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44 thoughts on “yoitsmadiblive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Screenshot everything,EVERYTHING. Send it to yourself Talk to a lawyer for legal advice on your situation and blow his sh*t up and send the evidence to all your friends and family and don’t forget to do a little snooping (find about her family and friends specially her parents) and send them the evidence of what a remarkable daughter they have raised. Be petty betty ?

  2. 5'7″ 130 you are in no way unhealthy nor overweight! We all have that spot we wish we could trim down. However, my wife is 5'0″ and has been 185 to 123 at her lowest and no matter what I loved her just as she was. Now that we're in our 40's and if she was still 185 I'd be worried about her health. She has said she was worried about mine when I was just drinking nothing but coke and eating ice cream, very bad habits. I changed because it was. If you are eating right and doing things the way you should then what's the worry? You are a healthy weight and if he loves you you can look anyway at any size. But to bring up that at the weight you are now is just mind boggling

  3. Sometimes people make bad jokes. Sometimes people cheat. Sometimes people read too much into offhand statements.

    This is your wife. You are going to “run for the hills” from this one comment? How messed up is your marriage already for that to happen?

  4. He has befriended his exes boyfriends in the past. I know,, because he has told about them. It's not like I haven't helped him in the past…its just that I rather not have my relationship involved with any of it.

  5. Dude I have no idea what you're implying but I'm gonna try to explain based on what I understood. She very much has her own life, her own safe spaces, her own hobbies, her own everything separate from me. I don't try to intervene in any aspect of those “natural” interests or desires. I'm talking specifically about commitment to a relationship with someone who is older and is looking for stability. If it's worth it to her to give up sexual exploration for stability, that is her choice not yours, ya weirdo.

  6. The world is full of shitty people. I'd estimate it's between 15-25% of both men and women who are shitty people. You can't just completely ignore this and pretend we live in a Utopia.

  7. Exactly what I thought when I read the post like oh no this dumb b got this dog just to convince him to let her have a key. OP please make sure she gets rid of the poor innocent dog and then get rid of her.

  8. Girl, run. In my relationship it also started from breaking things.. ended up with physically hurting me. Happened after moving in together after I was so invested it seems impossible to leave. Breaks my heart so much, but living like that is miserable. Changed me to shadow of my past self.

  9. Just do it! message him and say yes you would like to grab a drink. That's it! Rip the band aid off! it will feel so much better once you do it and stop worrying.

  10. He’s too old for this, dude is 31 years old. He’s stringing you along, OP. He gets all the gf fun without the monogamy. Plus your edit? Yikes, girl. You can do better

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  12. I understand that this list is more about how you want things to be vs how they are. Regardless of how they are currently, this list is how you want it to be. Regardless of whether your expectations are realistic or not if your current SO is not meeting them it will eventually lead to a negative situation. Unless you take a lot of these serious comments to heart and decide that maybe you don't need all these boxes to be checked.

    As previously stated there are very few people who are going to check all those boxes. And I don't know where you live but we don't live in a world where a woman becomes pregnant and suddenly they become unable to take care of themselves. The reality is that you can keep working for a while and eventually you will get a certain amount of paid leave and hopefully with the changing times the father will too.

    It sounds like you want to kick your feet up during your whole pregnancy. If that's something that your SO could reasonably allow you to be able to do and wants to than its no big deal. But you have to ask how important is this issue in the grand scheme of things. If you met someone who adored you and was a fantastic SO in every facet but maybe he doesn't make the most money and can't afford for you to kick back during your entire pregnancy.

    Would you end it with him because of that? If the answer is no than that issue probably isn't as important to you as you thought. As stated before I think you need to get to the bottom of your own feelings and views and speak to a professional. Someone who gets paid to do what a lot of the serious commenters are doing rn and will do a better job at that.

  13. Because you hit the breaks? Like why is it you feel inferior? And if your not feeling secure than I feel like it’s his job to help promote you. Just a helping hand to make you feel comfortable

  14. What a thing to react to. She is attracted to your bf, big deal. I go to the gym and get female attention every now and then, when I bring my significant other, I get triple the attention. It’s the way the game goes. Blow a kiss back at her next time

  15. She has been staying here and has never helped me clean. I do clean my house. But over the past couple of months it’s been overwhelming, I’ve asked for her to help clean like as a team, she kept saying she would but never did. It’s not necessarily dirty but more so messy because I live in a small house with not much space for storage.

    It’s not just about the house being clean though, it’s also just the uncomfortable thing of her mom being over hanging out at my tiny house. I just am not comfortable with it in general. I’ve been thinking about ending the relationship, but unsure. Now that we haven’t talked for 2 days just not sure what to even do. Maybe just let it play out.

  16. Porn isn't the reason you feel pain, it's because he doesn't care about your feelings so you have to bottle them up. Porn is a symptom of the real problem: communication and trust.

    You feel like you don't satisfy his sexual preferences, you can't discuss your boundaries without him being hostile, he won't explain his reasons for watching it, he isn't willing to compromise anything for you. This isn't how all relationships are. This is your first serious relationship so you haven't known anything better, he is a selfish abuser. Get out and find somebody that wants to make you happy. Lots of guys watch porn but a good relationship will make you feel comfortable to talk about it and set real boundaries that are respected.

  17. I’ve been in this situation twice, the leaving a long term relationship and getting super attached to someone immediately after. It’s a character flaw of mine that is typically described as ‘hopeless romantic’. It always fosters room for codependency. The first time I did it, it ended up being a mistake. It went hot and fast immediately and it was awesome until I realized my finances and life were tied up with someone that I loved but didn’t like that much and had different life goals than me. The break up sucked. I did the same shit again shortly after and everything is perfect. It’s been almost 3 years and we’re still deeply in love, tied at the hip, never fight, and have the same life goals. The codependency is still there, but managed enough that we can still take long trips without the other or spend time alone and have fun and have our own hobbies.

    To summarize, you’re taking a big leap of faith. It could work out or it could go really wrong. Don’t do what I did or what you’re about to do, just real it back a bit and protect your heart. I would keep this going and see where it goes because it sounds great so far, but always make time for yourself, you will lose yourself in the codependency if you can’t manage it.

  18. I've dated women with children and it's hard trying to explain that whilst you understand their needs, you cant simply put yours to one side to fulfill them. Nothing works without at least a little give and take and if there's no compromise you end up on opposite sides of the line.

  19. He’s not depressed anymore but I agree that I shouldn’t just take his feelings into consideration. Honestly living with him whilst being broken up would be too difficult for me. We’re both tied to pay rent until June 5th, but I’m leaving May 22nd to go back to my home town for the summer holidays, so I’ll see.

  20. There are concerns of grooming to be honest, but you are an adult now. if you are happy and there isn't a abusive relationship, I don't think there is a problem. Another thing is that you are in two different moments of your lives.

  21. Not sure what but this comment legitimately made me laugh.

    Maybe we should all applaud this monthly act of kindness! /S

  22. Who cares dude, she never needs to pay it, just don't marry her, nobody cares about the debt if it's not inherited. As long as she never own anything it's irrelevant how much debt she has.

    Her kids won't inherit it and neither will you if you don't marry her. GG

    Have fun.

  23. Yes, that is absolutely rape. You must consent to sex before someone has sex with you. You can’t consent when you’re asleep. Just being in a relationship isn’t consent to sex.

  24. Why should we understand what a selfish AH you are, making it all about you is obnoxious, inconsiderate and uncaring

    She needs different birth control AND a different boyfriend

  25. Like you're doing right now?

    If you have proof, but aren't leaving, you're just accepting it again.

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