you need to be comfortable. Also tell him to look online and maybe even talk to his doctor about therapy for his insecurities and controlling tendencies, as well as for the anger. You shouldn’t feel obliged to share YOUR screen.

    Also, just wondering, does he ever share his screen?

  4. I am not sure that some people read the whole thing, so here’s the part that seems not everyone read. He has a photo and video library of me and my body in lingerie. I do not shame him for masturbation(which is usually daily or several times daily activity)

  5. I’m hesitant to talk to him directly because the “relationship” is so fresh. I don’t want to make him do anything that he’s not comfortable with. I’m not his mom, if he wants to put in effort he can. If we were seriously dating then I don’t have an issue communicating. I guess my question here is: does this type of behavior usually indicate that someone is not interested?

  6. Ugh. He is telling you over and over and over how little he cares about your needs.

    Don’t waste any more time with this. You’re better off alone, at least you won’t be constantly disappointed by someone who clearly has no shits to give. And bad in bed to boot? He’s not exactly bringing a lot to the table.

  7. Of course it might, if you let it. Y'all are adults here. Adults can have adult conversations about sex without it being weird

  8. If you can't move past this your only recourse is to end the relationship. There's no point in having a relationship in name only if you're going to be wrecked and can't even speak to her. End this.

  9. I did, saying “we should talk about this later when I feel more comfortable with the place”

    That's what prompted her to get upset that I wasn't excited about her moving in

  10. “how do i tell my boyfriend that the way he is is no longer good enough for me and that i want him to change to be the way i want him to” you don’t. you’re an ass, if you realise it or not. nobody owes you your preference. if that’s your dealbreaker, leave him. he deserves someone who wants what he thinks is best for himself, or to encourage him to find what is healthy and makes him happy. not somebody who wants a ken doll to play with

  11. The “diet” is a suggestion regarding calorie intake and mix of food groups. Nothing more specific than that – I meant that she is working to get enough calories and a variety of nutritious foods but it is hard to keep anything down right now. She really is trying, I see her with her small meals and snacks all day and a lot of it just comes back up.

  12. So you cheated but you have no clue how to come up with a plausible explanation, and you came here to make us do the dirty job for ya.

    0 sympathy.

  13. OP, my family made 'jokes' about me being fat when I was just a kid and not overweight at all. It fucked me up for a long time and incidentally, among other things, made it more difficult for me to want to/care about my weight or health. Because if people call you fat when you're you're not fat, what's the point of being anything else?

    Your wife needs help OP. Don't let her give your child an eating disorder just because she won't deal with her own trauma.

  14. He just sent me a sweet video of his 16 yr old (his youngest) as they’re hanging out. He’s a good man. I told him to use his income for spending as much time with his kid when he moves out here. His oldest has a good relationship with him, is well adjusted, just got her masters degree. I know you are sharing your concerns and I really do appreciate it. I’m very protective of my babes. Which was a big reason for ending things with my ex because they were not witnessing healthy interactions.

  15. the doctor can just remove it when needed if the time comes for that.

    That procedure is expensive and not always covered.

  16. Yeah dude this shit was crazy. Halfway through I was hoping the twist was you were gonna say you were someone from a show and this would be a copypasta, but nah this is real? Get outta there and don't look back king ?

  17. Nothing, Reddit has a weird obsession with age differences, possibly due to the fact that most people on this website do not have particularly good social skills and can't understand that there is more to someone than their age

  18. Maybe then you should go away on holiday without him. Let him experience what his world would be like if you were to remove yourself and your children from the family home. Tell him it’s a test run.

  19. There’s no certainty that he will abuse the child. Plenty of men are horrible to women, and treat their sons quite nicely.

    She’s not going to live at all if she stays in that situation. The actual logic she is using is that the only way for her to help her son at any point in his life is for her to stay alive.

  20. I mean him and i were not dating, nor will i text him or pursue anything im not taking this dudes shit, im also not wanting anyone to tell me it’ll all be okay, i kind of just need to vent, the way the conversation went was made to make me feel crazy, but in reality i think a lot of people deal with situations like this and id just like to hear what people have to say.

  21. This is creeping into an abusive relationship. It would be a deal breaker for me as it demonstrates that the person is controlling, lacks trust in me and is paranoid-all terrible traits in a partner

  22. I have several times, but after a few weeks we're back in the same routine.

    Last time I did she sucked her teeth which is why I'm feeling its time to end things.

