Twilight-sparkle live webcams for YOU!


flash tits [Multi Goal]

Date: December 12, 2022

16 thoughts on “Twilight-sparkle live webcams for YOU!

  1. I don't know how you do it, he is a child. Ge still lives with hos parents a d from the sound of it, he never reakky had to live on his own, he always had money from his family, never had to manage his own life. He is playing the game in easy mode…

    I would reconsider a relationship with a guy that, no matter how much you explain it, isn't capable of grasping what financial struggle means. He is supposed to be smart, but can't understand basic maths. That's scary

  2. Your ex boyfriend sounds abusive and manipulative. You are not a burden to other people’s happiness – he is a burden to yours and is just trying to flip the script on you so that you can’t see the truth of things.

    Let him go – let him do what he wants with whoever he wants and take comfort in the fact that now you are free to do the same. I think you’ll find that as you reconnect with old friends and meet new people that your self-confidence will grow. And in time you’ll be grateful that you dodged this bullet.

  3. She is a cheater. Twice in two years isn’t a slip-up or a mistake or a lapse in judgement. It’s a pattern. My guess is she cheats on you constantly and these are just the ones you know about. But no matter what, there is no way you can trust a thing she says. I think you know what to do, but if you need someone to say it … it’s time to move on and let this girl go.

  4. Maybe a better metaphor (although I do like “Dollar General Lindsey Buckingham” and I love Stevie):

    OP = Stevie Nicks Husband = Lindsey Buckingham (not entirely innocent but oh well) Bandmate = Mick Fleetwood (or Joe Walsh, or Don Henley, or….)

  5. He wants to add a 3er person, he already has a person, you are 20, and have absolutely no need for this sort of drama.

    You are no longer compatible you both want different things, sometimes love doesn't concord all.

  6. Nah she sounds desperate for friends, like please why can’t she make her own friends! I don’t like mixing my friends with my family as it is and I don’t even like my sister that much. We’ve never been close

  7. Simple solution you divorce. He wanted his cake and eat it to.

    At this point both of you are better off with ought each other

  8. Usually gender swaps create different consequences but for this situation I honestly can't see the difference

  9. That's why you're losing interest. He doesn't care about you or your feelings. I wouldn't want to be with someone like that either.

    He tells you what to do instead of listening. He tells you how to handle things. As if you are a child.

    All you do is hang out at his house and sleep with him. No dates? No romantic dinners? No walks, trips to the movies, shopping?

    If you've expressed yourself repeatedly and he refuses to listen, he's not going to change. It doesn't matter if this is his first relationship. That's not an excuse for a lack of respect and treating you like a sex toy.

    Dump him.

  10. Yes, approach her. Tell her just what you told us, that you deeply miss your adult hangout time together and want to see her 1 on 1, not at her place with the kids every single time.

    You at least owe her that talk before you give up.

  11. Take this time by yourself to reflect on your insecurity issues. Absolutely do not bother her with your issues when she is trying to have a nice vacation. This is about you. Not her.

  12. If you truly believe that your “mental health will suffer” then you shouldn't stay together. While actual “mental health” means something entirely different to what you're stating, it can at least be stressful to be in a relationship with someone you clearly have no trust in.

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