YammyLilaCute live webcams for YOU!


to make my fist day rock here/ welcome in my room guys [1108 tokens remaining]

Date: October 24, 2022

24 thoughts on “YammyLilaCute live webcams for YOU!

  1. u/Ok-Rough-6233, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  2. You asked a question – I answered.

    Your too old for her. And you need to heal before you start something else.

    How can she be your best friend at 19? What do you actually have in common? She is barely out of school and your what? Doing your masters? Phd? In another country? Your worlds apart.

    Even if you were not as dysfunctional as your ex, you were in a very unhealthy relationship and need to heal before starting something else. Hopping from one relationship to another isn’t healthy.

  3. Get out, my man. You're young. You'll find someone that suits you better down the road.

    It's OK to be single and focus on yourself.

  4. Okay, well this space absolutely needs definition.

    Its space… not a break up. That doesn't open the door to new people. This is a time for self-reflection and improve yourself for the relationship.

    So, in the worst case scenario… he comes back and reveals something unfavorable… the relationship is good as over. That is dumping a massive train wreck of an issue on something that is already unstable.

    I think he's been experiencing relationship burn out.

    And how this is playing out, the lack of contact… is obviously hard. But if the end goal is to take genuine space and improve things for the better… then I think you should try your best to get through it.

    I think this would also be a good time to utilize for some therapy sessions yourself. You're in obvious pain, and being able to combat that pain by dealing it by yourself, will benefit you.

    There is going to be a long hard conversation when he comes back, so prepare yourself for that. Start focusing on your personality differences and try to sort out ways to better balance it.

    And start thinking about the missing pieces in your relationship that you want restored. A year without sex… the romance is gone. That needs to come back and space could be a way for it to happen.

    Ultimately… if nothing changes as a result of this space…. I think it may be time to throw in the towel.

  5. She’s an adult and she’s pursuing you. The age gap is a non-issue in this case IMHO.

    As for work, yeah, keep in mind that sure, people “hook up” at work all the time. It also blows up in people’s faces all the time. Which is why you kinda have to be prepared to walk away.

  6. To put this in the nicest way possible; you’re an idiot.

    People can change, absolutely.

    He’s very clearly not going to change. Not anytime soon at least.

    You knew about him before you dated him, decided to date him despite the relationship starting on the wrong foot, got cheated on, and now wondering if he is going to change?

    From his point of view why would he? He gets the girlfriend and he gets to go fuck other people because there are no real consequences for that behavior.

  7. I’ve tried to leave a lot but always told reasons why I can’t

    He’ll say whatever he needs to and undermine you in however ways he can if it means you’ll stay and keep putting up with his crap. But you don’t need his approval or permission to leave. All you need to do is pack your shit and leave. Done. And then enjoy your new found peace and freedom.

  8. I appreciate this. While I don’t want her getting the idea I’m super bothered by it, I do think it would help to be slightly stand offish. It would definitely make her act a certain type of way, and I’m good at sniffing out guilt.

  9. Yeah. This situation wouldn't be the slightest drama whatsoever in my social group but as I've learned from this sub there are some serious prudes out there.

  10. If you committed to gaining a second income stream, via investing or something you could do at home – would that be feasible?

  11. “I know how females can be sometimes”

    Please clarify how those ‘females’ can be.

    I have no idea what you are upset about here, other than that two people you don’t particularly like tried to congratulate you on graduating?

  12. Well, what he does is, in fact, sexual assault.

    You didn't not consent to a happy ending in your mouth.

    On multiple occasions.

    Think about it – your boyfriend constantly assaults you and makes you believe you are the problem.

    Friends or no friends, they are not the ones forcing him to basically abuse you to a certain degree. It's all his own doing.

  13. Is your wife usually a people pleaser? She may have had a hard time saying no if he kept pushing her.

  14. I asked why she did this for 18 months if she knew it was wrong. She said the sex was crazy and at the time the fantasy of fucking a married man was too hard to resist.

    I could see she was turned on by telling me all this. I was unsure how to feel about it all.

    These two statements are enough to realise that she doesn't see cheating as wrong and she really hasn't changed. The fact she was getting turned on by just telling you this, shows that she still has that wild side but that's just for that guy only.

    I would have said that you should try talking things with her but after reading the complete post, breaking up with her now is the best option where you can move on from her. You don't have kids so it will be a clean break. Save yourself from future heartbreak and end it now while you can with minimum damage.

    I can assure you that the information you have got will not leave your mind, if you will rug sweep the affair it will come back to haunt you and if you hold that information longer it will impact your mental health.

  15. Run! I'm sure the Ex doesn't know a damn thing about the open relationship. You are probably a branch she is testing to see if she can swing over on to in case the Ex situation goes south. Abusive EX attachments that defy logic, ruin relationships and marriages all the time. Just don't involve yourself with her. Tell her to look you up once she figures her shit out. Otherwise this will ruin your life. Just walk away now!

  16. Fuck you sound like selfish person.

    He deserves better, you should break it off so he can go find someone else.

  17. Easy. Mark the Microchip as missing (or stolen if that option is available).

    Go to the police station and report the cat as stolen. Tell them who has cat and that your husband is not the owner, so couldn't legally give away cat. Give police the name and address/info on person who has cat.

    Lawyer. 1 for a divorce


    1 for return of the cat. Get the lawyer to send the Co-worker a letter of demand for return of the cat. If cat isn't returned alive and well by XX/XX date them you will commence legal action.

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