Amily-Stone live webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 13, 2022

52 thoughts on “Amily-Stone live webcams for YOU!

  1. This was my first thought also. Why would someone who is making all that effort just decides to leave with a vague explanation like that ,it doesn't even make sense at all.

  2. An observer of what? Social media? I’m assuming yes since some of the examples you’ve listed of “liberal groomers” are currently trending on Twitter.

    And what is it that’s actually happening then? Please, enlighten me.

  3. Yep yep, literally 3 of my friends gfs got caught cheating while people saw them willingly kissing other dudes before they got assaulted and they broke it off as rape/assault, they all had the same story, “trusted that friend, got so drunk they can't remember, didnt wanna press charges or get a rape kit AND told their bf not to ask people what happened, maybe they did get asaulted or even raped BUT before that everyone saw them willingly kissinf the other dudes, so yea its not their fault they got raped or assaulted ( if that even happened ) but they trully had the intention to cheat beforehand.

  4. Simply put if he’s into the traditional way of the culture then yes, he will go back and be married to whomever his parents chooses or if he wants he can break out of that old tradition and be with you.

    The choice is really entirely up to him, but I do think it’s best to talk about it when you get the chance and clear things out. If his goal is to still proceed with his traditions then I guess you gotta respect that and just cut ties now rather than later.

    All the best though.

  5. Simply put if he’s into the traditional way of the culture then yes, he will go back and be married to whomever his parents chooses or if he wants he can break out of that old tradition and be with you.

    The choice is really entirely up to him, but I do think it’s best to talk about it when you get the chance and clear things out. If his goal is to still proceed with his traditions then I guess you gotta respect that and just cut ties now rather than later.

    All the best though.

  6. You both should not be in relationships. He is manipulative and you are not mentally stable. Please break up with him and seek help. You need to heal before your next relationship or you will just keep dating abusive people.

  7. I did this once…..didnt mean to or realize it. Mens brains work differently. Just get mad at him and explain how it upset you. That's what my wife did and I haven't done it again

  8. She showed you what she wants. Time to cut the cord. I recommend therapy for you. She will have to deal with her depression her own way, as she has made it clear she doesn't care about you.

  9. You’re entitled to your own opinions , but if you can’t deal with your ex of two years banging who ever she wants ( especially since it’s seems like you guys weren’t together for that long) you’re gonna struggle in life

    Let these kids play

  10. Sit down with your sister and mother. Tell them your wife doesn’t know about this and in fact will be upset when she finds out.

    Tell them there will be no more disrespect of your wife or you will cut them off completely. Remind them that your wife has never said anything bad about either of them either publicly or privately. Can they say the same? Remind them of the efforts she’s made to be part of the family and that they have undercut it every time.

    Remind them that as a husband your first responsibility is your wife’s happiness, the family comes second. If they can’t accept her into the family, you have no choice but to reject them.

    Then go home and tell your wife. When she gets upset, remind her she tried being nice to them and they still rejected her. Remind her that as a husband you have the responsibility to look out for her and her happiness. Remind her that if someone were hurting you she wouldn’t hesitate to jump in and defend you.

    Let your family stew awhile. I’m sure at first they will deny everything. Stay away from them until they apologize to your wife.

  11. I shall try to, thank you!

    Yeah, hopefully, or hopefully we can at least remain friends if nothing else

  12. I don’t understand really. that doesn’t make sense regarding the bloodwork as adderall is only detectable a maximum of 90 hours after use. the prescription turnaround time doesn’t make sense.

    in any case this sounds like something I would either recommend therapy or inpatient psychiatric care especially considering the length of time and severity of maladaptive behaviour. it’s unhealthy regarding the hygiene. do you live somewhere that provides free emergency psych?

  13. I agree with you. Your reasonings are as valid as his. The issue is that you have almost diametrically opposed points of view. Different principles which you’re both using to gauge your present and future compatibility.