  23. Couples therapists recommend zero contact with Exs. It's not healthy for you because you need to move 100% on (and you can't with contact or following them).

    Plus it undermines current relationships (as you both learned the hard way).

    Human nature is what it is. Leave exs in the past.

  24. I stood on my points of view, and I was the one who made all the decisions, If I didn’t like something I would tell her it at the same exact moment. I was the one who planned everything

    And there’s the issue. People need to feel supported and helped and know what is expected of them (sounds like you excel in that as indicated above) but they also need to be apart of establishing what help they actually want, and to also feel helpFUL. Its not clear if she’s comfortable in admitting her vulnerabilities to you or if you’re good at listening to her vulnerabilities when she does to ensure your help is actually what she needs. It’s also not clear that you offer her ways to be helpful via you showing your vulnerability and her listening and responding to your needs. It’s through both people being vulnerable and both people validating and helping with those vulnerabilities that feelings grow and sustain themselves. With out that, you can try all you want, and with the best intentions but romantic feelings don’t last when there’s no vulnerability.

  25. Yeah, the fiancé is acting crappy, but I have a feeling he’s freaking out because he’s finally figuring out his relationship isn’t gonna get way better after marriage. He’s handling it poorly, but it makes a little more sense now. I hope he leaves her.

  26. Someone holds a gun on you, and Your being dramatic?! I don't think he's being dramatic enough. Wow, big clue, just run away, and I do mean run. Downplaying your valid emotions the first time you go to his place, Red Flag ? ? ?

  27. No I also agree that a blackout person isn’t in a position to consent to sex and a sober person choosing to sleep with them is clearly taking advantage, I just find it interesting that people on Reddit seem to passionately hold this belief and yet are absolutely vitriolic about people who make other mistakes when drunk.

    If the reason someone can’t consent when blackout drunk is because they aren’t in their right mind and in a position to know what they are doing then the same surely applies to other scenarios? You either do know what you’re doing and are in sound enough mind to make that decision or you’re not.

    I saw a post the other day when people were laying into the OP for saying something cruel when blackout drunk. Where were the people who believe very drunk people aren’t in their right mind on that post?

    It doesn’t really make sense that someone is only not responsible for their drunk actions if they’re the victim of something as opposed to the person making the mistake. If the problem is really that they are so out of their mind that they can’t take responsibility for their actions then we can’t cherry pick when to blame them.

  28. I'd have to agree, and find it incredibly surprising that there are not many others in the thread who are making these points. I've gotten a comment that my thing looks like a mushroom, which was a stupid joke but didn't bother me. These situations can be awkward / tense, so making a silly comment about it can ease the tension (as long as both parties are comfortable with that sort of thing). It could be the csse that OP's bf was actually being rude, but from the way OP described, her bf was just making a stupid joke with no apparent ill intent (is a pancake really that awful of a thing to be compared to?). This thread and the reactions are preposterously out of touch.

  29. This is manipulation. He’s holding you hostage. This is truly the most aggressive type of manipulation there is. Sometimes people in a situation you you’re in need professional help deprogramming themselves. Yes deprogramming. I can’t stress this strong enough – you are not in charge of whether he takes his life. Only he is. You are absolved from that guilt.

    I’m here if you need let off steam. I suggest working with a therapist as you disentangle from him.

  30. We’ve been talking daily for a year. Like, 2+ hour phone calls, and lots of texting. We’ve only officially been together 6 months. So unless something drastic happens (like this) then I think we have a pretty good chance.

  31. People are individuals. Some people want & have kids at 20, others are childfree their entire life as old as a person can get.

  32. I really appreciate your comment. Overall this has been plain strange to me since even now the other comments seem to imply that if it was going to send him to the ER, it would've happened by now since it has been a few months. I'm not very medically educated, I apologize for that. I did tell him that it could be potentially very serious (and did specifically mention kidney failure). He doesn't remember any changes to his routine and says he remembers the talk but that he didn't remember doing much different afterward. I made a point of mentioning that even though I don't always have them washed, we do have more than enough towels for him to use different ones for his upper and lower body, since that was something that came to mind.

    I really don't think he's doing any hard drugs. He works in a very demanding industry and if he were to mess something up he could endanger himself and others. He would never do that.

  33. Personally I hate the smiley face in this kind of scenarios. It just feels like trying too hard to seem “nice” or “likable”. The better use of emojis is to add a little extra when the conversation is flowing. Otherwise, your response was fine.

