Winter woods live webcams for YOU!


71 thoughts on “Winter woods live webcams for YOU!

  1. I dont think theres any harm in being open and saying that you two have been dating for awhile and you would like to talk about being sexual and want to know if they have likes/dislikes, etc

  2. I have no add- is this a form of control? Withholding sex, compliments, and assistance so I feel so terrible about myself??

  3. That’s a narrow-minded thought, that she has to let a stranger she’s known a couple months knock her up or IVF. I’m 35 and I would have several options to have a baby with men I know very well and trust if that’s what I wanted. At my age you either want it or you don’t, it’s not like waiting when you are younger, at this age you know everyone is going to eventually suck so be flexible.

  4. If you don’t mind me asking, what state do you live in? Some states have insurance you can’t get that will pay for it. In Oklahoma, you can get sooner-care and it pays for birth control (for men and women) which include vasectomies. It’s how my husband got his because we also couldn’t afford it on our own.

  5. Do you honestly not really care that much if she wants to leave you and have a family? At least you could do is struggle with this situation! If I were her, it would be really hurt that you don't seem especially bothered by the thought of living without her.

    But that aside, people change. She didn't want kids when you met, and now she does. It may be right for you guys to split up, but be kind and do her the favor of acting like you'll miss her!

  6. The boyfriend- break up and never see him again.

    The father- honestly I'd never see him again either. He cared so little about you that he was fine hurting you so he could have a bit of fun. Your father also manipulated a teen for sex. Make no mistake – your father is a predator. He's fine with targeting impressionable teens to convince them for sex.

    This is no different than if your mom had been caught with your BF. It's an absolute betrayal. And the fact that your BF was over before you would be home means he intentionally was there for your dad so it wasn't like it was “one thing led to another”. This was absolutely intentional.

    I would never be able to speak to my father again. The line he gave you: “we need to talk” – no, no you don't have to ever talk yo him again unless you want to. He did something most people would find unforgivable. He really decided betraying his child to get his dick some action was fine behavior. He was fine using you as a cover to fuck a teenager.

    Tell your mother. You don't owe secrecy to your father.

  7. Horseshit. Fantasies are NOT real. Fervent wishes like his that he calls a fantasy doesn’t change that.

  8. And if you believe he wasn’t having a physical affair with her before your divorce, then I’ve got a bridge I can sell you.

    Seriously OP, your feelings are very valid, you’re well rid of him. And just remember this, when a man marries his mistress, it creates a vacancy.

  9. Also, she 'randomly' showed up on a day that girlfriend is normally out of town.

    I would buy a random Saturday or Sunday drop by. I'm but not a work day drop by.

  10. Your wife is childish, and frankly, I wouldn’t support this at all. She can have good boundaries at home and take care of your children but that is their grandmother and your mother.

  11. Wow. Who would have known that threesomes and committed monogamy don’t really go together? You live and you learn. Nothing wrong with open relationships or swinging, but they’re very different from your typical monogamous relationship.

    “Trying sexual stuff out” is often the worst idea couples have if they’re not fully aware of the potential consequences and aren’t being as safe and informed as possible.

    It’s like people that just “try” some kink without really communicating properly before hand. If you don’t want your lover to get tongued and railed by some other dude then maybe don’t just “try” it.

  12. Logically that makes so much sense and that’s how I feel after but god in the moment is so intense. I don’t want him to die or hurt himself so I back off.

  13. Omg, get a paternity test now for when he needs to pay you child support.

    My youngest kid doesn’t look anything like me or my ex husband but I know 100% he came out of me and he’s 10.

  14. Same here with my husband. The stigma surrounding it is honestly fucking horrible. Especially when it’s such a common virus.

  15. you are not what the other needs.

    nice to hom to warn of cheating before he does it. but as he suspects you already do, i will too if he has the opportunity.

    stop the hemorragy now. 4 months is a drop in the ocean of your life.

  16. So, while you are now cuddling and kissing him (I dont know how does that look as taking things slow), Is he still staying with his gf?. How do you know he is not cuddling, kissing and sleeping with her when they are together?.

  17. Yeah it has nothing to do with his autism actually. This is who he is as a person, the drinking just makes it easier to come out.

  18. Oh, dear. This is a picture of two people both of whom have a lot of negatives, staying together because they think no one else will have them.

    First, you. Ignore the issue of him being older or needing a sofa or things like that. Let's deal with the elephant in the room (sorry!) -your weight. I recently had weight loss surgery, you should consider it, but probably should try some less drastic approaches first. You also need mental health treatment for everything that ails you. So, GET IT! Obesity threatens your life, if you don't see the signs now, you will, soon. I got the surgery because I was pre-diabetic and didn't want to go down that path.

    Now, him. He's an unhappy older man who married you because he didn't want to die alone. But he's unlikely to have a happy marriage as long as he constantly insults and provokes his wife. And in fact his disposition may be the reason he fears dying alone. He must have had other women in his life before you, and they wanted out!