    This is the difference. He has the desire to live together and to date you in the hope that you’ll get married in the future. Whereas you know you want to be married and are dating and willing to move in together because you want to ensure a successful marriage. So. It’s in the approach that you differ and the POV taken when dating to achieve the end result, aka marriage. His approach is more flexible. Whereas yours is about hitting the ground running towards marriage from day one because the agreement for marriage is already there. Your approach is less risky for you. His approach is less risky for him. So talk and get at the core of what you are both wanting out of your relationship. If it aligns it aligns. If it doesn’t. It doesn’t.

  14. Came here to say this. The “I get to sleep around, you don't” presented so bluntly is incredibly absurd, insane, toxic, sexist, and offensive. The dude is a complete jerk.

    But… WHO agrees to this? That's the most insane part here! Who hears a man say something this vile and gross, and goes “yup! let's date” WTF. The dude is disgusting, but I understand him – he's just insanely selfish, mysoginistic and wants to have a harem. That is vile, but it's not bizarre if you get my drift? It's just an narcissist. But a person who agrees to this, I cannot understand. Cannot even theorize about the headspace.

  15. I would probably not have answered questions after my first assault when I finally told people. I still won’t tell people I need help and I’m 35. There’s no way I’d log back into view and answer questions.

  16. There's not enough information here to give real advice, but i just want to stress that your desire for a peaceful quiet home doesn't mean she has to suffer in silence with issues she has. It sounds like you're conflict avoidant and maybe brush her off when she has concerns in order to avoid a fight. I can tell you there's nothing more infuriating that basically being shushed when you want to address an issue with someone, and you may actually be escalating things by blowing her off instead of actual trying to talk things through calmly.

    Next time an argument starts, try pausing what you're doing, give her your full attention, start by listening and asking questions about how she's feeling, etc.

  17. Is what I'm asking unfair? How can we both compromise?

    Are you not fluent in English? You said that your boyfriend told you up front that

    he never wanted to get married, never wanted children, and that he didn't want pets.

    It's not clear if you convinced your boyfriend to let you move in with him anyway with your senior dog, or if you still live apart? But he told you from the start he doesn't want to live with a pet, and he doesn't want another. If you want to get another dog, you can't live with your boyfriend, and you would have to move out. There is nothing ambiguous about this situation. If it hurts your feelings, it's only because you haven't been listening to anything he has been saying for the last 8 years.

  18. Yeah but you're not going to like it.

    Long story short, get your shit together. If someone SAd you without your consent, report it.

    Deal with the consequences. It was your choice to get that drink with someone you couldn't trust. It's the guys fault he took advantage of you. He's at fault, but you went to him instead of your bf. You put yourself in that situation.

    You may not remember it but you took it on yourself to get that messed up to where you couldn't control yourself and do things you wouldn't normally do like smoke weed. And your BF can't trust that what you're saying is truthful.

    He did what he had to do for him. And it seems like you'll have to learn a lesson on this one. I get that you've had a traumatic past with abuse, but you'll need to find a better way to cope.

    Therapy. Meditation. Stop drinking. Find people you can trust. And make better decisions.

  19. Go live the life you want, this seems like an impasse why sacrifice your dreams and ambitions for somebody that doesn’t share the same aspirations as you. These things are hard but you only have one life to live, you don’t want to look back in 30 years and regret a missed opportunity like this

  20. Give it time. Also, read a few books about dating and love. You may learn she was toxic.

    I often recommend Dr Gary Chapman's “Five Love Languages”. It gave me such insight into love.

  21. Falling back in love won’t help you when you’re no longer compatible. You were really young when you got together so it’s only natural you were going to change, and that doesn’t always mean development in the same direction.

    Do not give up on dreams you have now to pursue plans you had years ago that were actually made because you didn’t have other ideas.

    Break up, move on. This doesn’t even have to do with the crush, it’s basic incompatibility.

  22. I have trouble seeing how someone coming to me when I search for money and saying “Here, I have some” means they are … not talking to me but instead doing whatever for themselves?

