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12 thoughts on “christinaXXXlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Question for you: how do you feel if your gf leave you one day cos you have no money? It is as superficial as this is. If you leave her, that’s fine, but then that explain what kind of person you are

  2. Bottom line after reading that, Leave his ass. Just “earn the ring” is off I couldn't see myself being that way towards a woman I love. As well as he acting basically like a shitty human. You 110% deserve better.

  3. I think it’s fine if she is offended by it and expresses that she’d prefer he not watch it and why.

    And then he can decide if he’s ok with that or not, and they can move forward accordingly.

  4. Of course anyone can break up for any reason. But defining a boundary can be used as a tool of control or even abuse. Slowly creating more boundaries that are more and more unreasonable to leverage control. As someone who was in abusive relationship who’s partner created a lot of unreasonable boundaries I wound know about this.

  5. I'm willing to bet the person she left you for initially didn't work out, which is why she decided to get back with you after you've made it known to her that you wanted to be with her. Personally, I wouldn't want to be someone's backup choice, even if they were serious about not physically cheating on me then and in the future. I would be worried she would leave for someone else again, since it happened already…

  6. “My first reaction to her was that she was sexually abused. I support her all the time. I just don’t know what to do when she starts to get uncomfortable. Told me she chose to do it but I said he didn’t have to let you. Knowing he was an adult”

    OP's instincts are right on. He shouldn't just work on that in therapy, especially if this guy still has access to teens. Maybe you don't have a daughter and that's why you don't care about that aspect, but that's the reason I think you're advice is bad for OP's long term mental health and the safety of teenage females in the community.

  7. Too bad, you’re on Reddit now my dude lmao. It’s usually a Facebook group of some sort, where people post pictures of their rings and complain about them being too cheap, gems too small, wrong style etc. A collection of ungrateful assholes essentially

  8. You gave your number to a total stranger. You blocked him already – good. Hopefully he gets the hint but if he is some psycho, he may text you from other numbers. Just be prepared to do a lot of blocking and explaining to your husband if he sees random texts coming in. Hopefully this doesn’t happen but you never know with strangers.

  9. In my relationship with my wife, I’m like your boyfriend. I has BS in physics and my wife has an associate’s degree.

    We’ve been married for 27 years so I think she’s over it now but she was very insecure about the differences in our intelligence when we were first married. Like your boyfriend, I took naturally to things or understood things a lot faster than she does. She accused me of thinking I was better than her when the thought never crossed my mind.

    What I think you need to do is to realize first of all that you are the one having these thoughts that you’re not good enough. Accept him at his word when he tells you he’s proud of you. A parent will be proud when their child when they tie their own shoes for the first time or achieve something. Yeah, everyone knows how to do that but it’s different when it’s your kid.

    I didn’t make that point to make you feel bad about yourself. I made it to point out that we all have different levels of ability and there’s nothing wrong with that. And someone who has a greater ability than you can really still be proud of you for figuring something out when you’ve worked hard to accomplish it. There’s nothing wrong with you, it’s just not easy for you and it actually means more to you to finally understand what you’ve had to struggle with. Whereas he didn’t have to struggle so, understanding it is actually less of an accomplishment for him.

    This issue is very much in your own head. Please get yourself a therapist and work this out.

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