    If you plan to stay with him, you should both get some couples counseling on your interactions to be more uplifting and peaceful with each other. I actually agree with other commenters who say you should split up, but I also recognize that might not be your own choice. You deserve some respect. Wishing you all the best.

  19. This really is a regular thing for you on a week night? And it never occurred to you that interrupting her sleep because you were horny was an inconsiderate thing to do?

  20. Being 'nice' isn't a win. Its the literal least he can do.

    “Niceness is a decision, a strategy of social interaction; it is not a character trait.”

    ― Gavin de Becker, The Gift of Fear: Survival Signals That Protect Us from Violence

    Please read that book.

  21. It's definitely the phrasing that's off, it's like it's a demand not a request.

    Perhaps OP you can work on being a little softer in your approach. If she bring it up, you could say you didn't mean to put her on the spot and that you'd like to get to know her better.

  22. >, she told me she never thought I was serious about the mutual proposal and feels like it's cheapening our engagement.

    I recommend asking her WHY she thinks you weren't being serious. If she thinks you weren't serious about this, then what other things does she think you're not serious about either?

  23. That was my point. He gets to be wombat crazy. If that's his line, so be it. But also that he has to live with that line. I can't imagine disowning my daughter if she changed her name to something meaningful between her and her spouse. “Moonlight SeptemberMeadow?” Well, they met at night, under a fullmoon in a meadon in September. Soo… Are they happy? Yes? F it. Moonlight SeptemberMeadow it is.

    But I also agree they should not cater to wombat crazy grandad just to keep him in their lives. And that just sucks too.

  24. you can download a pitch monitor app on your phone. I use it for checking my voice all the time, it's super handy

  25. For me, it takes quite a bit of “warming up” and then hitting the right places at the right angles. But true intimacy and knowing your partner is different.

    My hubs knows my neck is a place that gets me going. Some kisses to the right spots and I’m almost there. Kisses to my flower for a few minutes… so much almost there. Then certain positions and I am there!

    Every woman is different. You have to learn what gets you there. I had pleasured myself both with partners and without for years and learned my erotic spots on my body that changed the dynamic.

    I learned that I like being talked to: “thank you for letting me kiss you here” “I want you so much and just want to kiss this spot because I know it arouses you” “ Doesn’t this feel so good? “ as I’m kissed in places I would only want by the most intimate person in my life.

    It depends on what you want. You have to find that. And ask for it.

  26. I experienced something similar. I thought the relationship was ok. I mean, we had some obstacles at the time, but were addressing them and we were ok – that's what people in a relationship do, they work through crap.

    He sent me flowers on Valentine's Day with a sweet message, then just… Disappeared. Nice….

    I think it's normal when something ends so… inorganically, to be confused and to want to know what went wrong, what you missed. However, you also need to be honest with yourself. What helped me get through and not obsess over this person is the reality that I wasn't going to be able to change things and it wasn't healthy for me to live in that hole.

    Please, OP… Stop obsessing on this person who has moved on. Seek therapy to help you manage this, if you need help. I wish you the best.

  27. She wants to marry by the time she's 28, and have children by the time she is 30.

    You would be 26 at marriage, and a father at 28.

    In 2 years we will be 6 years in relationship and she told me that is enough time to know if we are ready to get married.

    She is correct. She is ready, and you are not ready.

    She cried that if I don't want to marry then I shouldn't string her along.

    This is reasonable. Six years of dating is enough time up to know if you want to marry.

    But I am not stringing her along, I want to marry her too but in the future, I am just not feeling it right now since my salary still isn't good for marriage although her salary is way higher than me.

    This is nearly the textbook definition of “stringing her along.” You are saying you want to wait until you are in your mid-thirties. That's ten years away. It's unreasonable for you to expect her to wait that long.

    Look, just be honest with her and tell her you don't want to marry her, because you don't. You have a very vague idea that you might be okay with it Someday, but you've set the earliest possible Someday so far in the future, it's the same as saying you may never be ready to commit.

    Let her find someone who wants to marry her and have children. You have no interest in marriage or children right now, and there's no guarantee to her that you ever will.

  28. Yeah, I mean, I can see where you're coming from but that's not really something I think that OP should be suggesting as a course of action.

    Considering OP's SO seems pretty insecure about this, it could be seen by SO as OP not thinking they were able to deal with the situation maturely.

    If it's something that SO comes up with, great, but he's not being mature about it already. I don't think saying what could be construed as OP thinking he can't handle it is more likely to cause an issue.

  29. Nope! Actually I have a prenup. Because again, divorce can be for a million reasons that could be my or my husband’s fault or maybe even nobody’s fault at all. Why not divide up the assets while you love and care for each other to make it easier in the future?

    But a paternity test means only one thing: you suspect the woman cheated….or maybe a mixup in the hospital? Or chimerism, maybe? But really, it’s that your SO cheated on you, lied to you, and took advantage of you. A scumbag. There’s really nothing similar out there to asking your partner for a paternity test.

