Adda-Maris live webcams for YOU!


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Date: November 3, 2022

13 thoughts on “Adda-Maris live webcams for YOU!

  1. Stop going to her house. “I can't come over today because I have to work later, and I refuse to be late to work because of your refusal to let me leave.”

    Or, “I refuse to come over because of the way you physically abuse me in order to try to make me stay.”

  2. You already know the answer.

    Surprise seance.

    Tell her you have invited a few friends and have them all show up with candles maybe a Ouija board. When she asks what you are doing tell her you want to make contact with the ghosts of orgasms past to ask them kindly to vacate the mattress to make her happy.

    Make a big show of trying to contact them and when it doesn't work apologize to her and tell her you don't have the money for a new mattress but you know what you must do.

    and then dump her and celebrate with your friends.

  3. Unfortunately, as someone whose ex-wife asked for a divorce six months in (together 17 years), I am more than familiar with the term ??

  4. She had a very immature response to your use of an inanimate object to take a nap. Her reaction is absurd. But instead of making that point, ask her why it bothered her so much that you used a pillow that in no way, shape or form replaces her in your thoughts or affections. Be calm and reasonable and listen to her response. One of you has to be the adult right now. I guess, OP, tag, you are it.

  5. That’s what I’m saying. I would never force her to do anything. But the fact she didn’t run it by me makes me very uncomfortable. I doubt she’d be happy if the situation was reversed.

  6. Yep thats what i told him, we just have different opinions on this one and there's nothing we can do about it.

    Porn is ok i just dont really like using socials searches to look at hot girls but that's just me i guess.

  7. how original! a man going for a significantly younger girl because she matches his maturity level and she outgrows him? haven’t heard that one before!

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