Silvene Rose, 24 y.o.
Location: your heart
Room subject:
To Start live video press there
Online Live Sex Chat rooms Silvene Rose
Date: October 18, 2022
Silvene Rose, 24 y.o.
Location: your heart
Room subject:
To Start live video press there
So she is rightfully concerned she might be sexually assaulted and stuck with her assaulter, and you feel disrespected? Buddy this has nothing to do with you.
Or just have babies with women you trust? My partner would have no need to test our future children whether they have his bowling ball head or my little pin head
I'm black, my partner is white and we have a kid.
Now, I also went (and sometimes still go) through a lot of crap with white people due to racism, at high and low levels. However, if I was completely afraid of them, I'd not be with my partner (12 years and counting) nor with I be around her family (who have received me well).
Your boyfriend either didn't explain himself properly or he might be conflicted. Either you guys have a good conversation about where to go from here if he's that afraid and what you can do to continue, or you break up. He should not date white women if he's feeling this (not trying to invalidate his feelings, btw).
People should be comfortable in their relationship, it should be mutual. He kind of set the tone for both of you to feel uncomfortable with each other.
Document it, save evidence, report him to the police.
Jesus Christ. You coward.