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Verostar69live sex stripping with hd cam


6 thoughts on “Verostar69live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. From how you presented it, you initially asked to have a gathering and he said it was fine as long as it wasn’t a wild party…and then you took that as rude and controlling, and then the dialog devolved on both sides from there. If that’s what he said when you asked, that isn’t controlling and tbh…not really rude. You mentioned he bought the house and you pay rent, so if it’s in his name only…it’s his house and he absolutely has a say in what happens inside it. You didn’t portray him being unreasonable with what he initially said when he gave you conditional permission to have the gathering in the house. Seems like this is just unnecessary on your part, if you were only intending to have a gathering…why take exception to what he said when you asked that? If you want to have a wild party, just have it somewhere else.

  2. And girl do I appreciate it! I know you must be able to see all the ways in which I am naive, but I do wanna be accurate here. He didn't cause the spiritual awakening, no one did, and as dumb as it sounds that losing my virginity was the thing that did, it certainly wasn't the drugs anymore, as I have been at that for a very long time compared to my little life. You don't know the twisted up ball of nerves that I was for years straight. Hugging my own family started to feel too intimate. There was no trauma to make that make sense. Just letting my sister show me how to roll up my pants made me so anxious it was literally UNBEARABLY ticklish for some reason. And so was holding my own cats, and I fucking love cats. I was not myself. That's mental illness, baby! Having sex definitely opened me up inside and I will forever be grateful for that. Because it reminded me that people can be simple, loving creatures that aren't constantly thinking all the things I was letting actually ruin my life. Don't mistake it for teenage theatrics, although you make a lot of good points. My internal life has been EXTREMELY complex, most likely due to mental illness and trying drugs too soon. Please don't take it all as teenage theatrics. I may never be able to accurately get that nuance across and it frightens me. You are completely correct in that I was looking for stability, and he was probably looking mostly for control. But don't get it all twisted. I'm a very talkative person and unfortunately my level of intelligence is what he mistook for maturity, as self-indulgent and naive as that sounds. I know I'm still just a little baby

  3. Yeah don't listen. You're wife material when you find the right one and fit perfectly and that's all it takes.

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