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Bellydevillive sex stripping with hd cam


41 thoughts on “Bellydevillive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Sorry this is not 10% abusive at all, 100% abusive with having to ask for money, you're a grown up and you're not allowed your own wages. Everything else including 'when he's nice to you' is abuse because that's what they do to stop you from leaving. As long as you are doing as you're told he is nice to you.

  2. I wouldn’t be able to afford rent and childcare. That’s why I need to move in with my parents. I can take time off to be with the baby and pay for everything with my savings. Then I can figure it out later.

  3. Don't do it. You showed him what level of gifting you thought worked last Christmas, and you told him you were disappointed with his efforts. He didn't get better for the next chance, your birthday. So there you have it. He knows you'd like more but he doesn't want to do it. Why would that change? And why would that change IF you give him ANOTHER generous gift this Christmas? He can just say “babe I know you love giving gifts”.

    If you feel the need to give, give to someone who will appreciate it. Give to charity, a giving tree, a school or something / someone that needs it.

  4. That 70s Show. Seeing how things went for Forman when he got Donna a promise ring has convinced me they're fucking stupid.

  5. Thank you beautiful people. ❤️ All of your kind words and advice mean so so much and are helping me through this, it has truly been the hardest time of my life. Every little bit makes a difference?❤️ I have been so lost and not had anyone to talk to about this. My mum has always been my biggest supporter and I can’t rely on her to help me anymore, she is just so terribly sick and getting worse by the day due to the severity of her cancers and being on so many pain meds. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart, and for helping me to feel a lot less alone in this.

  6. She's not mad that he has emotions. She's mad that he acts like she doesn't have emotions, where he never conforts her or takes care of her because he's a selfish basket case all of the time

  7. This will likely continue your child’s whole life if you choose to keep this man around sadly… do you want your child to be subject to that? Knowing dad likes their brother better than him.

  8. I barely know anyone who has kids and thought they were ready for kids when they got them. It's not that hard, just feed them and treat them like you'd want your parents to have treated you.

  9. End it.

    >Dressing modestly. Not approving of things I wear.

    Your body, your choice. As long as it's culturally acceptable, he should have no problems with you wearing it (i.e. don't go to a church wearing a bikini, etc).

    >Hiding me because his parents won’t approve.

    I have mixed feelings about that. I'm not close to my parents, and my parents never met my wife. If he's close to his parents, that's not good.

    >Does not want to meet my friends or want me to be around his friends because he doesn’t believe we should be around the opposite sex.

    He thinks being with a person of the opposite sex will result in intercourse, because he thinks you're an animal. No! Please leave the relationship for your own good.

  10. He didn’t “find it”, people are linking this post over and over again in his comments. People are beyond stupid, this could get her killed.

  11. Why have you not already gotten a lock for your door? Research a good one, don’t just buy the first crappy lock you see at Home Depot.

  12. I know I really do. I will meet him tomorrow and address this and I will try my best to get to an update, but I work very irregular shifts. I've said in previous comments that I just needed this out there so people could cut it with me and tell me what's what. Thank you for your comment, I appreciate it 🙂

  13. I feel like vomiting after reading this. I am so so sorry this happened to you. Yes, this is rape. You don't need to say no for it to be rape, they need to get consent. You need to say Yes for it to not be rape. Did you say yes? Did you consent? No, you did not. Therefore, this is rape. Go to the doctor, go to the police. Never speak to him again. Get therapy if at all possible.

  14. It's a very real thing.

    Honestly, I have more sympathy in these situations than the dog haters.

    Dog haters are unhinged.

    People who are allergic to cats just don't seem to want to accept it.

    It's not a matter of “liking” or “trying”.

    It's like swimming in salt. You're gonna have a bad time.

    Torturing the cat to make it more palatable is a new one to me though.

    It's not like you can shut off saliva.

  15. What am I supposed to do?

    Nothing. You do absolutely nothing.

    You asked to do something incredibly stupid and did it continously for a decade. Now you're facing the obvious consequences.

    You accept the pain quietly.

    Date other people and never ever mention this to June or her husband again. And you'll have to tell every future partner that you slept with your BIL for a decade, which will likely be a dealbreaker FYI. If they find out later it'll definitely be a deal breaker.

