Beatzie live webcams for YOU!



Date: October 4, 2022

8 thoughts on “Beatzie live webcams for YOU!

  1. Because he is selfish and gross about sex, so his advances repulse you. This isn't even a puzzle. There is a very clear cause and effect here.

    Your options are to talk to him about it honestly and see if he's willing to make some necessary changes, or decide you just don't want to be with someone like this.

  2. It won't change who she is. It'll help her managing her depression. If she's experiencing side effects, her doctor will change the dose or the medication itself.

  3. That’s a very innocent way to do this, but as someone whose mid 20s, you don’t do that unless you hope it’s reciprocated or to let them know you’re another option.

  4. As long as he's suggesting just a few minutes alone I don't see what the problem is. Now, be careful what you wish for. He may just be looking for the time he needs to tell an ex that you aren't aware and doesn't want to risk losing a friend. I think your best bet is probably just to roll with that and let it go unless it would totally be a deal breaker for you. As you said, you absolutely trust him now.

  5. You said it yourself – your wife is your best friend. And if she truly loves you, she’ll understand that the moment she transitioned from the man you married to the woman she is today, she was no longer your husband. She became your friend.

    She cannot fairly expect you to go from a physically intimate relationship, to an entire life with zero physical and romantic attraction, that’s not fair.

    She wanted to transition to feel more like herself and to feel happier. You want to seek a relationship with a man for the exact same reason. Telling you that you cannot would make her a hypocrite.

    Surely she understood this was a risk when she transitioned. You can love someone with your entire heart and not be romantically in love with them.

    She can continue to be your best friend and not your spouse, while still honoring and cherishing all you have been through together.

    But why should YOUR entire life be about HER living authentically, and YOU never getting to live another authentic day yourself ever again? That’s no way to live at all.

    It’s time that you take a note from her own book, and change your entire life to make things happy for YOU.

    What does she say when you confess your crush on other men?

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