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Betsylive sex stripping with hd cam


6 thoughts on “Betsylive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Why would one parent with “issues” get the same leeway and unrestriction as one with a hard-earned clean record? How is that fair?

  2. He doesn't see it as a problem because he feels like he doesn't HAVE to drink, he just does, and could stop any time he wants.

    Classic alcoholic logic.

    The thing with addiction, is that someone with an addiction won't stop unless they truly want to. You can only control your own behavior, at the end of the day he is responsible for himself.

    So, you have to ask yourself; is this a relationship you want to be in? You are allowed to set the boundary that you don't want to be in a relationship with an alcoholic. And whether he calls himself an alcoholic or not that's what he is.

    Take it from someone who grew up around an alcoholic. You're right in thinking that you don't want kids in that environment. You're right to think about your own want and needs, it's not selfish. But in order to set a boundary you not only have to communicate your boundary, but take action when it is violated. A lot of people skip the action part.

    I wish you luck in your journey.

  3. Like, I definitely traveled with coaches frequently for powerlifting, just like your friend. Me, male coach, and another female trainee would all share a room, I'd share a bed with the trainee and coach would get the other one. It wasn't weird, we were all just poor.

    But that's totally different than traveling for business. You're traveling on the company dime, so SHE's not saving money here. And if the company was forcing people into this kind of arrangement to save money it opens up so many doors for legal problems that most companies don't do it. I could imagine if it were a very small company with only one man or only one woman going it could just be the way they do things, but I don't think it would be out of place to at least ask your girlfriend about why they're doing that, because that seems really weird.

  4. See what he did here?:

    he said that he is asking for my forgiveness to help in his recovery to become a better husband and dad.

    He is trying to manipulate you, putting the blame on you using his children and wife to get that forgiveness from you, he hadn't change one bit and you're not responsible of him in any way, so that comment says a lot about him, is like he's saying if you don't forgive him his family will suffer and that's not how it works pal. Keep the NC, protect yourself.

  5. another word of advice, if someone really likes you, you won’t be confused or unsure about it. also, with older men you have to be more strict and less lenient tbh because they are GROWN ASS MEN. it’s already risky for girls to date older guys because they can be really weird, but if you’re going to do it you need to have high standards and strong boundaries.

  6. by breaking up with him because he will continue to do this your entire relationship because you are letting him .

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