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8 thoughts on “africa_xxxlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. it’s too bad you couldn’t meet in the middle here. One can’t really reschedule things like Xmas parties, bday parties. It totally sucks that you were sick but on the other hand what if you said I get that we can’t reschedule and I am really bummed to miss it and chalk it up to the bad luck of getting sick? I mean she could have canceled it entirely and not had a party this year. That was the other option I guess. Would you have preferred that?

  2. He sounds boring & incapable of communication. Don’t expect him to change if youve continually brought these topics up and he’s consistently shut them down. You simply aren’t compatible.

  3. I have to tell your husband what my dad told me: There’s a time to do things ( go out, have fun, no responsibility) once that time is gone you can’t have it back. This is the situation your husband is in. The wild times have passed and he missed it. Tbh, he’s not buddies with his work friends, he too old and is married with kids.

    As for the coworker, it has come to the attention of his boss and she and she has been warned. I’m sorry you’re having to go through this. Hopefully, you have family support.

  4. No. Not at all. I will also add that dirty penis contributes to yeast and bacteria infections for dirty penis partners. Why on earth some men act as though showering is still ne herculean task is beyond me. He needs to get his shit together.

  5. Very likely. In which case, if it is your wife's peace of mind, or the pillow, which is more important? If it is because she feels like you cuddled the pillow thinking of your friend and you can do a simple thing to help her feel more secure, is that worth a pillow, or is it more important to keep the pillow knowing your wife will then believe you don't love her like she wants you to?

  6. I’m so sorry, OP. This is horrible and my heart hurts for you.

    I’d be wary of the friend… it’s one thing for her to tell you what happened but her offering to come “support” you reeks of “I want you for myself”. She’s trying to slip in while you’re hurt and get you on the rebound.

    Whether or not you take your fiancé back is obviously your choice but I could never be with someone who could cheat- especially right before we were supposed to get married.

  7. I think maybe you are misplacing some of your resentment and frustration. Your wife can do nothing about how young she looks but she can do something about how she supports you with what you are currently experiencing. It feels like your wife is dismissing the fact that you are miserable due to the fact that you are treated with suspicion.

    If my partner asked me to move away from my support system to enable their career I would expect them to support me to feel comfortable in the new environment.

    It isn’t your wife’s fault that she looks young, it also isn’t her fault that people in the local area are suspicious and treat you like a predator. What she can control is how she supports you while you are feeling upset and attacked my members of your new community.

    Have you had a real heart to heart with her to explain how much you are being negatively impacted? Not just you but now you’re daughter? I think you need to have a really deep conversation, try not to be resentful but approach this as a shared issue that will impact the happiness of your family.

    Your wife only seems to be focused on her career and not the impact the move is having on your mental health and now your child too.

    I’m sorry you are going through this

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