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Scarlet_Springlive sex stripping with hd cam


37 thoughts on “Scarlet_Springlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I doubt it would Im just worried because she was a realy sweet girl. She did smile at me when she was leaving. Also she avoided looking at my direction and she only looked in my eyes when looking at my direction. Would you consider this to be a good sign?

  2. Technically even in the lifestyle what you have done is looked upon as cheating, it's obvious the two of you did not or at least it appears that clear cut boundaries were not in place, some cpls allow solo dates, most prefer to play together and from upon partners engaging in solo activities when the other isn't present.

    That sounds as to what has taken place here.

  3. I find it really disturbing that…leaving an abusive situation is the mothers “last resort” like…surely she wants better for her kids right? I also find it disturbing that…as OP phrases it, it's gone on awhile and happens alot…but she's only just now trying to figure out what to do?

  4. If you were on fire and your bf was thirsty, he would drink all the water.

    Talking about selfish, geez. Your BF is quite the diva. I'm not sure why you would consider staying with him. You will always be the second or third priority. He has no empathy and the world revolves around him.

    You were basically blackmailed and manipulated into the abortion. He then has pretty much doublecrossed and left you anyways. Get rid of this shit stain and find a man. He has the maturity of a preteen and the empathy of a brick.

  5. Who's the guy, some stranger? If she was at home how did she get his number, Did she want to spend new years with you?

  6. It’s not as deep as you think it is, or as you want it to be. You’re in a shitty relationship that isn’t meeting your needs.

  7. How convenient for you! You've strung her along for this long, so what's another three years, right? Why not just admit the real reason? You don't want to break up with her because she's supporting you while you get your PhD?

    You know you're a complete piece of shit, right?

  8. Because she obviously doesn’t want to. Which is fine that’s her right, but he obviously wants them. They’re not sexually compatible. If he doesn’t leave her he will probably fall in love but be unfulfilled sexually. That will work for a little while but eventually the day to day routine of life will set in. 10 years will go by and he’ll realize he doesn’t want to live the rest of his life without blowjobs. Well now he’s married with kids… so his option becomes cheat or get divorced. Both of those options suck so just cut her loose now and find a gal that will suck you off.

  9. First, I feel for you. I found out my ex spouse owed back taxes when we got married. It’s like the IRS found out he suddenly had someone to foot the bill. I wasn’t made aware of it until our tax refund was intercepted. They took it all. I recall reading on the notice that I could file as an innocent spouse or unaffiliated spouse or something like that as he racked up that debt when we were not together. I would suggest you consult an attorney and see what your options are. Best of luck. I’m sorry you’re having to go through this.

  10. Stop focusing on the middle of the conversation when the miscommunication is happening at the beginning. You're immediately jumping to defending yourself instead of being curious and open to hearing why she's feeling pressured to clean up the house while she's supposed to be working.

    You are seeing the world differently. Instead of trying to understand why she sees the world the way she does, you're immediately jumping to “my way is better and right. Yours is wrong”. There's no space for conversation and connection there. (I know that's not most people's conscious thought of what they're saying, but that's the meta break-down of it.)

    Just from what you've posted, you frequently complain about the state of the house, which puts pressure on her to make sure you come home to a good environment. Girls are conditioned to believe that we aren't worthy of love if we don't provide this, so there's more pressure on her than there would be on you. When you comment about the state of the house, it's very likely triggering those feelings of insecurity and failure.

    Until you can set aside your defensiveness enough to be curious about why she feels what she feels, you're going to go in circles.

    From a practical perspective, it might help you to set up clear expectations with each other around cleaning and when it happens. We're all exhausted from work, even when you work from home. Maybe you decide to do something like a mutual pick-up time after dinner? One of you does dishes and the other straightens, or you both do a sweep of the house then do dishes together. If the house is exceptionally disordered one day, approach it like she had a hectic day at work (probably true) instead of commenting on the state of the house. The house comments are just adding to the pressure she already feeling.

  11. I know it doesn’t matter because an ex is an ex for a reason but please hear me out.


    the end.

    see how easy that was.

  12. i think trying to get maybe 2 times a week rather than 1 is a step in the right direction. If he's receptive and willing to make that change for you, I think you're in a better place to make an informed decision.

    How far is the distance factor?

  13. Well, you can either communicate your feelings and get a real and definitive ending to your overthinking or say nothing, continue to overthink, and self-destruct the friendship however you want.

  14. She's gaslighting you and having an emotional affair at the minimum. Don't let it get to the point like me where I saw nudes from both parties when my STBXW was cheating on me. It will destroy your mental health.

    Save yourself

  15. Other women don’t magically grey-out when you’re in a relationship and a good butt is a good butt. However, he shouldn’t be liking other girls’ butts online.

  16. Okay, i skipped over your other postings and i ask myself why are you with him? You don't trust him. You think he cheats and see signs everywhere. Even this stupid talk about make-up is for you a sign that he must cheat. You will just be satisfied when either you break up or you really catch him cheating.

    Have you ever direct talked with him about the lack of sex and that it make you insecure? Talk open with him. 3 years and all this shit. Have communication. You are unhappy how it is. Tell him. It is no wonder you fight when you are frustrated but nobody wants to talk about.

  17. Well— you sure are in a pickle, because this is kind of a no-win for anybody.

    The only right thing to do would be to break up with her now and just say “sorry, I shouldn't have let things get out of hand. I have been wanting to do this for a while. Sorry about the virginity thing.”

    Yes, she will hate you– she should. But, better for all involved to just end it as you intended.

  18. Check out body pillows. If you have a wide enough bed, you can drop one or more of these between you two. He'll have something to lean against and you won't be smothered by a wet space heater.

    Also, I would highly recommend a king sized bed if you currently have something smaller. Getting a king bed will let you store the old one in case the pillows don't work and you have to sleep separately.

    Just make a point to tell your husband that you do not consent to being constantly leaned on and overheated while sleeping. It's either this compromise or a second bed. You need restful sleep to survive.

  19. I always dreamed about getting married and being walked down the isle since I was a child. But after talking to my boyfriend, he doesn't even believe in the basic ceremony.

  20. I came to the US from Europe when I was 17 to go to college. When I was 19 i decided to stay. My mom is very controlling and deep down it was to get away from her. She disowned me for 8 years. I wasn't allowed to go to my brother's wedding becaue it would be too distracting. Our relationship never recovered from this. We cordial but that's it. She's still controlling. You don't raise kids to have them stay close to the nest. You raise kids to be independent and on their own. You amd your husband need to get your own hobbies and activities to stay busy and active. You're not that old. Accept that your son has spread his wings and is doing well. Trying g to guilt him into moving back will jsut push him away at the risk of permanently damaging the relationship.

  21. I called her a teenager. Because she is. She is eighTEEN. Lemme guess, she is also super mature for her age right? All you’re doing is showing everyone on Reddit how insecure you are and why you can’t get a partner your age

  22. I really don’t think she knew Emma was 17, I’ve always been confident in that. But even so, she thought Emma was maybe 21,22 and that’s disgusted me either way. The fact that she is 17, about to be 18 really outraged me. I handled it very emotionally and called my wife all kinds of horrible names, screamed at her, etc. that’s not the right way to handle it but I was just so angry.

    Emma is no longer our child’s caretaker, except for the occasional drop ins at her daycare because our children miss that old daycare and our current daycare closes sometimes when the other doesn’t. Our daughter really, really loves Emma, and there has never been another caretaker at a daycare that she bonded with as much. It’s sad to think our daughter had to cut communication with Emma because of what my wife did, but it’s the right thing.

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