Mishellxy live webcams for YOU!


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Date: September 29, 2022

14 thoughts on “Mishellxy live webcams for YOU!

  1. I feel like he could easily invite you and enjoy the weekend with everyone. The fact he doesn't extend the invite doesn't sit right with me or how she still his Best Friend .

  2. Ugh this is my worst fear in relationships. I’m far too trusting for stories like this hah. What can you do besides split? After something like this you’ll always be suspicious everytime he goes out of town or does anything without you. It’s crazy-making potential that will probably not end well unless you genuinely believe you can forgive and forget

  3. Or option C: Don’t tell her this since it’s cruel and just break up with her anyway. Clearly you want someone sexually comparable, and that’s fine, but there are far less cruel ways to do it than “I don’t find you sexually attractive.”

    Roll with it just not being what you want anymore; things have changed. At the end of the day, her hearing your truth will do nothing but harm her self esteem, and if you actually do care about her, avoid doing that.

  4. Honestly he’s such a shit person if he does that. Uninvite him. If your financee gets mad than you should probably end things as she’ll never have your back

  5. Taking time to think it all through to be honest, even though it's been 3 months of it I'm torn between the decision, I'm not the confrontational type so it's hard for me to go through with this type of thing.

  6. Early dating stage, I had an opportunity to move to another state, but I wasn't thinking about it before, the opportunity arose as a surprise. I think it would've been good for me in the long run. But I stayed, I can't say I regret it at all, though I was distracted when I answered. I had a son from it, we were married, but now divorced.

  7. Would you be doing this to your wife in between asking for cum and to be used on sissy and forced-feminised subs and posting pics of yourself or after? Just curious

    If you’re reading OP’s post and taking it seriously you’re deranged

  8. Right we have phones for a reason. She should’ve called / texted him that there would be company over

  9. Do you really want this to be the rest of your life?

    It will be the rest of your life if you remain married to him.

    If there was one roach you saw, there are hundreds swarming through the house while you sleep. Running across the kitchen counters. Under the bag of bread or potatoes, crawling across the cleaned dishes in the cabinets.

    And where there are roaches, there are most likely mice or rats. It’s only a matter of time before the rodent shit starts showing up.

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