  34. Personally I hate the smiley face in this kind of scenarios. It just feels like trying too hard to seem “nice” or “likable”. The better use of emojis is to add a little extra when the conversation is flowing. Otherwise, your response was fine.

  35. What? No, thats not the only reason for people wanting virgin women. None of them are good, but its certainly not always because of insecurity.

    Other than that i agree with you but, gotta stop the generalisations

  36. “Lying by omission, also known as a continuing misrepresentation or quote mining, occurs when an important fact is left out in order to foster a misconception. Lying by omission includes the failure to correct pre-existing misconceptions.”- Lie (Wikipedia)

    What's the misconception though? She was talking about her own opinion, not about his. If she chose to take his silence as agreement and made it known to him in some way that she took it as such then, yes, he would be lying by omission. But as far as I could tell from her comment that's not what happened.

  37. Depends on the guy for one. Also they way you do it. If I know that you casually seeing other guys as well I have zero interest in anything more. I don’t have any interest in trying anything further.

    One thing about dating in 2023 is that you need to have your hoe, hook up phase and then after that’s done the relationships phase. Women seem to want to combine the two and are surprised when there guy doesn’t want them. No guy wants to start building a relationship with a women getting fucked by multiple men.

    Also communicate with him. Let him know you actually like him and if he’d be willing to take them further or explore.

  38. He was unfaithful to you AND had the audacity to be so with your friend. This took place for MONTHS. He doesn’t deserve your loyalty.

    The explanation is that he’s selfish. That’s it. There is no good reason to cheat.

    And do you really think an apology will make you feel better? And that’s IF he would even bother to apologize at all.

    How could he ever make up for CHOOSING to pursue your FRIEND, lying to you, hiding it from you, FOR MONTHS? he cannot

    All you really need to do is get all your stuff together and move out.

  39. You want to have a baby, with this fucking clown? Why?

    You have described finding a giant turd in a huge septic tank and said….yup, this is the prized possession I want to spend my life being hitched to. W.T.F

  40. Don’t waste any more time on this waste of a man! Not only is he mean to you, but he is also talking bad about you/making fun of you and disclosing your personal medical information to a woman you have told him you don’t like. The disrespect is ridiculous!

    You deserve more.

  41. C'mon man this seriously does not sound like the one for you

    Tell her to put the lotion in the basket and leave

  42. Yep. I s stuck and for another 2 years because we'd already been together for 8, and what a waste of time that would make. But by then I'd lost ten years. I was 33 when I finally left, met my husband a little over a year later and here we are!

    You learn so much from being in incompatible relationships. You can't see it now, but give yourself a few months after you leave. You'll see it. You'll feel it.

  43. I do not think you should marry this man until he is on the same page as you about having other men around you.

  44. So a guy you are on the verge on being serious with (said I love you but doesn't want monogamy?)had sex with another woman on your own balcony, climbed in bed with you after and you're asking for advice.

    Run, don't walk.

  45. He's a control freak, and this is not normal.

    You decide what you do at what time, and with whom.

    Why are you even with this guy? a relationship should be an improvement over your solitary life. By what you wrote here, it sounds taxing, exhausting, and definitely not an improvement.

    in short: get out, and do it fast.

  46. I personally think being late in incredibly rude and dismissive, but yeah, there’s more to the story here.

  47. When my Nana and Papa got married, my great grandma told my Nana that she knew how to count backwards.

  48. Leave now, before he tries to baby trap you and you’re connected to him forever.

    The age difference is concerning, but that he didn’t tell you he had kids is worst, it means he willing to not tell you important things , there could be more ex wives or more kid you don’t know about.

    Also I bet if you speak to the ex wife, who he probably told you was crazy, she said she didn’t do all the housework and he tried to convince her to do it all herself too.

    I recommend you make a plan and start securing your important documents at a family members house and one day when he goes to work you just move out and block him on everything.

  49. I could classify that as a borderline alcoholic if he places alcohol over the health of your relationship. It is not uncommon for anyone who drinks to occasionally drink too much. But when you set out to do it with out regard to your relationship… that isn't good. And on the flip side, maybe it tells you how much he values your relationship.

  50. I really think we’ll need to follow this. He is so different now, and I’m thinking he needs at least a couple more weeks (it’s already been 2) until we can have a calm conversation. He also needs time to just process everything. I can’t imagine being numb for 10 years and then suddenly waking up to reality. I’m certain there is a lot to sort through in his mind and I’m comfortable being on non-talking terms until then

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