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Ladymiri85live sex stripping with hd cam


25 thoughts on “Ladymiri85live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. It sounds like your girlfriend is trying to find a way to keep the relationship going, but it's important to be honest and make sure that you both are on the same page. It's understandable that you're frustrated, but it's important to talk through the issue and come to an agreement that works for both of you. It may be helpful to have an honest conversation about what each of you wants out of the relationship and how you can both be comfortable with the living situation. You should also talk about how you can both compromise to make sure that your allergies are taken into consideration.

  2. Once the intimacy gone it will leads to relationship issues and it could be divorce or cheating , sex brings intimacy and absolutely it’s important

  3. I think from my reaction he will hopefully make a change but I’m also aware that I’m asking an almost 30 year old to change the habits they’ve had all their life. Is that reasonable? Or achievable?

  4. As a guy who has been in similar shoes before, there are some things you might be able to try. Honesty. Sit him down and tell him you are scared of the direction he is heading down. Heart disease is the biggest killer, poor diet and no exercise lead to heart disease. You're afraid of losing him, you don't want your kids to not have their daddy around. You understand that he's comfortable, he might even be struggling with depression, but you genuinely want him by your side when you are old and grey, watching over the grandkids.

    You can drag him along to play sports with you, or drag him along to the gym, I'm sure you could find a gym that has something you don't hate to do. This does require a more aggressive approach.

    Get him into therapy. Therapy is great. Everyone should find a good therapist. It's not uncommon that self improvement leads to a healthier way of living.

  5. When I wrote it, it fell just below my initial remark and was a lot more clear but once others responded it was difficult to follow.

  6. Also I wouldn’t let him around the baby after cheating on you with someone who’s husband cheats on them before getting tested. TONS of diseases get passed orally, and just about every disease is deadly to the baby

  7. Why not have the child adopted? Its was unfair of you to dump yourself and a kid on him full time and expect him to be happy. If you worked in food service then its unlikely you can afford childcare if you go back to work. You are probably right, you won't be able to provide a good life for your child if your only support is an unwilling Dad.

    You can't make him love you and want to be with you by claiming food stamps and being quiet. The guy will run the first chance he gets and I don't blame him. He owes you child support NOT the rest of his life.

  8. Yes that’s what I have observed too. It’s scary to let someone go, especially when things are so emeshed and there is much history or children.

  9. It’s good that you care, it’s a great quality to have! Sometimes though, people will take advantage of that quality and I think this may be one of those situations.

    Who’s looking out for you while your head is full of this stuff? You’re important too. I bet that getting time and space is difficult, but you really should take some.

  10. Doing these things in general is not okay. Doing these things to an officer would get him arrested.

    Girl, LEAVE!

  11. OP my heart goes out to you. You are so young and can definitely leave but it may be hard. I was in your situation when I was 19 I was dating a guy that kept threatening to kill himself if I left. But you need to love yourself more

  12. Your message is sober, clean, polite, and to the point. You made it great.

    Bob destroyed your relationship. To not co.e to Alice marriage is an unsignifiant hindrance.

    The best friend and godfather of my niece did the same trick. Now he is married in my ex sil. My brother kept civil for the sake of his daughters. But I will not miss a chance to Rick his boat if he comes to my reach. So I feel for you, and I praise your restraint.

  13. Same thinking here. He is leaving out an awful lot of info and I asked him what would she tell us if she were to write to us about all this.

  14. I’ve seen this a lot, even after dragging you thru hell you don’t stoop to the level of shit talking the mother in front of the child. But I rarely see women not stoop so low as to trash the perception of the dad because her actions got her right where she deserved. Stay strong, don’t poison your child’s mind but don’t be afraid to call it like you see it in your private life. You’ll pull thru man

  15. I'll say this- my ex husband and I had alot of issues. I feel like they became serious the moment he told me “I knew if I told you, you would have left me.” That statement showed me he didn't care what I wanted for myself. He didn't care for me to have all the knowledge of who he was in order to truly love him. He just wanted to keep me in the dark so that I would operate based off of lies. It made me feel disrespected, unloved and ultimately it wasn't a certain thing he had done. It was his attitude I described that lost me.

    Don't put him in a position of being married to you for years and then finding out. Don't put him in a position of someone else telling him. If you think it might be a deal breaker then you are wasting every min of his time until he knows the truth.

    Honestly I doubt it would go as bad as you think. If he loves you, he will most likely be able to look past it and understand. I mean let's put it into perspective- its not anyone he knows. It's not like it was hundreds of dudes. It was 1. As far as you know, there are no videos or anything crazy to come out. So just be real here. You did what you did. It's part of who you are. Don't you dare disrespect him by trying to act like it's not. That's the part I think he would see as a betrayal.

  16. Piercing infections are easy to get like if you touch it pull get infected if you even move the ear it’s very likely to get infected. I am pissed off cause I warned him

  17. I think you’re doing the right thing. It’s more about how you perceive yourself to be than reality sometimes. I was made fun of early in life and didn’t realize until I got married that women actually liked the way I look (funny how being with someone else brings out the compliments). I always thought, too short, little pot belly, eventually thinning hair, who would want that? Turns out I’d be considered a pretty good catch now, emotionally stable, good listener, strong empathy for others, decent sense of humor etc. notice that none of that had anything to do with looks. Looks will fade in time but the beauty you can create inside will last a lifetime. You probably already have excellent qualities that make you an exceptional person. Build on that instead of the outside which is probably okay anyway.

  18. You hit the nail on the head. If you were a priority to her, she would make time for you. The fact that she can make time for a 1 on 1 session with some other guy she just met, but is too tired to even communicate with you, should tell you everything you need to know.

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