  16. He may have accidentally sent it to her, but it wasn’t intended for you. He’s either ham-handedly hitting on his SIL or he is hooking up with another woman with the same or similar first name. Don’t let him gaslight you. Put yourself and the baby you’re carrying first and drop this loser.

  17. Nah, if you’re that age and you’ve been in a relationship that long, you would have probably kissed at least once. If not, it’d be for a reason – so you wouldn’t spring it on someone like that and not acknowledge it as important.

    This is either a ‘funny prank’ situation gone wrong and stressing the poster out, or (more likely) a creative writing exercise.

  18. Imagine being as simple minded that you don’t realize how aggressive the other man is?

    Op needs to set clear boundaries and if she doesn’t respect his wishes to atleast end the invasive phone calls he should walk.

  19. How would it be less confusing for him in school and other arrangements? And how would this not be my business?

  20. If you regret telling him then why are you even with him? Why would you want to be with someone you have to be dishonest or hide things from?

  21. So I think your girlfriend is insecure and has issues she needs to work through, specifically the thing about your energy is just nonsense.

    That said, friend B does sound like she is trying to get your attention and her behaviour is inappropriate. Be wary of her and absolutely try to involve your gf in anything you do with her. Maybe make sure that when your gf is around in this group of people you are showing her the most attention.

  22. Yeah, it just takes off a layer of potential conflict.

    It would be different if one of us were stay at home parents or something and had no income at all. But that’s not our situation. ?‍♀️

  23. It's fine if he moves on, but you're feeding into his insecurity that she's not attracted to him. Loss of libido does not necessarily mean loss of attraction, so saying that just drives a nail in an insecurity coffin.

    Move on because you have different libidos, sure. But lower libido doesn't mean she loves him less or that she finds him unattractive suddenly.

  24. How is this a mistake? This is a lose/loss if he picks sides. It’s an issue that he didn’t steer or was involved in at all, and being this messenger in this is bullshit when they can just talk to each other like adults.

  25. Good question. It makes me wonder if the loan should really be paid back to someone that tried to destroy our whole relationship, play games, manipulate both me and her some, guilt trip us, etc.

    Its more than just not liking me she can’t even be civil.

    I just don’t know how I feel about it.

  26. Right, that was my initial thought. He’s also very open to kissing/hugging me in public, which he did at the venue. I told him most people will put 2+2 together and won’t ask about the ex…

  27. He's allowed to do with the console what he wants.

    The games are yours, take them back and let him donate the console.

  28. I agree about not waiting for her, but I also agree with what you initially in not necessarily rushing it. I asked her the second time we were intimate something to the affect of “have you been tested recently” too which she offered she hadn’t been active with anyone recently. So that’s enough for me at the moment, the real exclusivity I care about is sexual exclusivity at this point. If she has a date with someone that would be less egregious too me.

    I take your point about if it’s not an outright yes to being exclusive then the prophecy becomes self fulfilling I’ve had that happened before… albeit when I was younger.

    I got out of a near 4 year relationship a few months ago. And it was pure luck of the draw that the first person I went out with we hit it off so well. For me it’s two fold, I have never really been about dating multiple people at once past the 2nd or 3rd date cause it’s hard to invest. But given that I’m somewhat fresh out of a relationship I have even less bandwidth for it when factoring my in hobbies and career.

    I think on the deeper things we’ve discussed yes we are. Physically extremely. We share some similar hobbies which is great. I’d like to get a better sense of what traits she normally looks for in partners. She brought up recent exes and explained to me what happened with hers, but I don’t have a good sense of who he was etc, but I don’t like steering conversation there early on. Both want kids but later on and not rushing to be married so those are good things.

    In general I guess I’m not rushing to say we are a couple, more just comfort that we both are seriously interested and will only see each other. That being said, most of her and my actions are in line with that just neither of us have explicitly stated it. I’ve deleted my OLD profile and I suppose I could mention it in passing if I really wanted

  29. This makes no sense. If you like people giving gifts because they want to and not for events… Who are you to decide that they didn't want to bring a gift and it just happens to work out for them to do on this event day.

    For many people gift giving us a form of well wishes, support, and love. It is fair to say something like “no gifts necessary”. But adding a weird “or else” threat is tacky, weird, and honestly a little mean. people should be allowed to bring gifts whenever they want, even if it happens to be your wedding.

  30. I mean I don’t think anything can really change unless he gets a new job with more humane hours

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