  23. first you misspelled ex-girlfriend….second why do you care what your ex is doing, move on with your life, obviously they have

  24. you should insist on trying pegging. then he'll know the hassle of having to do anal prep, having to relax his asshole and the looming feeling of getting poo all over the bed spread.

  25. If a friend were to tell you this about their own relationship you'd probably help them get into a domestic violence shelter. Maybe give yourself the same care you'd give someone else.

  26. Why are you with someone who is like this? So what she's good to you. She's a horrible person. You're a Doctor and she thinks you should walk away from an accident instead of helping until emergency services get there? That's seriously fucked up.

    There are much better women out there than her. She will eventually turn on you and would be this way to any kids she has. Dump her and move on.

  27. Actually, I rather thought that Amanda had “already” reached the age where she doesn't get to play the spurned child anymore. OP did the very best that he could…under the circumstances. Provided it's all true, it's just a really big coincidence that the birth happened when it did. It should've turned out OK.

    Hopefully, now that she's married, there will be fewer “father/daughter” activities so he can focus on his new family…and be sure to schedule things with the new baby ASAP. They agreed that if something is scheduled for one of the kids, it takes precedence over everything else.

    They've got a tough row to hoe, that's for sure….

  28. If he really wanted to, he would. I thought people realised this after going through their 20’s. I wouldn’t waste time on someone who won’t give you time or effort.

  29. I think the big issue here is that you're focusing far too much on the need for validation, in that, you want him to acknowledge all of this, good and bad. You're not inherently crazy to have that feeling, but you do need to realize it's not coming. So your validation needs to be the objective truth that you know.

    Of course dealing with custody is a big priority. But that doesn't mean you don't exist at all. If that were his excuse, then that would logically mean he makes no effort with your seven month old. If one or both are true, that's a huge problem.

    Then you take care of him after surgery and the only thing he says to you is that you don't do anything at all. Unless you're lying to us, you obviously did help and take care of him, which means he's just an asshole.

    I'm not sure what you mean by the mirror but I don't think that really even matters.

  30. Yeah bro my husband would be out the door if I did this shit without his consent ??

    Like come on. You mentioned that he knew you did nude shoots not that you touch other men intimately while you’re nude. Most men are not okay with this at all and the ones that are would like to know beforehand. Why would you send this to him? What was your thought process?

  31. I honestly don't think you have anything to worry about. It was probably the path of least resistance to get out of that situation

  32. My girl had me listed as “bills paid” which is crazy, because I'm broke, and she pays my bills. Weird, I should probably act on this for no reason,

  33. OP, this situation is deeply toxic. I have been in a similar relationship, and without him working on himself it will not get better. It’s not healthy for you, and his violent reactions will only escalate. Please consider choosing your own wellbeing over these unhealthy repeating patterns.

  34. Sadly, that’s not uncommon. The bitter sweet thing about it is while you are getting some relief, someone else is going to be victimized. Years ago in my area (like in 1991) there was a man who terrorized the hell out of his estranged girlfriend. He should have been thrown in jail multiple times but the system failed badly and he kept slipping through the cracks. He eventually let up on her when he got a brand new girlfriend. The new girlfriend dumped him and he waged a reign of terror on her too. She did ALL the things the system tells you to do, including a restraining order. Weeks after the order, she left work, walking down a busy sidewalk to head home. He came out of nowhere, shot her in the head, then fled the scene and shot himself.

  35. This. There isn’t a single person in this world who could confess their love to me and make me not want to marry my fiancé. Not an old crush, not an ex, not even Ryan Gosling. I feel so lucky that nothing ever worked out with anyone from my past because it put me in a place where I was able to find him.

    This is the only way I’d ever go into a marriage – with someone I can’t imagine living without. Marriage isn’t going to get easier with age. If OP feels like this now, the stresses that come with sharing a life with someone are not going to improve the situation. This sounds like a shaky foundation at best and IMO OP should take a step back and evaluate why she was so easily swayed to consider torpedoing her engagement.

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