  30. The reason you feel violated is because you were violated. I’m sorry this happened to you. Definitely find a new FWB that practices safe, consensual sex.

  31. Women cost you in money, attention, and time. It sounds like maybe you shouldn't be in a relationship right now. They take a lot of effort and time.

  32. He doesn't love your body enough to clean his teeth all he can kiss you… He isn't kinda if he told you to shut up and then when you responded negatively to that disrespect he said “what are you going to do about it?”

    This man isn't the positives you are listing.

  33. He said when OP has a beard he will be turned off. OP has already said he has stubble and OP said he's not turned off.

  34. Side eye for him not washing his shit though lol but still possible, people leave things in their pockets all the time.

    Next you should wear condoms, seeing that he doesn’t do laundry very often ??

  35. Ring stick up camera linked to your phone. Put it up when she is not home. Semi hidden outside. Or I would just take a half day on Wednesday and come home, park a few houses down and surprise her.

  36. I think it would be best to split up.

    It sounds like you and your boyfriend are sexually incompatible. It's reasonable for him to want to be with a partner who enjoys the same sexual acts as him, but it's unreasonable for him to guilt and coerce you into doing something that you don't want to do.

    It's not fair to him, and it's not fair to you.

  37. I think the appropriate answer is if she is going to go on an extended vacation with no firm plan to return, she isn't going to pay for it with joint marital assets. Talk to a lawyer and lock that shit down, formalize a separation. She doesn't get to drain your joint savings to leave you just waiting and wondering if she'll come back, while expecting you to wait for her. She's flat out telling you she's leaving you with no plans to return.

  38. The hell of it is that (an interest in) cheating is not the only worrisome possibility in this case…

  39. there is no good time for a break up. but you breaking up with her now … idk. i’ll say if you are willing, give it another month. try to push her into being independent more. but i won’t blame you if you break up with her right away.

  40. I mean, we could look at this from another angle: OP's husband is being a complete creep and the single mom doesn't know how to tell him (or maybe has told him and it has fallen on deaf ears) that she is perfectly capable of figuring things out on her own and/or doesn't want his company.

  41. Anyone who is here to “win” rather than actually give advice should just go to AITA where they can judge to their heart's content. It's kind of perverted when people come here just to insult posters and feel morally superior.

  42. I think his emotions can be explained. He's angry because she's not hurting, or reacting in any way to his abuse anymore. He's angry that he can't control her. And it's tearing him up. And good on her keeping him from affecting her anymore

  43. If you haven't saved yourself a copy somewhere do that. Some of these girls could not know anything about it. You need to do more digging.

  44. Another big one is affair babies: husband knocks up his affair partner and the wife stays and raises the baby as her own bc the mother runs off. It must happen in this sub at 10000x the normal frequency. Oh, and twins! And cheating with family members like wife's sister or something. Another big one in this sub.

  45. Your wife has a point. It’s crossed the line into emotional cheating. This level of communication where you start neglecting your own relationship and lying to your wife makes it very inappropriate.

    Instead of spending so much time and energy on this woman work on things with your wife and take your kids to the museum.

    Why is your wife not invited to these outings? When is the last time you’ve taken your wife to a museum or date?

  46. Yeah, you suck and I hope she has the strength to never talk to you again; I hope your other kids realize what a monster you are and also go no contact at 18.

  47. Yeah, you suck and I hope she has the strength to never talk to you again; I hope your other kids realize what a monster you are and also go no contact at 18.

  48. Why do you think you have a right to be in a bathroom.with her if she expressively says she doesn't want you in there?!

  49. I have sensitive skin. I bled and was swollen after my first downstairs wax so it can look pretty rough. Hopefully it is better if you let a professional do it.

  50. Oh my god and you believe him? YOU SERIOUSLY BELIEVE HIM???

    Girl don‘t do this to us, this is another manipulation tactic and lovebombing. „You‘re not like other women“ etc etc

  51. She doesn't have to pay. It's not standard for her to. Let's be honest, you only want to bc it's awkward at work now.

  52. If I wake up to my SO being “not so sneaky”, I turn onto my back and join her, 2/3 times it leads to sex, but the other 1/3rd is a fun mutual experience, but this interaction has naturally developed over the last 10 years, and works both ways.

    But this seems pretty soon to be sneaking one out this early in the relationship with OP laid there asleep…it seems…creepy.

  53. If you are doing 'loyalty tests' your relationship is over and going to fail..Here is some advice for you. If you break up stay broken up, its not going to work out all the other times you get back together.

  54. Stop feeding into the drama. IF people ask, just say “we broke up weeks ago because it just wasn’t working out, last I heard he has been dating x ever since, I hope he gets the help he needs.”

  55. Welp this is going to end bad. I wouldn’t do it but you do what you feel is best. Hubby thinks he wants this but actually seeing your wife get railed is something completely different from imagining it.

    Then seeing that person everyday in your home ? this shit is going to be a disaster. If you like your marriage I would advise you not to do this. Good luck and by the way your husband sounds like a dipshit.

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