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asamibabeslive sex stripping with hd cam


41 thoughts on “asamibabeslive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Your getting it for free from a girl half your age who does it for a living ?

    I would be sacrificing virgins to the volcano gods in prayers of thanks if I were you

  2. Erm how about just doing it and if she says No, just stop?

    You don’t need a contract for going down on someone spontaneously ?

  3. Sir down and talk about your expectations. Tell him how you feel backed up into a corner by his behaviour and such. If he wants a relationship, partners in crime, than he needs you to be strong on your own as well, so you must have time for your own things, like meeting up or talking to friends, doing hobbies or sport, etc.

  4. I’m just sayin… from your previous comments and my outside perspective it sounds like his reaction was common. I personally wouldn’t have reacted how he did, but the point is he isn’t that insane. Your actions point towards feelings. Like most people have ex’s because they didn’t mesh or get along, so they don’t have any sort of tabs on them. But yours pops up on Fb and you have it on your mind enough to discuss it. No biggie. Especially if you already kicked him to the curb. But that’s probably why he responded that way

  5. Your not a terrible person but you are bad friend at-least let her know or ask permission if it would be ok with her.

    If it was dude asking his friend to start talking to his ex it would break bro code unless he is ok with it. It more about the respect between friends.

    Then again it’s whatever you decide since it’s ur life but I guarantee you’ll will lose a friend in the process.

  6. You are in DEEP TROUBLE here. Financial infidelity and hiding shit kills a TON of marriages.

    And yours is on its way.

    Let me help with your title “I am in debt and WE spend too much money”. You are married, not just wife problem.

  7. She dumped you because you’re irresponsible not because you didn’t respond fast enough.

    She was trying to have an important conversation with you and you left her on read for 2 day. What’d you think was gonna happen

  8. My grandfather taught all of us to shoot starting with BB guns at five. He told us THE MOST important rule is to NEVER point a gun at something you don’t intend to shoot.

    He pointed a gun at your head. Does it feel like he gives a flying fuck about throwing away a relationship of almost a decade? Or does his anger and violence mean more to him than you do? Babes he’s going to kill you. The relationship is already thrown away. He was ready to throw you away.

  9. Your fiance put a shotgun to your head and is going to claim he doesn't remember doing it or blaming alcohol. This means he's literally going to sober up one day and realize he killed you when he was drunk. Also he hasn't worked in TWO YEARS how the fuck is he funding his extreme alcoholic tendencies? Who pays to repair the shit he breaks when he's mad and drunk. What did he just go to watch TV one day, sat on the couch and then realized he smashed it?

  10. I feel like cheating on her with her sister would be the gross thing.

    Isn't it kind of natural to be attracted to someone who looks exactly like my girlfriend?

  11. It's better to move out and break up now than waste both your times. Love isn't enough to keep a relationship alive and if you feel this ache for living differently now, it will only grow as you get older and you will regret it. You just have to recognize the two of you are at completely different places in life and that makes you incompatible. It sucks to break his heart but you're doing him a favor and not wasting anymore of his time like I said. It will be hard but you'll get through it. I say go for it— you're only young once so this is your only chance. Don't be afraid to do what's best for you!

  12. This. When I was 27 I got with a guy who was 22/23 and though I knew it was too young I tried to convince myself otherwise and boy was it apparent after talking for a minute lol.

  13. So he has zero desire and/or straight up refuses to be responsible or do better in any part of his life whatsoever. No amount of asking or making lists and setting alarms or anything else you do is going to change him. It’s on him. But he doesn’t care and he’s creating a very unfair dynamic in your relationship.

  14. It's way, way too soon for her to be in a serious relationship. Or any relationship, really.

    Be very, very careful with your feelings here.

  15. To me it doesn’t sound like she ever actually forgave you, which is always a possibility in those situations. I can’t fault her for that because it might not even be consciously, HOWEVER, that doesn’t give her the right to lash out at you indefinitely. It sounds like you recognized what may have been issues on your side, but she hasn’t reflected on hers in the slightest and instead is still punishing you.

    My immediate advice would be to take the lessons you learned from this relationship and move on, because this one is only hurting your mental health. However, I know that isn’t an easy decision to make, so I’d also suggest standing up for yourself. Treat her like an equal, not as someone who should be coddled (helping her through panic attacks is fine, but excusing the outbursts and insults because of anger issues is not). Individual therapy for the both of you (at least for you since you can’t make her want to go) may be a good idea as well, if that’s an option.

    You asked her to love and respect you, so if she decides not to, you need to love and respect yourself enough to walk away for your own good.

  16. See, I think something’s going on with him. Which is why I believe they both could use therapy. Something is very off there.

  17. Guys with female best friends are NEVER worth the hassle. Even if they aren't involved, the will-they-wont-they dynamic is super stressful, and the constant competition for attention is emotionally and physically draining.

  18. Her options about not liking bracelet:

    Say her piece, and then deal with it.

    Leave over it.

    To take that action is wrong, but lucky for you you’ve learned she’s not a person you can trust.

  19. In my state the law is crazy. Someone can be visiting and after two weeks they have rights. This is Florida. I have known a few women who could not just kick a boyfriend out in homes they owned, one was a tenant. In Illinois you are not a tenant unless you are on the lease as the owner has the right to know and approve of who is living on the property. So it depends on his residency. He does not need to get a hold of the woman’s work or the affair partner’s spouse. That would be escalating. He needs to severe all ties and move on with his life.

  20. Masturbation isn't the same as sex. When he's jerking off he doenst have to worry about performing, or making sure you get off, or communicating at all. It's just simple, easy stress relief.

    Think of it like- sex is like planning a super fun date. Masturbation is curling up in your sweatpants and reading a pizza. Both are good as a mix.

  21. Simple tell her to not not cgeat on you, but do not act like she is cheating on you. This means no flirty talk with people that are into her.

    Call her out right now, and tell her that. In fact make it a deal breaker to stop her online flirting with him (not just today), if she wants you to stay together. Refuse her gaslighting by telling her it us her choice what is more important, but you will talk more after she leaves convo.

    Should she refuse or continue doing so behind your back, break up with her. Make sure she knows you will do it.

  22. If I were in that group I’d leave as well. Intoxication doesn’t excuse bullying. This is infuriating.

  23. She thought I was joking, but when she realized I was serious she got really upset and kept trying to have sex. She started crying and got really angry because she didn't think it was fair for me to make a decision like that in regards to our sex life without her input

    So she got upset with you, but started to have sex when you Cleary did not consent to raw sex? She sounds like a big hypocrite.

  24. Your first message was the inbred kids and the poverty kids felt most likely

    Enjoy living hand to mouth you pos

  25. You’re right and I shouldn’t be doing that. Regardless of boundaries, I’d do anything to make him happy and change anything or wear anything on our wedding if it made him happy. I just want him to do this one thing. That’s all

  26. Like come on man you’re doing nothing with your life except trolling Reddit. That’s fucking pathetic.

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