LexyApril live webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 18, 2022

13 thoughts on “LexyApril live webcams for YOU!

  1. Break up with her and stop seeing her. She is using you just as much as she’s using him. Let them work it out on their own. If it isn’t you she’s sleeping with it will always be someone else, until she gets her head out of her ass.

  2. My situation is similar. I stayed. It's complicated, but it can be done. Yes, I also have endometriosis. I was told I could not have children, as my pregnancies failed each time. Guess what? I have two beautiful babies. One, almost a teen, and one with my current partner (who is co parenting in a similar fashion) The trick is getting them to differentiate between a relationship and co parenting. Co parenting is about the children. There needs to be firm boundaries where it's only about the child. This isn't a triad, a throuple, or any like word you'd prefer. He's choosing to step up for the child. Period. In my opinion, they shouldn't even be Facebook friends, as it could potentially blur the lines for one or both of them. State your terms. If he agrees, carry on. Utter transparency is definitely needed in this scenario. Also, ask for a paternity test before he signs anything. Make sure he's not being duped, either inadvertently or on purpose. Baby trapping happens. Best of luck!

  3. I don’t think kicking him out solves anything. Couples counseling is a good place to start.

    Do what if he had said that bs go the “friend”. It was years ago and I’m sorry but y’all have a life. Children.

    I’d not doubt my spouse. I’d not think I was second choice.

    For good or bad you are married. You work to get past this together. Or just move on and let that bitch win. She did this to mess up your marriage.

    Don’t let her. Make your marriage stronger than ever. Get counseling. Work in communication.

  4. You feel like it's being “entitled” to not want sex? How about he has an entitlement issue thinking he's entitled to sex whenever, regardless of your state of mind/state of health?

    And even if it's his only fault, it's a pretty big one. If he gets you pregnant, is he going to insist on his so-called “marital rights” even when you're so big you can't see your feet and you don't feel comfy in any position at night? Is he going to insist on the same when you're exhausted from a baby that just cant get off to sleep at 2am?

    A guy who feels like he's entitled to sex is not a great guy. He's selfish, misogynist, non-empathetic, often a narcissist. The kind of guy that you very quickly regret marrying, especially when you see your other young friends out having fun with guys who don't pressure them into sex when it's painful or they don't feel like it.

    If he's pressuring you into having sex, your consent has not been freely given, which means he's raping you.

  5. How long is your life going to be if he hits you hard enough to cause real damage? One mistake. One concussion. One slap too hard.

    You can’t live a life with someone when you’re constantly under threat.

  6. Yes I do, I hangout with my friends + family. It just sucks that you get ignored while she still talks to her other friends, if you get what i mean tbh. I don't plan to force, in fact, Im thinking of just detaching and leaving this completely and closing the chapter of my life.

  7. I just talked to her about getting back on her meds and she said she didn’t like the way they made her feel. So I suggested talking to her doctor about possibly trying to get different medications but she said she’s afraid of the possibly of them giving her the new meds and they leave her worse off than she already is.

    I also reintroduced the idea of therapy and she seems a lot less interested now. She doesn’t think it’ll help because she can’t undo what happened when she was assaulted.

  8. You aren’t getting married and he has no reason to know. And if you do get married make sure you get a prenup.

  9. You block her. You intentionally avoid all possible street interactions, your wife walks your dog, you distance. This is a her problem not a you problem. But by being so concerned it could be seen as you still entertaining your feelings for her. Not a good look if you’re remorseful and want to be faithful to your wife.

  10. Hello /u/ThrowRA3381, we've seen an influx of posts related to specific influencers and have made a decision to remove them.

    If your post has to do with a significant other who's ascribing to a “high value/low value” standard, please note that while it's your partner's right to do this, it's just as much your right to opt out of such a relationship. Changing them is unlikely to succeed, and advice on past posts about this topic mirror this conclusion.


    -Relationship Advice mod team

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  11. She's probably terrified of rejecting you directly because YOU'RE HER FUCKING BOSS. She's worried you'll make her job difficult if she tells you to fuck off.

    Leave her alone. Her relationship is none of your business and you're being a total creep.

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